Which pretty boy JRPG serial killer do you prefer, Yas Forums?
Which pretty boy JRPG serial killer do you prefer, Yas Forums?
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I like Joshua personally his smugness is amazing and being able to drop cars on enemies was pretty fun too
Left because he actually won
>Jesus Beams vs pancakes
Decisions, decisions...
Which one tops?
JWG is better
Joshua because he’s basically god
I prefer pretty lesbo JRPG serial killers
What game?
タオルケットをもう一度6 and 笑う、わらわぅ
We need more pretty boys irl. I used to have a guy with similarities to goro in a class. To many mixed beige chubby zoomers with the same gay mutt cut instead of slender white qts with medium length smooth hair and colored eyes
I want to fuck both of them
Can Joshua really be considered a serial killer when he only shot Neku twice (and even brought him back with the second shot)?
Joshua doesn’t do this shit so he wins just based on that alone.
Neku got shot and killed again by the reaper in A New Day then Joshua told Hanekoma Neku doesn't matter and left him for dead.
I wouldn't call Joshua a serial killer. I don't really prefer either of these two over the other though, I imagine Joshua is far more well liked on Yas Forums, but I'm not really crazy about any of the characters in that game, and I don't dislike Goro as much as a lot of people do. I will say that I prefer Goro's design and general aesthetic to Joshua at least.
Joshua is arguably more consistent as a character and is a cool-headed, sardonic prick who Jesus Beams shit to death. He’s great. I found Goro to be way more boring in comparison.
>A New Day
Fucking WHY, Square?
Fags with one hand prefer the left.
Joshua because he isn't pants on head retarded and was in an actually good game.
>implying fags wouldn’t go for Akechi as well
Right acts like a retard and his fake "normal" persona is boring as fuck. Left is actually interesting, is written in a way where all his dialogue makes sense, and ends up improving the MC as a character.
>I wouldn't call Joshua a serial killer.
He literally makes Games for fun that have to do with random people being hunted for a chance to get resurrected and placed a wager on an entire city's existence just because he thought they were getting too mundane and boring. Even the requirements to play the Game are very steep taking away major parts of your life and development just for the sake of it. Let's also not forget your entry fee can actually kill people who have won the right to be resurrected (For example Shiki) if that person ended up mattering to the other Player and said Player ends up dying. His Game is unbelievably unfair and guarantees the deaths of thousands or more per week. Hell, even though Week 3 is an anomaly they basically put all the lives of the Players on Neku's shoulders and were going to let them all die with Neku just because of the nonsense surrounding him without a chance at all.
Let's also not forget he directly killed Neku just so he would take part in his Game meaning he's fine with jumping into the RG to kill people just to play in his game.
TWEWY 2 never ever, I can't believe they made such a sequel tease with A New Day. It's World of Final Fantasy Maxima all over again.
They also had to stick in that girl from the countdown just to give people seeing her PTSD.
Actually, going by the Secret Reports, Joshua’s Game is ultimately necessary for Shibuya. Even he can’t possibly judge all of the souls in the UG by himself and thus created the Reaper’s Game in order to make that process more manageable. The Entry Fees are also meant to be help the Players improve as people and have then reflect on what made them so important in the first place. Also, I’m sure Shiki is an anomaly because of how Kitaniji wasn’t able to bring back anyone to life due to Joshua’s absence so he had to bullshit an excuse.
I'm not saying Joshua's fair or anything, I just wouldn't describe him as a serial killer, it doesn't feel right to call him a serial killer, it's like calling God a serial killer for smiting people. To call someone a serial killer gives the image of a specific kind of killer, you wouldn't picture a soldier as a serial killer even if they have killed many times, you picture someone like Jeffrey Dahmer, and Joshua does not feel comparable to someone like that.
Oh, and to add to this, the Players are all already dead. The Reaper’s Game is essentially their second chance to come back to life. Joshua is a prick, for sure, but he isn’t exactly pure evil. It’s actually why I love the Reaper’s Game as a concept. Its job is to filter out the most creative who would be of most benefit to keeping society healthy and offer them a second chance and the Reapers, while being sadistic in a sense due to how their jobs revolve around erasing souls, aren’t objectively evil due to this.
