Gerudo women are commonly unable to find husbands

>Gerudo women are commonly unable to find husbands
Who the fuck is gonna believe that bullshit?

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>rigidly militant dominant woman with little understanding of social norms outside of her despotic city-state
>oh buh buh me coom....ehhh me cooms
Hiw about you shut the fuckle up

the good hylian men already have hylian wives.
the trash tier hylian men don't interest the gerudo.

Men usually don't like feeling like they're the bottom bitch, and not all men are going to be super buff demons that can overpower those fucking gazelles. In turn their standards are probably pretty high as well, so even if a limp dick onions male wants her, she certainly wouldn't want him.

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I want a gerudo woman to step on me and milk my prostate so bad

That's why they kidnap men from villages and force them into marriage.

I want a gerudo woman to milk my prostate with her big gerudo cock.

>Who the fuck is gonna believe that bullshit?
Nips are mouthbreathing retards. News at 11.

Isn't this post racist wtf?

Standards are too high.

Unless you're from a nordic democracy they have a better society then you'll ever know.

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Gerudo are 99.9999% female, user. There are only so many hylians with a lust for giant women to go around.

The women really do shape the caliber of men in a society. If the women have shit standards, the men will just be slackers. I do wonder however if a society of women with crazy standards would actually make men rise up to their standards and improve themselves, and what would exactly be the cut-off point. How much would men be determined to self-improve themselves just to impress the females?

It's hard for them to find men as good as Link because there are none

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link isn't a man

This is why fucking Gerudo is top tier, you would have to be a true giga dick Chad tk conquer one. Peak performance

That's because you're into terrible fanart that doesn't capture the spirit of the game and is meant to appease dumb coomers like you

Dating or even marrying a Gerudo would be awful. They're like 8 feet tall and weigh 400lbs. She would probably princess carry you around just for fun. And imagine if she wanted to have sex but you didn't, you would literally be unable to stop her. Plus they can only have daughters who will be just like their mother. You're essentially guaranteed a house full of 6 ft tall giants by the time they hit their teens.
I just can't understand why someone would want a Gerudo woman.

Holy shit my cock is so hard right now

>doesn't capture the spirit of the game
did we play the same game?
You can put link in a full suit of armor and he's still wasp-waisted.
Or perhaps you like the clothing that puts in him in a skin-tight suit that shows off how wide his hips are.

bullshit, even the meanest bitch has a permanent tiking clock

>They're like 8 feet tall and weigh 400lbs. She would probably princess carry you around just for fun. And imagine if she wanted to have sex but you didn't, you would literally be unable to stop her.

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Oh yes, link is totally a 100% masculine Male in-game.

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>better society
>your life is controlled
>ghettos proliferating
>soft-power dictatorship
>better society

I want to be kidnapped by a gerudo loli that's both taller and easily stronger than me

>Or perhaps you like the clothing that puts in him in a skin-tight suit that shows off how wide his hips are.

Hot projection coming from a guy who stated Link wasn't a man. I don't know why you'd pretend otherwise unless you were trying to convince yourself that you're not a faggot, you're very focused on his hips for some reason instead of his actions or character.

Nothing doesn't look masculine about that, he's just wearing desert/tribal clothes. You could at least post the purposely humorous Gerudo Voe outfit if you want to make a disingenuous argument.

Cooms are all that matters. Every one of them would be married within a week.

Gerudo are canon sexually aggressive what with the bad rep of kidnapping and yu know the risk of being a sperm donor to another possible King of Evil doesnt help.

>a hypothetical woman who's taller and stronger than me? sounds weird and gay, bro
>when was the last time you asked a girl out?

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You've got it the wrong way around, bucko. We do in fact currently live in a society where women have crazy standards due to the internet/dating apps massively expanding their frame of reference to the point where they only accept the high-tier men. But the sad thing is that this doesn't actually produce more high-tier men, it's just that more women share the high-tier men that are availible. Low-tier men aren't striving to become better, they're just withdrawing from women alltogether.

>you will never be kidnapped and forced to impregnate every single gerudo in the village
Sometimes I wonder why I even wake up

So you're just going to make the exact same thread over and over?

That's not high tier men they're filtering, just pump'em and dump'em type of chads. Not exactly high caliber, high fiber men with good values that will take care of them and want to form a family unit and whatnot.

Hello newfag retard.

I hate to admit it but you are completrly correct

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Ganon/dorf was a Gerudo, so orange women bad!

All of that sounds far better than most of the west yes

That woman was an escort and that dude's a cuck. KWAB

I see, you are clinically retarded

>Men usually don't like feeling like they're the bottom bitch

I do.

>Only lanky or fat beta virgins want a woman who looks like a Gerudo.
>Women who look like that want strong alpha chads.
>Chads just want docile, submissive women.
It's a vicious cycle so many of you fags can't comprehend.

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Yes there are men that also like women that take a dump in their chest
Keyword here is most

>wannabe-househusbands waxing philosophical

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>shut the fuckle up
Is this new reddit speak?

>only 4 pages
Goddamnit oda

>I say we buck outdated gender norms already, I wanna be a stay-at-home husband for a strong dominant woman

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>those noses

Someone who doesn't like women with pinocchio noses.

>he doesn't want to experience the legendary nosejob

Well, now playing BOTW, i didn't reach the gerudo desert but no wonder they can't find them.

>The distance between villages is long
>The roads are filled with monsters
That means that people usually live most of it's life in a village and don't travel much, finding love fast, so many guys are taken.
And if the gerudo woman finds a husband, and he isn't a fighter, she is stuck in a perma escort mission until the desert, in a world filled with monsters, with weapons that break and long distances between safe spots for food and rest.

I hope in BOTW2 there's a gerudo marauders that travel together as a pack of wolves, raiding villages for food and men. Home is wherever they want home to be.

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Yeah, that's pretty much all nu-Yas Forums is these days.

>lipstick smear blowjobs
Yes please.

Are you fucking serious he's not even an adult, what do you think, the average 15-16 year olds should look like jacked as fuck grown men?He's not a MAN, but he's not a woman either, that's a teenage boy

Why are coomers so dumb and lacking in common sense? You guys love to complain about ugly western women, about standards of beauty yet you ignore that the standards of beauty go against big muscular women as they are not the classical ideal.

They adopt outlandish fetishes to make up for their lack of a personality and zero success rate with real women; they also cope a lot

gerudo breed with hylian men 99% of the time they are just another type of hylian at this point

>tfw no big female Gerudo feet to pamper ;-;

They have far higher standards than human women. Judging by the number of angry virgins that can't meet a regular woman's standards here on this site, I'm surprised there's even any Gerudo left.

Someone mentioned "oda" as the artist name or something but I couldn't find it.

pls sauce

Attached: 15620-030719 (16).jpg (800x597, 43.64K)

Look at the catalog. It's just the same threads over and over again. We're just /vg/ 2.0
Or if you can't access sadpanda:
>[Oda non] Rakugaki Ero Manga, Breath of the Wild no Urbosa-sama! | Random Porn Manga, Breath of the Wild's Urbosa! (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) [English] =The Lost Light + mrwayne + Hennojin= [Decensored]

I'm dumb, you can just remove the 'x' and enter '-' instead and you get the regular gallery if it is non-forbidden content.