also EU IV thread
1.3 will be shit
How so? I'm thinking of trying this one out, so excuse my ignorance on the subject.
I can't even look at it anymore. Just make it stop.
Stop breaking the game :( Bring back the old launcher.
All from Common Sense is going downhill
>1.3 will be shit
Why? I didn't follow the news.
Social Justice
how so?
I think i've milked this game for all the enjoyment I could ever got out of it
This, 800 hours here.
Paradox can't do shit anymore. Stellaris is kill, their new game, Emperor is totally shit. I don't even want Vicky 3 from them at this point.
EU4 is shit no matter what
Play EU3, Vicky 2, or Darkest Hour instead
I want to try darkest hour but I am a hoi brainlet basically. Any advice?
>that france
That was how france started in earlier versions of the game
This kills the france
nah EU IV have always been shit
EU4 is shit because every game just devolves into 5 blobs covering the entire map
I don't remember there being that many OPMs on the start date.
Last time I played was Rights of Man though
hoi4 is rubbish as well.
well you get banned on forums for calling ottomans kebab
you get banned for calling them out for bullshit they do
at their forum you can agree or RESPECTFULLY disagree
they are from sweden, you can tell that by they love for muslim content
tho nof full SJW they are bunch of crybabies
This is peak europe
>1.3 will be shit
Explain. From what I've seen it's gonna be absolutely based
I always wondered if there were any people in Constantiple who were alive when it fell that ever made it to the new world
you couldnt develop provinces
you have to westernize
almost no nations had national ideas
forts in each province, and without monthly cost
buildings cost mana
looks like I remembered wrong, my bad
Is there a better feeling in EU than dismantling the HRE?
>tfw 2000 hours in it
Goddam I miss when I could get comfy with this game
desu hoi4 has always been rubbish so I it doesn't hurt me.
Suprisingly it's in the same time most abandoned and most popular paradox game.
I imagine most of the people in the city when it fell were butchered by the Turks
>Bring back the old launcher
but how would they than share your personal data with their partners (tencent)
golden century was pure bullshit and in 1,5 year they didnt fix fucking missionary cost
not to talk about being able to have just 1 flagship even while you have 500 heavies
as well as iberin locked holy orders
and AI exporting minorities so you cant convert new world or do one culture, one tag, one faith wc
The last Byzantine Emperor apparently took off all of his markings of his status and went into the battle on foot with his men. He did this so no random t*rkdog could claim 'I killed the Emperor!' and become some sort of roach hero.
The game will continue to be shit until they do something to improve trade mechanics beyond casualising them even more.
>that one retard who insists on playing byz in MP games
>always fails
Byzboos are idiots, honestly. Fail empire
having HRE zerg swarm?
>he doesn't know
Stop believing anglo lies about them colonizing America.
ok but what about 1.3
>GUYS... GUYS.....
There were actually Caribbean islands colonized by the Knights Hospitaller
>but how would they than share your personal data with their partners (tencent)
This is the line for me. They changed launcher for a more buggy one simply to gather and sell data. Fuck that. Also the whole "we need adjust our games to GDPR" was also supposedly because they were gathering a shitton of info, but apparently it's okay as soon as you accept their gdpr stuff. I don't want to do anything more with Paradox.
Are there games that are still on old launchers?
>golden century was pure bullshit
It was so disappointing holy shit. Luckily I got it for free from a friend, I would never buy that shit.
Paradox are well documented cucks, but this has been the case forever. How is 1.3 going to make the game worse?