I actually love how the Reapers aren’t all bad guys and actually offer helpful advice to the protags or are just total goofballs. It makes them feel like real people in a sense.
>Even he can’t possibly judge all of the souls in the UG by himself and thus created the Reaper’s Game in order to make that process more manageable.
It's still a very unfair process with Neku being an anomaly that can utilize pretty much every pin available to Players. Normal people would have to essentially deal with Neku's situation except gimped to like one or two pin types at most on top of having to beat any major Reapers that come after them and then a GM. How is that fair to any regular person? Shiki and Beat basically hit the jackpot meeting Neku, even people we see that are competent like Nao and Shuya I think his name was die within three days and we never see any other Players, just Reapers.
>Also, I’m sure Shiki is an anomaly because of how Kitaniji wasn’t able to bring back anyone to life due to Joshua’s absence so he had to bullshit an excuse.
Fair enough, and while week 3 itself is an anomaly it's still blatantly unfair to the Player and anyone who got wrapped up in their situation. The Players during week 3 were basically sheep to the slaughter just because Neku was there, no one even allowed to have a chance.
Fair enough point, though he's not really God considering Hanekoma was ranked higher than him from what I remember since he's an Angel. He's more like a judge with powers from heaven that can take matters into his own hands.
True, but Joshua still goes out to shoot Neku just so he can play on his team and then steals his memories, his best friend essentially, and then a bunch of innocent people on top of that. I wouldn't say he's just either, and he's fine with letting an entire city get wiped without intervening. The most he does to Coco is just half-heartedly shoot her. He also allowed Sho to go around killing Reapers via Taboo Noise and then allowed Sho himself to detonate his Pi Bomb because he thought it was a fun thing to watch.
Sota and Nao actually made it all the way to Day 6 and really, the only reason they died was due to how Taboo Noise are an anomaly and are actually illegal to use.
Also, I’m pretty sure Joshua wasn’t behind all of the Players being taken as Neku’s Fee in Week 3 due to how he’s in Another Day during that period and can’t come back due to how much energy it took from him to dodge Sho’s bomb. That was Kitaniji, who was seriously that devoted in making sure that Neku got Erased and that Joshua wouldn’t win, since that would mean that Shibuya would get destroyed. Needs of the many and all that.
Is it weird that I think TWEWY’s villains as a whole are more interesting and charismatic than the P5 villains?
>the only reason they died was due to how Taboo Noise are an anomaly and are actually illegal to use.
That's actually a pretty fair point, yeah. So then they probably could have made it in reality. Plus from what we've seen even Kariya and Yashiro do kind of hold back on people at times if they like them enough.
>due to how he’s in Another Day during that period and can’t come back due to how much energy it took from him to dodge Sho’s bomb
Completely forgot he did this, I still have Another Day left and didn't remember much behind the Tin Pin stuff so my bad.
>Needs of the many and all that.
Yeah, understandable. I don't know, at the same time I feel like it's still on Joshua that he's willing to erase an entire town because he simply doesn't like how homogenized everything is getting and how it's not as upbeat as he wants it to be. Kitaniji is basically the good guy in this situation despite how hard he ran Neku into the ground.
Yeah, true. Joshua was being a little shit, no matter how you slice it, but you do have to remember that he’s basically a demigod. And considering how negative emotions can lead to a huge influx of Noice and cause Imagination to dwindle, as we’ve seen throughout the game multiple times, you can sort of see where he’s coming from.
