FF 7 gets a full blown remake

>FF 7 gets a full blown remake
>FF 6 gets pic related
wtf bros
will we too get a 3D remake one day?

Attached: Final-Fantasy-VI-feature.jpg (1920x1080, 708.71K)

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Please, no

For some reason they did III and IV but not V and VI.

We already got Terra and Celes and nothing else.

Attached: _ffvi_tina_branford_by_randomizedlife_dc1qs4c-pre.jpg (752x1063, 70.29K)

This game wouldn't even be successful if it did get a remake because it's such a basic game with nothing interesting about it.

For someone who's never played it, what's the definitive version of VI?

GBA w/ sound restoration patch

GBA get music mod

Squenix went through a Mobile phase for like 5 years in which they just made shitty remakes of the first 1-6 and Chrono Trigger final fantasy games on phones.
Will they ever go back and give them a proper remasters? Probably not.

Why the fuck is Japan obsessed with making everyone's head enormous.

Ignore and . SNES original is the only way to play it, and if you want MORE sidequests after it seek help.

SNES original is bugged to shit and only has one speed-boosting esper, who you lose permanently when going for 100%

SNES with Ted Woolsey translation


It was an intentional choice so they could display expressions without having the sprites take up too much room and require extensive load times.

Snes with Brave New World mod

"Bugs" that you are very unlikely to ever notice unless you read about them. If you're a fag then there's always Final Fantasy VI - Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition


Anything but the GBA version. ffs it's almost worse than the iPhone shit.

>will we too get a 3D remake one day?
I sure hope not.

Eat shit, faggot. 6 would be fucking glorious with modern graphics.

Attached: IV3WFK8mljMB8OUPbf0AAYnpE1L0oL6vyNaFDehC.jpeg.jpg (480x251, 108.01K)

you have extreme autism

>modern 3d graphics
Looks more like that jank ass 3d that Octopath had.

>Ted Woolsey translation
Fanfiction you mean.

Why would you want FF6 to get a remake when the FF7 remake looks like absolute trash?
>but muh graphics
Who gives a shit? The game is fine as it is. A remake would be worse than the original.

You are an emotionless normie with no respect for the arts.

Yo, I'm currently playing the SNES version. I like it so far.

>playing the censored version
I'd say thats even more fanfic tier

>5 never gets any love

Not necessarily. What's this cynical view you have towards everything new? FF6 with an overhaul of graphics and gameplay has literally unlimited potential.

GBA version is fine, you just have autism

>implying you won't piss and moan like those are with FF7R currently

FF6 is obnoxious pretentious trash.

Remake V.

Was 6 even ever popular, or is it just a ton of contrarians?

I wish. Everyone and their grandmother ripped off its braindead class system, even though the one in VI was far more complex and thus better.

objectively speaking GBA has the most content, including restored cut stuff. It needs a patch to restore music (there's also one for color correction, much like ff5). SNES has a better translation because it's done by a much smaller team and has a lot more cohesion and doesn't feel so stiff and literal at certain points.

It's a lot like the comparison between chrono trigger DS and SNES. SNES has a better translation, but DS has more shit, for better or worse.

you choose.

It's shit. The GBA was weaker than the SNES, it can't play FF6.

Contrarians of what?

wat? FF6 began the transition away from class systems and FF7 completed the transition.

FF 8 and 2 are contrarian
FF 7 is pleb
FF 6 and 9 are patrician

the rest are irrelevant

>FFVI remake ala VII
>but it's only up to when you leave Narshe
>that will be 60$+dlc+tip

Contrarians and nostalgiafags that created the current hivemind of video game opinions.

The only weak part of the GBA FFVI game was the soundtrack.

SNES Final Fantasy III for the original 1994 American experience.


Squeenix remakes will be censored by SJW feminists ethics department and lose all its SOUL

Unironically, the mobile port is the definitive version

and the shit graphics

I don't want a 3d remake of FF6
That's how you lose all the soul

What does the mobile port have that the other games don't?

>The only weak part was also by far the most important part

8 isn't contrarian either. Every magazine gave it perfect 10 on release. It's just sponny fantards and newgrounds emo-haters who came down on it because it wasn't braindead crap like 7.

FF followed a pattern up until 7
Odds (1, 3, 5) all had job systems (though 1's was primitive)
Evens (2, 4, 6) all had predefined classes but allowed for customization through other means
7 was what changed things

Probably didn't sell well enough. I thought the IV remake wasn't bad, didn't care much for III.

>shit graphics
yeah, the literal same identical pixel for pixel graphics from snes.
Unless you mean the colors, which are not the graphics, they're COLORS.

ok retard

Those 20 minutes are superior to literally every single thing Square-Enix has ever done, aside from Bravely Defaut.

Script kinda sucks, IMO. But the gameplay/balance/bugfix changes are nice.

AWR mod makes a decent attempt at fixing it.

Better sound and huge quality of life improvements in the ui and menus. Everything else is untouched.

Wait, the official GBA remake has different music or is this problem with emulation?

>the 3rd 16bit game on an aging console didnt remastered
>the 1st 3D game of the series on a next gen console gets remastered
I wonder which one had that "it" factor deserving of it getting, or not getting, a remaster....

The problem is that the GBA's soundchip is total shit while the SNES had a great soundchip mad eby Sony.

I'd like one with a full yoshitaka amano design to it like a painting-esque feel. But that's too much to ask right?

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Can we just have a fucking PSP IV style remake. For fucks sake.

Attached: 1694990-615911_20110419_020[1].jpg (480x272, 56.91K)

GBA and SNES have different soundchips, they had to remake the music
basically the same music but worse sound quality, hence why people made a sound patch to restore the SNES music for emulation

They were lazy cheap mobile ports just a shame because we had good 2D remakes previously particularly the PSP versions of 1/2/4. I think one of the most annoying parts of the mobile ports was the enemy sprites were extremely high quality easily on par if not better than the aforementioned PSP ports. Now if only that same details had been put into the rest of the game.

Holy shit how do you have it completely backwards? 2 and 8 are patrician, they have the most intricate and enjoyable customization options, vs 6 and 9 where characters are basically pre-built.

Considering all this arguing about which version is best, how about the PS1 port? That's the only one I ever played.

The GBA's sound chip was as good as its programmer.
Literally it just ran right off the CPU.
Use the restoration patch and it sounds great. The opera is an actual opera.

Easily the worst port by far just for the loading times.

A direct downgrade of the SNES version. Unless you like the cutscenes I guess.

they just announced remake you idiot

4 is a very primitive and short game compared to 6. Remaking 6 is a major undertaking which is why it has never been done; the GBA version is basically a port of a romhack. It's the GBA trying to play a SNES game, not a remake.

Objectively worse than the SNES soundchip in every way.

I really hate those rpg maker sprites for the characters. Ugh.

>playing FF games for the gameplay
have sex pls

>Remaking 6 is a major undertaking
I'm so sick of this stupid, lazy fucking excuse.

the cartoonish remakes of V and VI are unironically better than their originals. only trans boomers disagree

It's pretty good. It doesn't completely ruin the game like the GBA or iOS crap but it doesn't add much either. Basically your best choice outside of a SNES.

Maybe one day you get a remake like with FF3 and FF4. Those were really good, even if they were chibi.