Welcome! The Rune Factory Thread is perfect as always today!
Welcome! The Rune Factory Thread is perfect as always today!
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I love Raven.
ryujinx hurry the fuck up I WANT TO PLAY RF4 SPECIAL
Reminds me of Daria
oh my god
>just beat third dungeon
the one and only silver i got is best used in the scythe for better seed level right?
also whats the least painfull way to get trees to 10, im still quite early and without a good way to make cash i cant spam nutrients
What's the best use of the main field in early game for winter. Should I not worry about growing out of season crops or is it more profitable to grow the winter flowers despite the cost for the seeds and formulas?
I really wanna play through the games all in order now. I played a bit of Rune Factory when it released, but I was a stupid kid and never got very far. I'm sure it's probably pretty clunky, but I still want to experience it for myself.
But for now I want to take it easy and enjoy the postgame in RF4 for a while.
>Know I can easily break the game
>Still don't because find that shit boring
>fishing festival
>haven't rescued the horse yet
HAH, get fucked dylas. can't beat me if you are still busy being a horse.
I HATE her best friend!
What about the OTHER fishing festivals?
I forgot how innocent Amber's reaction to a confession is. She goes speechless and it's really adorable.
Plus I always liked how existential she gets when she's serious.
I just want an easy gold trophy for my cellar to never look at again. he's getting rescued right after. assuming the thunderhorse doesn't rape me too hard on hell
If you take Raven to water ruins she tells you that the horse is crying.
TERRIBLE taste user.
This was stalling my game until I read you can change nicknames in your basement, but I don't think they're translated that accurately. Or sometimes completely wrong. There's an option to pick Baby, where she says that calling someone Dear is something an aunt would do. And one of the other options is Dearest, so I don't know how they screwed that up. I'll probably just go with Master though.
Amber's got quite a bit more depth than just being the token loli wife, it's a shame people don't like looking past that.
Amber frowning makes me uncomfortable
What pet names did you pick for after marriage? Calling Leon Master has really funny dialog.
>Leon:...The effect that has on me is a bit more potent than I was anticipating
It's what makes me want to protect her and care for her.
>That bedroom
W-why is the fertilizer bin in your room?
Where else would it be?
I left mine where I found it, next to the water I use to water all my crops and sprinkle on enemies.
How does the searching skill work exactly? Also where do I find more treasure chests? I need silver ore before going into the obsidian mansion for the first time.
There are no toilets in the castle.
is he good in battle?
You can get some silver from maybe 1-2 requests and chest are random.
>Fishing so running back and forth between rooms 2
>Going too fucking quick and spot a silver chest just as I leave the area
Oh no... Now I HAVE to marry her...
I don't get fertilizer from my farm, so I don't see the need to put it near it. This is where I warp back, so this is where I dump the stuff I bring back with me. I plan on putting crafting furniture in the side room, but everything inside the house. It looks nice that way.
That's what your field is for. The hole behind Venti is for her diahreea explosions
>accidentally fireball a silver chest because a duck moved out of the way
I understand your pain. Thanks, guess I gotta just keep on moving from room to room.
>Beat act 1
>Pushed my way to the sech's empire snow area
>Still waiting for act 2
Hell mode seems to get progressively less hellish the farther you go.
god she's fucking cute... how does rune factory make these dumbass anime tropes so endearing
>Hoarding points so I can merge my cooking tables
Why the fuck is it 5000 points?
Just play the 3DS version.
pre-ordered copy from shop probably not coming thanks to lack of stock
just great
I want hell mode. Already beaten 3DS on hard.
>tfw threw rune ability out the map by accident
It feels tough reaching a new area, but the experience boost lets you climb levels without trying.
If it was avenger rock you deserve a giant rock spike jammed up your asshole
This reminds me of something I saw years ago
>Dicking around town, most tasks done
>See my daughter in the corner
>run up to say hi
>before I reach her she trips and falls on her face
>stop and watch
>she gets up while her crying voice clip plays
>guiltily go talk to her
>"I'm gonna marry daddy when I grow up!!"
The amount of depth that went into this game is unreal
>She says this in a room full of Goblins
can you have more than three girlfriends? i've been saying "i love you" to all the girls in the town since they hit 7 stars, and i've managed to start dating three. but now i've been trying for an in-game year to recruit maggie, and i've had no luck.
what gives?
The chances of accepting decrease for every girl you're dating. It increases with every LP, but the rate at which you gain LP also decreases, especially since you're not going out on dates. It'll be slow going, unless you savescum like mad.
i mean, i've got two girls at 10 hearts, and neither of them have accepted for several seasons
Melody was such a boring girl. Though i guess that it's not like you can do much with a shop keeper who needs to be at the shop all day
I hope RF5 has another witch wife.
Hopefully one that's less sociopathic. I like cute witch girls, but Marian was a complete turn off.
Venti best girl.
How do I get stupidly powerful as early as possible?
Grind forging/crafting to level 50.
Then craft a broadsword/small shield with 6 items, then fully upgrade it, all while only using level 10 items. The spare crafting mats and upgrade mats can be anything but they need to all be level 10.
Me too. I’m sad they stop doing witches after 3
Drink object x every night before bed to boost all your resistances.
put a magilou clone in rf5
Fighting monster with Dylas!
Fishing with Dylas!
Courting Dylas!
Dates with Dylas!
Marriage to Dylas!
Passionate, nervous, missionary sex for the sole purpose of procreation with Dylas!
I love Dylas!! Dylas!!!