Just finished it. combat is good, visually it looks very nicely aswell. With a nice waifu included all in all 8/10
However what did you think of it Yas Forums
Just finished it. combat is good, visually it looks very nicely aswell. With a nice waifu included all in all 8/10
However what did you think of it Yas Forums
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Would you recommend a torrent? also is it pretty? been playing RDR2 and holy fuck every game now looks hideous like its actually hindering me playing games
It got massive praise for not being completely shit.
That's how low the bar is for Star Wars games. Everyone expected it to be unplayable, so just making a mediocre, boring game with a lacklustre story and a barebones plot was still enough to make it 10/10IGN, because it was "good enough" or "better than we feared".
>tfw 1313 never EVER EVER EVER EVER
Why did EA have to get the god damn license? why didint R* get it so we could have Starwars GTA?
i thought it was boring as shit and dropped it at dathomir
exploration should really give more than just dumb skins and an occassional estus shard
Would you say its worth a torrent?
Typical generic garbage that would have received mediocre reviews if if it weren't made by an Anglo company.
Visually i would not say it would be up to standards of RDR2 but its still pretty to look
I agree with you a lot and i hope that this game is succesful enough to spawn more singleplayer star wars games
Not for first reply sorry
Ah dang makes sense tho R* are slave drivers, so is the combat as good as Jedi Academy? or good enough to be worth my effort in finding a torrent?
If Jedi Academy combat was a Nissin noodle cup, then Fallen Order is a Yumyum noodle packet.
This game is what the new Star Wars movies should have been instead of... what we actually got. Mostly cause it expands on the lore and delves into some old continuity. While also having good characters.
Not worth finding a torrent i would say
ah, dang im pretty bored desu Harvesting Season is soon tho il just go back to Snek pussy
So passable but you know you could do better?
Fuck exclusive licenses, I want my Project ACES game.
Lol fuck that gimme the one thing I truly desire.
>Wanna play what looks like a fun game
>ABSOLUTELY DESPISE cheesy 70's retro futuristic Star Wars art style
How could despise it? do you not like Starwars?
Only three of the worlds felt actually finished explorable places.
The "loot" was shit.
Apart from that it was pretty alright.
>he hea
Story started strong but got really stupid towards the end, erasing the records pretty much makes the whole game pointless so the canon doesn't get fucked up
The highlight was the Order 66 flashback, which just made me wish the whole game was set in the Clone Wars
>ugly black woman is a better character than anyone in the nu-trilogy
what did kathleen kennedy mean by this?
I never got the complaints about diversity in starwars, like its a fucking galaxy there will be hundreds of different races of humans and aliens why complain? its like bitching about a light blue twilek vs a dark blue one who cares?
It was overpraised because it wasn't completely shit compared to modern Star Wars games, but if you compared it to Kotor or Jedi academy it'd be completely shit
I always felt the obviously antiquated vision of future that Star Wars has too silly. I get why people might like it, but huge supercomputers with lots of lights and *bip bop* sounds are not my thing.
Ironically, I'm a MASSIVE sci-fi fag. Stuff like Halo/Titanfall/Warframe, with more "modern" look at future is more of my jam
Pic related says it all
Unironically racists. Nobody wants to say it but it's the harsh truth.
Just look at the initial reactions to the Episode 7 teaser on Yas Forums and you would know immediately where all this new ebic star wars hate comes from. It has nothing to do with the actual quality of the products
half of the game was just trying to get where you need to go, and that was just a pain in the ass.
>Out of all the people
>Of all races
>In the entire Universe
>In all the galaxies
>Why this monster ?
Well user back then thats what computers looked like they were styled after those big airport switch boards or the old NASA ones and I like it big ship big problems so it needs those big PC's plus there is alot of minimalism
(also compare the villians here to the new one with Hux crying and bitching and Kylo Ren have temper tantrum) also holy fuck I love Peter Cushing hes fuckin badass
>I never got the complaints about diversity in starwars
What complaints ?
big universe user not everyone is pretty (lets be honest are you any better?) and think about how fucked everyone genetics would be.
Game is a technical mess and needed another six months in the oven
>lets be honest are you any better?
>fucked up genetics
Why ?
these ones
Dont get me wrong I aint no SJW or shit like that I dont scream patriarchy, but like its a massive fucking galaxy I see no issue with whites, blacks or asians because well its a big galaxy genetic offshoots are bound to be thing
>It has nothing to do with the actual quality of the products
Yeah it has nothing to do with bad writing, how they treated old characters, or how they made the original trilogy pointless it's just racism
its a poor mans Tomb Raider crossed with a poor mans Dark Souls.