Everything that I've seen about 1.3 is great
>Complete merc rework
>Province rework in parts of Europe
>Fractured France start
>TONS of new gov reforms
>HRE and Catholic rework
>Complete revolution rework
>Many more changes, like Provence having cores on Naples
they wont listen to player feedback, which cause game to turn into shit
and when it turn into shit they wont fix it, or even acknowledge they fucked up
in this they are on par with bethesda consisteantly fucking up their games
look what Golden century bring, nothing expect missionary cost bullshit which wasnt fixed in over 1 and half year
4 years till they partialy fixed mandate of heaven
>constant gay anti-fun mechanics harassing the player to handicap them in the face of mentally retarded AI completely unable to handle the feature creep thrust upon it
>answer to "why spend mana to develop when you can conquer" is kneecapping conquering instead of making developing more appealing just like every single "incentive" to play tall
>daring to bring any complaints up on paradox hugbox forums will have autistic bootlicker level at you the historical accuracy of AI doing 720 degree retreats into siberia and only willingly engaging when they have calculated victory and the protestant's 100% resistance to conversion for arbitrary amount of times
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with this company
implying 1.30 wont be buggy mess because those cucks dont test their games, and fix wont came in less than a year in form of other DLC
>tho i hope it will turn into something good, i know what quality i can expect
i think you get them in vanilla as well, they just adding events behaind missions and call it addition
fucking this. game was fun but it was years ago. for good autism expierience go eu3
>Seriously what the fuck is wrong with this company
Because they make niche games they control majority of the discourse about them through their official forum and subreddits that they own. This lead to them being genuinely surprised when Imperator bombed despite the communities being "exicted" about it after banning the dissenters.
is ck2 worth a pirate?
are the lewd mods good?
explains alot
At this point I miss the early versions. Last time I played was 1.5 years ago and it already felt like every mechanic they implement is there just to handicap the player and from what I see now it's only getting worse. It's just not fun anymore.
yes its best game ever created
is it easy to impregnate your mother in vanilla or should I get the lewd mods for that?
don't know
is ck3 going to be good?
was that after or before the institutions bullshit?
no, stick witk ck2 masterpiece
>"we won't remove mana from Imperator"
>removes mana from Imperator
What did he mean by this?
I refuse to play on new patches because they're always a fucking mess, for reals
Also testers in PDX were complaining that they are overworked and underpaid, so it makes sense I guess.
If you play as zoroastrians, you get bonuses for straight up marrying your family members and they have a magical hidden trait that makes getting Inbreds 80% less likely, which gives you no reason not to impregnate your mom. Also it makes a pretty hilarious scenarios
>faction that supports a pretender gets support of almost all the country
>turns out the pretender in question is my sister-wife
>instead of weakening my country in a civil war, agree to their demands and retire to a lower position
>our nephew-son is the heir for both of us
>all these reworks
Perhaps if they made well thought and polished development decisions they wouldn't need to rework everything in literally every single patch/DLC
Oh wait they balance their game on their little office MP sessions and purposely break things or don't implement/fix stuff in order to milk it in the next DLC.
Is there some mod to look eu3... well... less shit?
5D chess
implying testers exist in that company
The core of the game isn't good but there was still some fun to be had early on. The more they started to tack on to it, the more obvious it became that the foundation was totally rotten.
I don't really get how they could fuck up so badly, because if they'd just built on EU3 while fixing some of the problems it would have been a much better game.
What a retarded thread. I guess the retardation keeps the thread going though so that's good.
I was still playing by that time. Hated that shit. Every AI country seemed to embrace them way fucking faster than me despite stockpiling mana.
>but how would they than share your personal data with their partners (tencent)
I wasn't aware of this, can you give me the tl;dr? What kind of data are they sharing?
if you think its look like shit...well...then you dont deserve palying it
go back, sucking DDRjake, before you get territorial corruption
this is a Waifu universalis thread now
Heading west to westernize was so much fun. Now there's nothing to do in Europe.
It is still there, but instead of 3 mana's you just have 1 that does 90% of things called political power.
the very first mod i added for imperator was a no mana mod, shame there is none for eu4
Not really. The graphics aren't the worst part though, you can get used to that. Lack of QoL like recruiting templates, no middle mouse button map traverse, and just plain bordergore are worse in my opinion.
I don't really know why, but somehow bordergore got really bad in Divine Wind when it wasn't anywhere near that bad in In Nomine.
Also, prepare for wasting a lot of beaureaucrats to x5 speed and inattentiveness.
Gotta love usa spawning in africa