Be from Latin América

>Be from Latin América
>Government just announced a new tax for games
>They're already pretty expensive (over $90)
>Building a PC is expensive as fuck due to tariffs, can't run new games
>No real game industry here

How're you holding up bros?

Attached: 12243325.jpg (351x147, 15.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Is Trinidad Latin America
It's basically Venezuela
Especially now...

eso te pasa por vivir en un país de indígenas.
based costa rica is the setting for peace walker AND gaming is comparably cheaper to other latino countries

I stockpiled games before everything went to shit. Still got a long way to go before I run out.

This thread is just going to be exclusively about Spanish speakers, like it always is. I never see a single drop of any Portuguese in these threads.

sopa de macaco

Vai tomar no meio do seu cu, gringo desgraçado.


Something crazy I've heard one of you super soakers tell me is that many of you just use your phones as routers for internet connection. Blew my fucking mind and then realized that probably explains the shitty ping.

is Argentina really white?

white and blue, with a sun on the middle