Half Life Alyx is gonna be shit because it's VR only and it's gonna flop because it's VR only. Go on...

Half Life Alyx is gonna be shit because it's VR only and it's gonna flop because it's VR only. Go on, call me poor for refusing to purchase a brainwashing helmet.

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i'm not saying you are poor, but you sound like a poor person

It may be a financial flop, but I don't think that'll bother Valve much. They have plenty of cash anyway, they put this game out mostly to sell VR.


>saying a shit game will flop

ok zoomer

Someone will mod it and make it play like half life 2
If valve doesn't just make a non VR version first

It's fair not to want to get into VR at it's current state but the medium isn't going to get anywhere if nobody makes big games for it.

I can't see this happening until an SDK is out. VR games in desktop would be pretty boring because half the fun is physical interaction and that's being replaced with animations.

>brainwashing helmet

i think you might be taking it a bit too far

All I got from this post was, "I'm poor."

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>brainwashing helmet
ok retard


they are corona virus carriers he has every right to be suspicious

oh really? then why was facebook so keen on cornering the market with their device? and still are...

Papa Bear is browses Yas Forums too much

you are being paranoid as fuck just buy and HTC vibe then you wont have to worry about facebooks "brainwashing"

I’m glad it’s VR only. The VR needed a AAA title with some higher budget and effort put into it. It legitimizes VR a lot more and opens the door for more potential. As a gamer I am happy and excited about this game.

It'll flop because no HLDM


as a consumer i am upset and pissed off about this game

as a fat man i am much too lazy to play it

HL:A has sold Index units off the shelves and into an indefinite backorder. At a thousand dollars per unit, HL:A is a commercial success before it has even released.

Even with the sitting mode?

yes too much arm movement i weigh 300 pounds

>VR filtering lardasses
It truly is the Chad way to game.

In case anyone wants to check out what it's like to be OP at work in VR:

Good thing no one cares about Americans

there is 300 million of us

>brainwashing helmet
If only it were that good I’d drop $400+ right now.

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I wish developers wouldn't make VR games motion controlled. It's a huge monkey paw, you get a very immersive view but you can't use traditional controls, what the fuck why?

Would you rather have a regular "Generic story-based FPS game 475"?
VR is the only way this franchise could ever live up to it's hype and I'm glad they took a chance.

And luckily we will never have to see you in VR. Eat a salad fatty.

based and mcpilled

because traditional controls don't work well in VR unless you're in a vehicle.

>It legitimizes VR
we also legitimized marijuana and look where that got us. people are even dumber as if americans weren't stupid enough already

I don’t care. When is the Artifact relaunch?

nope if i lose weight i lose my one good excuse for why im single

Do people actually think that Valves expects this to be a blockbuster? It's supposed to sell VR headsets, nothing more. That's why it's not a main-game.

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Why do people have such a chip on their shoulder about VR? If it doesn't interest you, then don't purchase it. It's pretty fucking ridiculous how outright hostile people get about it, like calm the fuck down

What ever helps you cope.

The poorfag meme is true. They're salty about missing out.

Its not even poorfags. You can get into VR for dirt cheap now. The real culprit is underage fags who can't convince their mom to buy them a headset and are too lazy to get a part time job.

>anti-HL shills are also bootlickers

Who would’ve thought?

im single cause being with someone gives them the right to control you

Lol, poor butthurt kiddo.

people were waiting a long time for a real half life game and instead we get a motion controls tech demo

it was never about selling a lot of hardware. the index and all of its components sold out really quickly last year and are not being restocked until next week, which i assume will also sell out rather quickly. there is enough demand that they can't keep up with it. it'd only be considered a flop if a game like this couldn't sell a single headset but the reality is quite the opposite.

i've got my eyes on a pair of those controllers since the Vive controllers are so bad anymore. then once i get those i'll get to play the game and find out how mediocre it really is. will see. also you're poor.

VR is a gimmick.

Speak for yourself cuck

This shit is just Wii wagglan all over again. I tried this stuff out at a VR arcade, and its dogshit. Its not immersive.

>floating hands only
I see valve is still lazy. Apparently the rest of the body is too much effort.

It's Saturday morning. You wake up, watch some cartoons and eat breakfast. Then you head over to your battlestation, put on your gear and get ready to play a game where your hand controls a hand inside the game.

The year is 1989.

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>This shit is just Wii wagglan all over again
Why are people so deliberately ignorant about how VR tracking works

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people are afraid to speak their minds here because enthusiasm/positivity about anything is met with piss & vinegar because this isn't r*ddit, furthering an overall groupthink of the same themes/memes. this infects the entire board. every one of these threads are exactly the same. there really is no need to bring attention to the fact that these people cannot think for themselves, they can't be helped. take nothing from this place and leave your perception up to yourself.

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Some people cant lie to themselves and see vr for what it really is

Those random chips, circuit boards and wires look so fucking laughable, it honestly looks like an intentional joke or a parody of something.

Starting to worry that my 4690k won't be enough for this shit

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>Some people cant lie to themselves
and yet here you are

hate how city 17 looks like a mix between paris and a generic american city now

why? It looks like 2012.

>people are already building their own custom levels
Hammer 2 is going to be amazing, there's no way Valve isn't going to whip up a SDK

>it's gonna flop because it's VR only.
Do you still not get that the goal of the game was to sell headsets? It's already succeeded.

How good the game itself turns out is another matter, but this is already a tale of two retards with both sides being stupid.

I can already see the shitposting.
>game on a platform with 1000$ barrier

People's problem with the wii was not the tracking quality.

>it doesnt need to sell to be successful
the absolute state of valve drones

you're looking at a postcard m8, you have no idea

Yeah, seriously cannot wait for custom maps.
Maybe we'll finally get Underhell Chapter 2 lmao

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I have a wii and that was definitely one of my biggest problems with it, the poor tracking is why WAGGLE TO DO THING became so common in place of actual tracked movements
Also motion controls just don't work outside VR

The tracking was why the motion controls didn't work

the motion controls didnt work because they were motion controls

>retards pretend it's only playable on $1000 device and not any VR helmet yet again
Do you ever get bored with your autism or something?
I don't even own a VR headset but I can't be upset about Valve actually doing something again instead of just jewing people away with steam cut.

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an accelerometer is not motion controls

>motion controls arent motion controls

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Some people have nothing better to do but shitpost on Yas Forums. The common things to shit about are the price of VR, how the movement is teleport only (which it isn't), or something about "VR IS BAD AT IT'S BASE".

wait so you're mad because you're poor? have you considered getting some money?

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A mouse works by tracking your motion.