Things that should be a standard in 2020 but for some reason aren't

I'll start
All cutscence skippable and pausable

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Ability to zoom camera out/change FOV
Rebind every action on controller or keyboard

Yes, oh God

Create-a-Fighter in Fighting games. And level editors for every game that should have one.

Modeled genitalia

unlocked FPS cap

Government assigned big tiddy goth gf.

It absolutely boggles my god damn mind that some FPS still release without fov sliders. Do the fucking hacks that make these things even play their own games? I mean holy fuck.

Quick save

Yes! mfw

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>All cutscence skippable and pausable
also fast forward-able
>Rebind every action on controller or keyboard
winds me the fuck up that this is not a thing

Alt-tab without crashing and this one

And rewatchable! I hate accidentally skipping a cutscene and having to quickly turn my console off before it autosaves.

>have to piss
>do i risk testing if i can pause the cutscene?

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Fast menuing. Artificial lag time between selecting options in a menu is the quickest way to turn me off from a new game I just started.

Fully completed and tested game on release.

Boss select.
FPS capping without V-sync.

No more small penis jokes

Damn son. Sad but true.

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fucking offline mode drm bs
i fucking hate always online drm that prevents me from using the product i bought because some fuck is scared about losing 0.000001% of profit to pirating
i have a gayming craptop for its mobility, so i can easly take it to collage, my friends, or anywhere but no internet means all my twitch app games, biizzard app and a lot of my steam games just dont work dispite having all the data on my ssd because no internet no games

Being able to open a menu and access old tutorials you've already seen.

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Just switch steam to offline mode dude. The rest can go fuck themselves with their always online bullshit, though.


Universal healthcare in the US.

THIS. So much this!

dedicated servers

I can deal with unskipable cutscenes but unpausable cutscenes are fucking cancer some of us actually fucking get phone calls.

Subtitles that you can change at least the font, size, and color

old games use to have cutscenes be a unlock you can view so you couod rewatch and appreciate the effort put into the cutscenes
fucking army men games from the 90s had game over cutscenes you unlocked when you lose but nowadays the corporate procedure is, " fuck you"

t. ADHD or some other autistic shit

How about universal QUALITY healthcare? It's hard to provide a good service when nobody is getting paid for it.

Changing FOV in multilayer games is cheating.

Australia seems to manage it.

Photo mode and cutscene viewer.

This shit is scary. It might pause but it might also skip
And this fuck.

dumb useless features

Cheat codes need to be a standard again.

steam is exempt from my rage because it actually has a offline mode
its mainly twitch not letting me use Minecraft mods on my pc because the offline mode for twitch is a lie they refuse to make work for 5 years now

You’re a dumb useless feature

Well it takes time for the 3rd world to develop enough for things like that

LAN support, dedicated servers and a server browser.

federal health care < state planned health care
fuck any over arching federal law that disregards individual stare rights
gov health care would work but not federal health care

the newest blair witch has that. nice little touch.

Yeah I miss dedicated servers

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i want basic shit, like coverage for emergency situations, like life threatening stuff people have no contol over or chronic condition help
people should not toil to afford better medical assistance

>press escape during cut-scene
>nothing happens

i hate games that dont have server support
it just puts a life expectancy on the game! and as soon as profit drops the corporate shits will pull the server's plug

Game should never rely on fps for anything like physics/damage/etc.

>Customized control sets
>Menu options are always in the menu
>Graphics are the bare minimum of the generation

They have to have good healthcare, everything around them has poison, sharp bits, or poisonous sharp bits and has a burning desire to see humans die.

fucking kojimbo

Video cutscene aspect ratio doesn't adjust to monitor's aspect ratio.

Cuscene video framerate is 24 fps and poorly encoded version of the consoles' versions' graphics. Video tears.

Free button mapping options on consoles. THERE IS NO EXCUSE for not letting me adjust the controls to my liking. You hear that, devs?

pause in multiplayer games

And go beyond just rebinding keys. I want to be able to swap functions. Have one button do multiple things, or split the function of one button to multiple.

>game has the ability to change graphics in real-time
>menu blocks the view

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It fucking blew my mind when titanfall 2 had full controller customization and a FOV slider to boot

>Change graphics settings
>You must restart your game for changes to take effect :)
The only time this is acceptable is if you are changing the graphics API. Anything else is bullshit.

>you must restart your game to apply these settings y/n?
>can change settings at anytime and if you hit yes it shuts the game down no save fuck you

>menu with a bunch of options
>you can't press "up" once and go directly to the last option

Based retard, if it's build in the game and anyone can do it how is it cheating?

Tutorials are optional, especially the fucking basic ones that tell you to move.