Why did they need him when they could automate the process?

It doesn't make any sense. All he did was push a button and push a cart, that could have been automated, considering the prestige of the said facility.

Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 46.42K)

Other urls found in this thread:


"We're not sure how long we can sustain the sequence. Please, work as quickly as you can. The sample will be here momentarily."

This to me implies Gordon has other responsibilities we don't see. There's also a few computers in the chamber so he probably sits at those and does work there as well.

pushing the cart was probably the first thing on his list of shit to do that day.

They were doing an unusual, novel experiment using a never-before-seen substance. It would be unusual for them to have everything set up for automation.

They didn’t have the equipment to handle the latest sample they were given and there was an administrative push to get it done (implied by Gman’s presence as well as many of the scientists talking about the admins).

Yeah, also there wouldn't have been an open fucking aperture looking directly into the reaction. All this shit would have taken place on a micro scale in a vessel with 12 inch titanium walls.

Automating costs money. Physicists are dime a dozen.

I thought they were talking to other operators or about the anti-mass spectrometer itself.

I mean the way the scientist is condescending to him after pushing the button by saying "We'll take it from here" in a very dismissive tone tells me his role is fairly limited. Remember, Barney makes fun of him at the start of Half-Life 2 for the exact same thing.

Well there's all those dead HEV guys in Xen
Maybe the whole plan was to create a portal, go in and bring something back

>This to me implies Gordon has other responsibilities we don't see.
I can't think of anything that couldn't have been automated.
Doesn't make sense, if anything they should be even more careful, they were very aware of the dangers.
Yep, its ridiculous.
This is the most prestigious facility and everything is supposed to be perfect.

>I can't think of anything that couldn't have been automated.

We don't even know the nature of the experiment or what exactly they were testing.
If the crystal was conductive to portal technology? How powerful it was?
So we can't really say Gordon did or didn't have more shit to do after pushing the crystal into the beam because we don't know anything beyond step one.

Think a bit about it, what would he do that a computer cant?

Do you know how long it takes to build actuators and implement them into a state of the art scientific instrument? Did you miss the part about the administrative push?

Go back to your Fortnite threads faggot zoomie. We get it, you hate the fact you can’t afford a VR and your generation hasn’t created anything as iconic as Half Life. Just get over it.

>and so they will just rush it like that when they themselves admit numerous times how dangerous it is
Solid logic.

Yeah it’s not like this has happened before. Cough Chernobyl cough Demon Core.

>This is the most prestigious facility and everything is supposed to be perfect.
That's why you see obvious toxic waste spillage during the train ride and they didn't stop the experiment even though the equipment started blowing up before it even began. Black Mesa is pretty cartoony.

Reminder that Half-Life takes place in 1998 and Black Mesa doesn't exactly follow the highest safety standards.

It's all a means to getting the game started. Of course a room of nerds making a video game about shooting aliens with a SPAS with a magic second barrel didn't think out every small detail of the fictional science experiment. op needs to chill lol

When you're a govt blacksite, OSHA can go fuck itself

Not only that but as mentions it’s not unrealistic that scientists/governments don’t take proper safety precautions with new technologies/materials.

>comparing them with russians and half a century ago accident that is well known to them
Maybe that equipment had nothing to do with it, or else they would have alerted them.
>Black Mesa is pretty cartoony
But gaben claimed that he made the game for the mature audience.

>unrealistic that scientists/governments don’t take proper safety precautions with new technologies/materials
Yeah sure, especially with new stuff. What are you smoking? This is not your 3rd world shithole.

>mistakes don’t get repeated
Fuck off already zoomer. You are not intelligent, you’re retarded.

Dumb dishonest faggot is also a racist retard who would’ve thought?

>highly intelligent and trained personal just decides one day to stop care about safety, especially when dealing with extremely dangerous materials
But that is literally you, I don't even know how you can accuse me of that. I'm the one that is trying to be truthful.

Automation is the last thing you do. You need to know how the entire process goes, automate it piece by piece, test everything under supervision and then, finally, let it run on it's own.

Having human do shit means that you both save resources, time included, and add flexibility as humans can actually react and changing setup is cheaper.

And, as other user said, you are not intelligent.

Ah yes, what would they do if nobody was there to press the fucking button and push the cart that could be remote controlled. Keep coping.

Reminder that this zoomer is a consolecuck riding the seethewagon iber HL:A





You're mistaking me for someone else. I neither have a console nor am zoomer. You still can't prove me wrong.

Do we know what other responsibilities he had after he pushed the crystal in? For all we know there were other manual jobs for him to do but obviously shit went wrong from the word go.

Nothing that couldn't have been automated.

Such as?

I don’t have to. Reality does.