I don’t think it’s weird. Almost all of the villains in TWEWY all have their own little nuances and quirks that makes them feel more entertaining and/or likable. Sho is a great example of this and so are Uzuki, Kariya, Kitaniji, and all of the other grunt Reapers as well.
no, but the pudding of doom guy is worse than any p5 villain
No, obviously not. Only the bad parts of the villains of P5 are seen, to the point that your major exposure to all of them is entering a world that is built around that person's worst attributes. The game isn't trying to make you sympathize with them or make you care about how they came to be this way, it would run against the points the game's trying to make to waste time on a sob story for someone like Kaneshiro. The only villains it tries to portray in a positive light at all are Goro and Madarame in Yusuke's Confidant, but even then it's pretty light on it. It's not at all like TWEWY where the game tries to impress the villains on you, with the exception of some of the Reapers, but even the more notably bad ones have some quirk they use to try and make them a bit more charming.
I think that guy was a great way to ease off the severity of the situation and be a little fun even if it was more than likely that you would miss him
>dissing based Reaper chef
He’s literally the only guy who did his job correctly, wants to do nothing more than to please his superiors, and genuinely praises Neku and Shiki for their victory over him. Also
Joshua as Goro isn't a character and more just 20 diffrent things fatlus crammed into one
>And considering how negative emotions can lead to a huge influx of Noice and cause Imagination to dwindle, as we’ve seen throughout the game multiple times, you can sort of see where he’s coming from.
But then you have (yet another anomaly) in Coco who can manifest Noise throughout an entire town in her own control (Not even a Taboo one mind you) and you have to ask if it's even a viable point since he's only sort of concerned with her entire situation and writes her off just because he feels like it. Then she resurrects Sho of all things via his Taboo sign. Yes, Noise is made from negative emotions and there was a lot of it, but this girl can summon one to simply control an entire town, everyone in it, AND force people back into the UG yet to Joshua it's like just another day at the office. It feels like his priorities and morality really just aligns with how he's feeling at the moment.
A New Day is weird as a whole, honestly. You know how Atlus tends to get shit on for how their updated rerelease’s new content feel like they take a shit on the game’s narrative? Yeah, a New Day feels like that.
>got to the last day of the last week
>currently in the gimmick fight rush
>stopped playing for like two months
I need to finish.
Even ignoring Coco he's alright with letting his fellow Reaper summon Noise to fight the Players so I guess he's fine with human misery and strife in small amounts?
Yeah, that is a good point. I still like the casts of both games well enough, though. Wonder how they would interact.
Not him but he wasnt many peoples favorite character for a reason, we barely get to see him and when we do it's for maybe 30 seconds and then when his fight is done we never see him again
>Time for a taste test
>and when we do it's for maybe 30 seconds
He was around maybe three or four times for a couple minutes actually though you're right it's only around day 4 or 5 you actually start seeing him. Hell, he spent an entire portion of a day essentially breaking Shiki's spirit and making her question her life then Shiki had her existential crisis after that.
>Neku tries to convince Yusuke of the greatness that is CAT and gets into art discussion with him. He also finds himself relating to Futaba a lot
>Beat and Ryuji constantly get into dumb shit with each other
>Shiki and Ann talk about fashion and shit
>Joshua fucks with Akechi on multiple occasions while Akechi wants nothing more but to strangle him
I always found it a fun coincidence that both Neku and Futaba happen to be orange-haired, headphone-wearing loners with Sakura in their last names. Though Neku is a hell of a lot more abrasive about it compared to Futaba at first.
>Wonder how they would interact.
Depends on if Neku is still edgy or if he's gone through his arc. Joshua intentionally provokes everyone and pushes their buttons in a painful way.
Post more TWEWY/P5 art please.
Why is there a lot of TWEWY/P5 art anyway?
They’re both incredibly stylish games that revolve around a group of modern teens fighting monsters and shit in an alternative version of Shibuya, with the games placing a huge emphasis on how certain trends and popularity can really shape modern society.
Persona and TWEWY fans tend to overlap a lot.
>pretty boy
>P5 gets a crossover with SAO
>but no such thing with TWEWY
Josh is a serial killer?
Does shooting the same guy twice count?
Didn’t the guy that leaked Cloud for Smash and supported Hero leaks tease a multiplat TWEWY sequel To be announced this year?
>multiplat TWEWY
How the fuck would that work?