Netflix CastleKINO thread, discuss

Netflix CastleKINO thread, discuss.
Alucardfags not welcome here

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Other urls found in this thread:

>watching n*tflix "originals"

Why is he the best character on the show? I thought fags weren't based

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How did one man managed to ignite all the schizo christianity larpers on his show?

How is he so based?

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Black gay priests are usually pretty gay

>dual wielding vampire killer, a weapon that is unique in the entire world
>getting disarmed
>still killing a werewolf with his bare fists
what does this trash have to do with castlevania other than names?

That they are

Post your favourite castlemania theme, rate/hate each other

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>church is evil
It's trash

They havent even watched it I bet,otherwise they would know the context behind it

Church was evil in the games to idiot.

Because Yas Forums is just full of twitterfags. Just on the other end of the spectrum compared to the ones we usually see posted on here.


Game Sypha:
>trained as a monk
>Serves the Church loyally
>Sent by the church to stop Dracula
Show Sypha:
>heathen Gypsy
>Says she's an enemy of God
>Says she needs to destroy the Church

Game Trevor:
>Church asks him to stop Dracula after Sypha goes missing
>Devout Christian, prays to Jesus before entering Dracula's domain (pic related)
Show Trevor:
>anti-religious (like the show's writer who's never played the game)

Yet another source material raped and subverted by kikeflix

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I am asking this for the hundred time, where does it imply that?

Not 100% castlevania Iga did a good job.

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>Church was evil in the games to idiot.

Imagine defending this disgusting neckbeard who's never touched the games and brags about raping the source material

>Perhaps the most impressive feat about the entirety of the project is that much of its core staff had never even played any of the “Castlevania” games before tackling the project. Series co-producer and writer Warren Ellis noted that in putting together a story that would appeal to a general audience beyond those who play the games regularly, he was, in fact, the general audience. “My dirty secret is that I never played the video game, and had actually never heard of it previous to being approached about adapting it,” said Ellis.

>Warren Ellis: I have never played any of the games, never even looked at them. I wrote this entire show using Wikipedia and fanpages

>Warren Ellis: Famously, I never played the games, so I have no real knowledge of the series except what’s on Wikipedia or a fan page.

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Go back to Yas Forums I dont want to see you here too

No they aren't

so this game ended up being good despite the shitty visuals?

Happy to see Bloodstained still has a small but dedicated fanbase

It's unfinished and they dropped doing all of the kickstarter promises due to issues with publisher.

I don't even think the visuals are bad. It's a great successor to Castlevania if you ask me.

Yeah. It's basically a mashup of SotN, Aria and Order of Ecclesia, if you liked those games you'll enjoy Bloodstained.

Here's your (You).

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You are right, thats why in castlevania 3 they banished the Belmonts, God isnt evil, but the church isnt God, its led by humans who are easily corruptible, end of discussion

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Why are these subhumans coming to Yas Forums? this isn't a videogame, fuck off to Yas Forums.

Anyone played death gambit? I'm in the mood for some castlekino

That fag used to be based but then did a Sinfest and started putting trannies in his work.

lighten up Yas Forums it's surprisingly good. Stop being so cynical

>A family that is dedicated to the study of all monsters, their strength and weaknesses
>A family that trains how to combat their strength and weaknesses
>still surprised a Belmont, a literal monster slayer still defeats a monster with his hand 2 hand.

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There's nothing kino going on to this shitty adaptation. Fuck off to Yas Forums with your microdick impaled Alufag

They are doing some semi-randomizer instead.

Not sure why are you wasting your time here when its obvious most people don't even play or know shit about the games

bible thumping Yas Forums is the absolute fucking worst

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>Christian paladins slaying satanic monsters
>not religious
Cope and dilate

Play the games first friendo

>thats why in castlevania 3 they banished the Belmont
They didn't, the Pope specifically never stopped looking for them after they left because the general population was terrified of the resident monster hunters.

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Hi Craig

>thats why in castlevania 3 they banished the Belmonts
Never happened retarded cartoon only redditor

If you actually played the games you would know that Belmonts are really damn strong.

my only hot take is that i like classicvania more than metroidvania i'm sorry bros...

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English version also doesn't state the church exiled the belmonts.

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[citation needed]

Wasn't Shaft a priest? I REST MY CASE!

Classic Castlevanias are fun too. No need to apologize.

where's the retard who says vampires don't fuck or have no sexual appetite?
show yourself coward

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Most people here are SotN babies, no wonder they are all so butthurt.
Classicvania is the superior castlevania.

Yes, but a dark priest. The ones who align themselves towards hell and chaos.

>bible thumping Yas Forums is the absolute fucking worst

Agreed, they're massive faggots.


My man, they exiled them, the church did that, only cause a big dick vampire came to take revenge on them did they suddenly call them back, do you think they left of their own accord when there were monsters to slay?

Another funny thing is that gay vampires predates Dracula.

>My man, they exiled them
Got proof?

>My man
Dilate, redditor
>they exiled them, the church did that
Your headcanon

classicvania sucks, is boring, is clunky and slow as fuck in the majority of cases, and is too arcadey to hold up to the obviously superior RPG-stylevanias

Oh ok, so the holy warrior clan fucked off because they didnt want to hurt the feelings of the people, fuck off, the curch was the one that exiled people back then for this type of shit

whats the Yas Forumseredict?

please don't compare us to them, thanks

that breakdown is the best, along with the solo pianist going nuts

Nice headcanon

Kino? More like shit.

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Is it as bad as the last 2 seasons?
Should I bother watching it?

I swear somebody always posts this garbage channel in these threads. It's like he recorded it from a toaster. Listen to the difference.

I think the games are slower paced, yeah, but I like them that way. I just think they're neat and I have an easier time playing them. No item management or rpg bullshit, just pure gameplay and skill.

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if you don't like the first 2 seasons of the show why the fuck would you watch the third? just move on, jesus

Because the original vampires were based on Jews. Look it up.

there was more action and it was decent, but everything that was about Alucard was shit and the Trevor and Sypha stuff has no meaning to the big narrative

>priest proven to be wrong, even shunned by God because the priest himself was an evil person
>good guys win because they use holy items to fight the demons

almost as if the show was saying it wasn't the church itself that was evil, it was man who is easily corrupted by power and greed

>church in games
basically irrelevant window dressing
>church in show
bad i guess
who cares?

>and is too arcadey
I like arcadey games and being slower paced isn't a negative here.

>to hold up to the obviously superior RPG-stylevanias
Very few of the post PS1 style Castlevania games are ones I revisit. There's just too much bland archetecture and level design and the emphasis on stats and equipment isn't as enjoyable as just jumping into the experience. And it's not like the combat is really outstanding.

That being said I do think that Order of Ecclesia is the best of both worlds. Fair amount of variety and experimentation because of the glyph system. But the game starts off with more linear stages before giving us a proper castle that doesn't wear out it's welcome.

Ok then, who else had the power to exile people for supposed supernatural powers, for non-retards the word exile has one meaning when it comes to this