Why do Russians love CS:GO so much?

Why do Russians love CS:GO so much?

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i dont

Cyka blyat

it's free and runs on potatos

Everyone plays it. So to have conversation with other cool kids at school you must play it.

All ex commies are about 20 years behind the West in trends

CS is bigger than ever nowadays.

I want a Russian wife

>CS is bigger than ever
MOBAfags say the same thing. In the west no, no these games are old as fuck and nobody plays them. Yeah chinks and slavs play them but is that really relevant at all?

I want a cute russian gf who would beat me up and sit on my face


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she's tatar

manly hands... Is that a dude?

easy to cheat on

I'd tartar sauce off her ass


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Slav women are a blessing on this earth, I don't even know why other Euros even marry nonslav women. Beautiful and caring and feminine, what else can you ask for? And really easy to get too, as long as you are not a Ruskie yourself, they seem to have some sort of distaste for their own men, no idea why.

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>no idea why
Because they're too busy playing Dotka all day while listening to Hardbass

Attached: Average DotA 2 pug.webm (320x240, 2.03M)

>caring and feminine
Yeah, so feminine youtube.com/watch?v=yVFFk3wqfNI

peak feminity right there

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They want your citizenship

As long as they don't immediately leave me.


Russians had something similar to computer clubs.
These were the clubs where you could play popular lan or online vidya for a small price per hour. It was extremely popular among kids and teens, it quickly became a culture. It was like your EVO or cybersport shit, except you could get beaten or stabbed for being good, cheating or for any other reason there could be for a fight to break out.
Because of the culture around it, it just happened that Q3, Dota and CS 1.6 were the most popular to play in a lan match, where all the players were in a single room, competing making callouts and trash talking each other. Because of the crowd mentality and people trying to fit in, it became cool to play Dota or CS well. So most of the visitors were playing these games not because they liked the gameplay or the setting, but because it was cool.
Then these clubs became obscure, while everyone who was still interested in gaming got a pc and a proper internet connection. But the popularity of the games remains today.

lauren southerns sister isnt european
>inb4 pic not related

I don't see anything nonfeminine in this video. Bitching is standard feminine behaviour.

That's also why the game is unplayable in eastern europe
Every game is littered with those subhumans

It's a long time tradition

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She looks pretty Euro to me mate.

Sounds like warframe

Why, oh why do these women actively try to look ugly? Is it so Ivan doesn't rape them?

I'm playing it on a potato and fps count drops to twenty-something at intense moments.

Born and raised in Canada baby

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Euro blood though. Also Canada is way closer to Europe than the mutts right?

Eh, they are good by the western standards but by the local ones are too spoiled by the modern western culture already. Current generation can't cook for shit and don't want to. They are terrible at housekeeping and other regular female tasks.
Russians prefer wives from minority groups - tatars, chuvash and all the other insiders, even girls from ex-soviet middle Asia are far superior. They all grown in more traditional families and acknoledge the role of the second after her man.

Russian's like guns and games that aren't focused on Russians vs Americans.

Oh I see, I guess that makes sense why they don't want to go for their own men then, they want to be equal like Western women but their men want them to comfort to the traditional gender role of a woman. Westerners on the other hand prefer having them as equal. Can't really blame them... Especially when the alternative for Western men is this.

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I'm russian and pretty sure that all the kids play Fortnite and PUBG nowadays.
Only some old 30+ years dudes still play CS:GO, same guys that played original CS.

slav here
lmaoing @ your life unironically, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into with one of these slags here,angel on surface absolute gremlin inside is average woman here, a worse fate I wouldn't wish on any enemy

which pidor fud u fuq

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Wtf is that thing on the left?

warframe doesn't run on potato retard

Except the game is actually good and not freemium garbage

yeah, i dunno what they're talking about. you definitely don't want to marry the actually hot ones.

More feminine than the average western roastie who claims to be a princess while sucking dicks in an alleyway after getting drunk in a party

As user said above, they do not treat Westerners like they treat their men. I assume you are Slavs yourself, so do not compare them being bitches at you with how they treat other Euros.


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runs on a toaster and low/no entry fee

poorfags want to play games too ya know

lmao whitoid they will treat you even worse, only hook up for money and cheat on you

i'd love to hear more about this. i grew up in new york going to chinese mom and pop pc cafes and later korean pc bangs from middle to high school.

the only danger involved was when my mother found out i was late coming home after school or skipping church to go play at the pc cafe.

Russians enjoy quality games too

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Lol this is what Russians actually believe. Greek here married to a Ukrainian girl, she makes more money than me and loves me more than herself. I mostly take care of the kids and the house and work on the side. They are gold-diggers for you because you have nothing else to offer other than money. They are not like that for men with other things to offer.

you arent white nor western

cute Yas Forums meme, you forgot to call me Albanian in denial.

Ticking time bomb, really

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>he's so poor he gets his wealth from a ukrainian

>he's so poor he gets his wealth from a ukrainian
I am Greek man, being poor is our thing. Also I am actually a lawyer, so not that poor, I just don't work much, just dealing with contract law. She makes more than me being a statistic analyst.

>Ticking time bomb, really

Why would you say that? Is there something wrong with Ukrainian women in particular. We have been together for almost a decade now, things seem to go quite well.

This slav be talking the truth
Bitches be fucking crazy

>Is there something wrong with Ukrainian women in particular

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Explain please @_@

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Here's another Slav Asuka, explain please 0_0

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>white niggers
i wonder why