>Star Wars fans are racist
No, it doesn't. The movies could have been perfect and would still be universally hated. The racists just got lucky that they movies also ended up being pretty underwhelming
Easy think about all the genetic off shoots that would occur from people being on different planets and all the space travel there would be a MASSIVE increase in mutations and genetic fuckery.
Nobody listened to him they didint want to hear the truth
Its a fun star wars for one or at best two playthrough. Story is a okay Jedi story, characters are boring as fuck, dorky looking MC, retarded scene with that woman vs Vader.
Plus points if you are into exploration and star wars lore.
thought exactly as you said its a solid 8/10
You're actually retarded if you think that
A few people on Yas Forums aren't the entire fanbase
Man Fin had fuckin potential.
Also Rey should have turned to the dark side and either have Fin or Kylo bring her to the light
Yes. If lando was revealed today it would be forced diversity
>Complaining about black people is the same as complaining about how they corporate literally chose actors on merits of skin color to have a pandering diverse cast and hoard pink money
This is why such shitty actors managed to be in the cast
Go look at the episode 7 teaser archived reactions
It didn't need the "soulslike" mechanics, it makes the game feel gimmicky. Dark Souls was a good game because it's an expansive RPG with exploration, you can't just slap some of the bonfire and respawning mechanics into a linear hack n slash and expect it to be good.
If they'd made it an actual soulslike game with armor, weapons, items, explorable world, etc, that would have been awesome. As it stands it's just mediocre and the bonfire mechanic feels shoehorned.
yea desu your over reacting user. the movies were bad because they stopped looking like starwars and became generic scifi
Fuckin hell I love Lando what a chad
People on Yas Forums are a small minority of the fanbase, most people don't care one way or the other
Star Wars has been "diverse" for years. Making "diversity" a priority is annoying and stupid because they're obviously just doing it to wank themselves off rather than contribute to the story in any way.
Just hire the best actors for the fucking job, who cares about their skin color. You think anyone was like "hmmm, we need Mace Windu to be black, lets only audition black actors". No mother fucker, they hired Samuel L Jackson because he's the only one who could play the role, his skin color wasn't a factor. Same with Boba Fett and Lando Callrisian.
this, the only issue I have with forced diversity is all the anti male shit in the new ones with the #BelieveWomen shit and they stupid fucking hyper space shit because THATS NOT HOW HYPER SPACE WORKS GOD DAMN IT
There are still people who cry WAH WHY IS FINN A NIGGER? like the dudes a good actor he just got fucked over with bad writing like everyone else.
Nobody has ever said it should or would be a priority
Those people are a tiny and stupid minority and yet the entire 3 films seem to be designed completely to piss them off. It's like slicing your own jugular open just so you can spray blood in the face of someone you hate and then laughing about it thinking you've come out on top as you die from blood loss.
Most people don't give a fuck about the skin color of the actors. But that is very different from being annoyed that the casting is specifically reserved for an asian actor, or a black actor, or a tranny actor, or a furfag actor. You do that, you get sub par actors because the pool to choose from is logically smaller.
it's a fun game. It's cool when you forget what you know about about Star Wars for a moment and see you are just a human with a laser sword and mild telekinesis powers and how you are still able to deal with so much shit that is thrown at you. Platoons of soldiers with guns and explosives, giant thrashing monsters, walking vehicles, alien fauna, death troopers, bounty hunters, other telekinetic-laser-swordsmen etc. And traversing across enormous treacherous levels using your dexterity and powers.
Does a Jedi get his dexterity by using the force to move his body? Like using the force to make sure he has perfect balance while performing some attack maneuver, by pushing his body opposite the direction he would be tipping?
Oh please, at this point who the fuck do you think you're fooling
It is not even the first case. They specifically made casting reserved for BAME people with the "new" 007, and even the new Ariel adaptation.
Ironically, it's incredibly racist lmao but whatever
It's LITERALLY right there in the image, under "priorities"
>Those people are a tiny and stupid minority
That's shockingly not true. Or, even if it is, they are the ones who shaped the perspective of the trilogy for everyone else. That's what happens when you Google Star Wars and get a tidal wave of "KATHLEEN KENNEDY UNDER FIRE FOR BASEDLO MARRY SUE DIVERSITY DEAD FRANCHISE!!!". Even if the people MAKING those videos are a minority, the people watching them and being influenced by them aren't.
Point to one star wars story where a characters race has taken priority over the story being told
There is no "priorities"