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thanks reddit
based joshua
me and my reddit bros got scared cuz we thought playstation told xbox to shut the fuck up
Giant multi billion dollar corp tells another to stfu is scary shit though. What if they start hunting down them and their consumers?
innocent gamers will pay the price
>logged in to reddit
>he doesn't browse reddit and occasional repost screenshots from there to trigger the Yas Forums autists
>PS2 was launched 20 years ago
This can't be real
Wait, is Reddit really this bad? I always thought people were bluffing and it was the same shit as here. But those comments are just embarrassing
almost 75 years ago a couple more things were launching into japan :^)
Posting on cuckchan
It's ironic pretending. Please understand.
Why are you thinking out loud?
Its not ironic. There was posts about people who weren't gonna play bowlbo because the word pussy was in the trailer
you get those sort of comments from smaller niche subreddits
How the fuck can you tell he's logged in unless YOU use Reddit?
>No, this is NOT REAL.
It is real though, I just checked their twitter.
Why lie about that?
It is that bad, they also love shitty puns a lot for some reason. Even in obscure subreddits they behave like fags, don't be fooled into thinking reddit has a good side.
Thank you kind friend
And the comments on Yas Forums are any better?
Reddit is an echo chamber. If you don't conform to the norm, you get downvoted. That's why everyone seem to think the same on here, because if you think differently you lose your precious karma.
Because puns are the least controversial kind of joke so it's safe in a place where anything gets a moderation.
why do you think we despise reddit and want the crossposter to get banned?
ps3 is getting close to 15 years old
ps4 is already over 6 years old
90% of Yas Forums is newfags from reddit who came post-2014 lol
>I'm so glad it's fake omg
Yeah. They're a bit better than that
>ps4 is already over 6 years old
this is what blows my mind. I remember E3 2013 like it was yesterday.
This desune.
I used to be on reddit a lot, in the beginning it wasn't so bad, but the more I was on there the more disillusioned and jaded I became as I understood the karma system, the people who used the site and the artificial feeling of identity the majority of people exuded from their comments and posts.
Ironic sjwism is gayer than the real thing
Wow it's like seeing the average Yas Forums thread posting. Except friend it's "fren"
Its always weirdos and animators who obsess with armpits
misusing the word irony is gayer than anal sex with a man
He's got a comment box to write in. You don't have to be a CERN scientist to figure it out, retard.
There's nothing wrong with being a redditor as long as you're sane and use Yas Forums for your daily dose of redpilling. In fact i consider them braver for allowing themselves to be surrounded by bluepilled goym yet bravely fight on.
Phew, Almost though it was real and that kind of behavior IS NOT something I need in my life right now.
I need positive vibes.
It's even worse now. The CEO admitted to editing comments of people he didn't like, they planted mods in the Alex Jones sub and other "wrongthink" subs and deleted many others.
They also added a new policy where you get your account permanently banned if you upvote or comment in "no-no" subreddits.
Expect more /r/thedonald immigrants.
Sony could do this at any time and it would not hurt them one bit.
Yas Forums is BASED, reddit is CRINGE
>site that popularised cuckolding
>calls others cucks
go prep your girlfriends bull, you worthless waste of oxygen.
>site that popularised cuckolding
honestly /gif/ and Yas Forums aren't any better and there's also the cuckposters leaking on blue boards
You might be able to type something in and then it leads you to a log in page for all I know. You sure seem to know a lot about Reddit...
People are chasing the dopamine high of getting upvoted constantly there. I believe it is impossible to have genuine discussion on sites that allow you to visibly like/dislike comments or threads.
Am I the only one who has never seen or been to reddit outside of screenshots?
Not real and homosexual
you'd have to actually look for that shit to find it.
on Yas Forums and Yas Forums, you see cuck porn get posted here all the time without you wanting it.
people like reddit because it keeps content that you don't like from being seen by you.
Babbies first inspect element
>>site that popularised cuckolding
>>calls others cucks
You sure you're not talking about Yas Forums?
I feel like this is the xbox subreddit
stay safe
Look up the definition of irony you illiterate cunt. Youre not allowed to be a pedant unless you are actually educated.
It's GREAT for porn. They have these aggregator sites that just scrape it for images and let you scroll forever.
>nu u
expected nothing less of a redditor
I have never been to reddit other than searching for a link to a stream or if it came up as a search result for a question for something. Never posted or made an account or browsed
>ps4 is already over 6 years old
>FB filename
Wow, thanks leddit, I wouldn't have noticed the font differences without your help
>plebbitors brains are so rotten by mindless consumerism that they can't disparage between obvious satire and reality
I love it when my favorite brands are wholesome on social media :)
Edit: Thanks for the gold!
I've used it for download links for games or mods, but that's the extent of it. Shit that doesn't get archived or stay on the catalog long enough to grab.
>There's nothing wrong with being a redditor as long as you're sane and use Yas Forums for your daily dose of redpilling
this is the single most embarrassing post I have ever seen on Yas Forums. If you're older than 14 then seriously consider suicide
They mad