>can't even prove me wrong
>claims to be even remotely close to reality

How many nuke related accidents aka "broken arrow incidents" did the US cause again? Oh right, 32, and that's just what the government is willing to admit. Not to mention like a dozen of them are nukes which were lost and nobody knows where they are.
What about the CIA interviewing mediums about Martian life?

ITT: People who have never seen Jetsons: The Movie (1990)

>low level accidents that were either out of their hands or irrelevant
>compared to the most advanced technology faculty
Do I have to repeat it every single post?

He was meant to check, study and report the results of pushing the cart whatever the fuck it was
>>>highly intelligent and trained personal just decides one day to stop care about safety, especially when dealing with extremely dangerous materials
did you forget that the Administrator pushed for them to go beyond the safety parameters, probably because of G-Man?

Post your steam profile.

I'm older than 90% of this board (27, 1992) and that's even before my time.

Why do you argue with autists? What could you possibly gain from this exchange?
Now you're seething and you have only yourself to blame, good job retard.

Attached: 1533938459710.webm (1075x600, 2.9M)

Because he can't observe it without doing it.
>beyond the safety parameters
>something as simple as pressing a button and pushing a cart

I don't want to imagine what's a high level accident for the US department of defense, but I guess that's what you think when you have a 1 trillion dollars yearly budget.

Are you fucking dumb?

>most advanced technology faculty
the place that had a system crash and one of their machinery randomly explodes even before shit hits the fan
>>>beyond the safety parameters
>>something as simple as pressing a button and pushing a cart
How about the part where the aliens teleported in?

It was probably due to Gman pulling strings to put Gordon in there, after all, Gman does watch all the HL characters from a distance even before the resonance cascade

Yeah haha how stupid real life scientists would never ever do anything manually that would endanger their own lives, like jesus christ how unrealistic is that, fucking valvecucks I swear to god.

Attached: demon-core-slotin-26.jpg (1000x797, 277.68K)

Like I said, either it had nothing to do with the experiment or the whole plot is wrong and black messa is some irrelevant place with inept people and following this logic wouldn't exist in the first place because nobody would let them touch such technology.

>haha lololol if I compare something happening half a century ago, where people were just beginning to understand high technology it means its same
L O L !

>implying that accident happened from lack of understanding
>implying they weren't warned multiple times and just didn't give a fuck
>implying that attitude disappears with technological progress
>implying you're not a dumb nigger

What is "high technology" for you? Because we have many nukes but 0 teleporters.

>where people were just beginning to understand high technology
almost like in the game where they're trying to understand alien shit like the crystal right?

face it bro you got btfo'd

>they didn't give a fuck
I doubt they are reckless slope heads like you.
And so they do it in the most retarded and dangerous way? You contradict yourself.
Still haven't.

This is becoming a sad display.


My headcanon was that Gordon was supposed to die as a test subject during the experiment, with the scientists observing the effects on a live human being. The only ones who knew about it were killed by the resonance cascade. Incidentally, G-Man was the one who pushed for this experiment (secretly knowing Gordon would survive), which explains the angry argument with the director during the intro.

Real reason was probably "lol don't think about it."

Interesting take. It truly seems like they are trying to kill him.
>lol don't think about it."
It really summarizes the pcbros.

How is that a contradiction?
>real life scientists fucked up because they don't understand thing
>game scientists fucked up because they don't understand thing

Migrate to the better HL thread

Conducting experiments are not the same as manufacturing. You don't simply automate everything just because you can, labs often have to change their shit to match the results and need people on the ground to do things like that. Black Mesa isn't a factory.

Because its something that you have to be extremely careful with. I can't comprehend how many times I have to repeat these things all over again.

Good enough for government work

like how the real life scientists were careful with their shit?

>half a century ago

>But gaben claimed that he made the game for the mature audience.
Super secret special forces ninjas who cover up marines who cover up failed experiment. That's really mature.

>Migrate to the better HL thread
that thread is shit too

What about that guy who stuck his head in cern and got hit by a particle? That happened like a decade ago i think? Face it retard you don't know shit about science or scientific process. The events and recklessness of the intro of half life 1 are completely understandable when you consider real life history and also context within the game. It does not matter that certain examples happened ages ago, they were new technology just like the xen tech black mesa was using.

doesn't matter how long ago it was
demon core shit was only 33 years before three mile incident and 40 years before chernobyl
and all those are nuclear related shit and they still didn't get the memo on the safety
meanwhile the game deals with alien shit which is unprecedented in both real life and ingame

>still can't comprehend the nature of the experiment
Its so funny.
And they still didn't take notice, you clearly talk out of your ass. Also don't compare reckless russians with professionals.