Best Gamecube/Wii games

Just modded my WiiU and now I'm looking for games to add to it. So far I've downloaded RE2, RE3, Pikmin 1-2, Paper Mario TTYD, Eternal Darkness, Madworld, and NMH 1 and 2. Anything else worth getting?

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Metroid Prime 1-3
Resident Evil 4
MGS: The Twin Snakes
Luigi's Mansion
Xenoblade Chronicles
F-Zero GX
Skies of Arcadia
Tales of Symphonia
Mega Man X Command Mission
Rogue Squadron II
Pokemon Colosseum
TimeSplitters Future Perfect


Pikmin 2

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custom robo

I unironically loved geist

Not battalion wars. I just played it recently and it sucks ass. Imagine a first person RTS where the main difficulty in the game comes from not being able to lock on to enemies fast enough to command them to be killed due to slow aimlook sensitivity.

This is a pretty good li--
>Mega Man X Command Mission
Mein neger!

OP, you should definitely add both Baten Kaitos games to your list.

Thanks everyone, Putting these titles down for future reference.

Oh yes, Phantasy Star Online. That, too.

You should be running with a 1 or 2 TB USB HDD, right?

I'd just go ahead and get the entire Gamecube library. Not that many games, only 500-600 or so.

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Just a 256gb sd card. Not really interested in downloading the entire library itself just gems I might've missed since I just used the Gamecube as an RE4 machine.

did you do the hard eshop purchase mod or the soft? just curious because I still have a wiiu I'm thinking of modding. how long did it take?

Fair. You could try using the Gamecube ISO Tool to trim some of the junk data from any isos you pick up. For instance, if you get Animal Crossing, you can cut it down from 1.4 GB to 26 MB. Wario World cuts down to 261 MB.

I'd recommend both of those, incidentally, and I think picking up the mainstay Nintendo series would be a good call. Mario, Zelda, Metroid. F-Zero and Fire Emblem are good too. Chibi-Robo! is worth playing, too.

Ignore this guy, he wants you to suffer

hard eshop purchase mod, didn't take very long but i triple checked to make sure i installed everything correctly and referred back to the guide constantly to not brick anything

Don't get Luigi's mansion unless you've got kids to play it. I fucking adored it when I was a preteen but I didn't even get past the tutorial I cared so little, coming back to it again and even upscaled severely in dolphin. Total lack of interest once you've cleared it for the first time.

I softmodded my wii u and love playing on it but I haven't yet modded it to play to GC, I guess I'm missing some other components.

thanks. which guide would you recommend? also I had a blast with viewtiful joe on gc
do the coldboot haxchi setup

Nintendont should work in Wii Mode I think. That's the launcher I use for GC games on original Wii.

did you have to add homebrew launcher to your vWii as well?

I just modded it via BrainAge exploit and since then been busy playing eshop games but I've been wanting to play some GC games again like Samurai Jack/Eternal Darkness/AC without having to install my GC

Twin Snakes
Metroid Prime

The rest is forgettable or can be played on other platforms. Hope you didn't pay too much for that stuff OP lol.

I used to play this game a lot but now it flat out won't work on nintendont anymore and I have no clue why, every other game works just fine, too.

Who the fuck emulates gamecube without dolphin?
No seriously, the fuck are you doing?

why emulate when you have something with identical gamecube hardware and an hdmi output

beautiful physical copies, very nice

Dolphin is possibly the best emulator ever constructed. I'm usually super critical about that kind of shit but I'm fucking baffled at how it upscales so well without any drawbacks I can pick at. The thing fucking works. Plus it at least has more than single core support which is a fuck of a bugger with the most accurate emulators. All of them were designed with a single core in mind.

Good thread, i was just planning on downloading more GC/Wii games for my wii u.

OP you should also try out Star Wars: The Clone Wars for gamecube, and the Pacman World games for gamecube.

Oh I didn't know they eventually remade that game. I saw it the first time in a youtube video about the N64DD

This list is pretty good, just add:
>Timesplitters 2
>Zelda Collector's Edition
>Spiderman 2
>Ultimate Spiderman
>Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
>Super Mario Sunshine
>Phantasy Star Online
>RE 0

This, Dolphin is arguably the best, if not the second best way to play gamecube and wii games, though it still has problems with some games like the Rogue Squadron series.

Which is where the WiiU finds it's purpose, gamecube and wii games compatibility is 100% thanks to having actual hardware inside, and because the Wii U does up-scaling/sharpening on gamecube and Wii games plus the fact that the video is coming out of an HDMI, they won't look as bad on HDTV's. The games won't look as good as Dolphin however because it doesn't actually render them in a higher res.

It's a bit of a shame that the wii, which is one of the most available consoles and the easiest to hack, is also the better emulated one. I would prefer to have a better PS2 emulator which is bit annoying to pirate.

Here are some Gamecube games I would recommend.

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Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction

port where I think the Xbox version is superior isn't it

Gamecube is the worst nintendo console.

Little King's Story is great

Beautiful physical copies, very nice. Damn I wish games were still sold physical only

I guess somebody has to give you a (You)

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That's not the virtualboy

Here's some Wii games I recommend.

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Luigi's Mansion
Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door
Super Mario Sunshine
The Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventures
The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
Wario World


Castlevania The Adventure Rebirth
Mega Man 9
Mega Man 10
Metroid Other M
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Paper Mario
Wario Land Shake It!

most of these are at least good

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are wiimotes normally smooth or a bit erratic? one of mine has scratches but the other doesnt and it happens to both

batman brave and the bold is good I'm not sure where mine is

usually smooth depending on distance and sensor placement

custom robo

do you have a gamecube controller and adapter? if not some games won't be playable, particularly Mario Sunshine requires analog triggers . I recommend Skies of Arcadia

you aren't emulating when using a wiiU

I have the adapter they made for Smash 4

I'm not using a fucking Wii U you goober. You mean those stupid things they were selling like waffle makers at Target like five years ago? Yeah no fuck off.

grab the romhack of pokemon xd
it adds new moves and alolan mons

Nigga have you downloaded that Metroid Prime Trilogy?

The Wii U shoulda just been the Wii 2 and improved the motion controls and wiimote/nunchuck instead of being a shitty 360/PS3 with a built in screen.

are you retarded or baiting

Is the SNK arcade port better than the shitty PC and PS2 port of Metal Slug?

taiko no tatsujin wii ketteiban and chougoukaban
donkey konga 3