What's your thought on Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Yas Forums? Did they went to right direction? Or is it flop?
What's your thought on Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Yas Forums? Did they went to right direction? Or is it flop?
Is that armor and weapon for DRK even in the game?
Do I need to do anything before the next ishgard restoration stuff
>Diaper Fantasy XIV
It won't be considered a flop cause of the story. People will ignore the piss poor content, cut corners, cut content and no budget as long as they enjoy the story. Sort of like The Last of Us essentially, take that as either a good or bad thing. In the long run outside of the few MMO stragglers left most people rightfully see a WoW-clone and would rather ignore it like they do WoW.
what is it
>MMO filled with literal diaperfags in the playerbase and community leadership
>SE employees into it as well
>Players waifu a teen elf, a child catgirl and mediocre bosses
Really is modern WoW ain't it?
The artifact gear
I'm broke as shit from gearing up and crafting. Can anyone on Primal spare me some gil? I'll be your pocket lala
time to fucking level up a tank again
Buy stuff from cash job stupid gaijin, my castles won't rent themselves.
>be xiv influencer
>use influencer bucks to commission diaper art of you and your gf's toons and flood the internet with it
>live in user's head rent free
yeah, i'm thinking he's based
Can I at least have helmets for my viera?
Are you just going to spam this every thread?
stop playing healer
Are you?
hard dungeons when
No modeling takes too much work, no budget left gaijin, buy more cash shop now or Soken gets it.
Doesn't he just get his cat and Khloe though?
Lucky bastard if that's true
A pitiful display. Stand aside!
a-at least it's better than wow
Yeah, dude has a GF that shares, or at least is supportive of, his fetish, and also she's a community manager for the game
Based Ifrit-Egi.
>appears on every page when you're browsing the xiv tag on r34
That's a disservice to TLoU, as that game has some good qualities. This game is at the bottom of the barrel as far as MMOs go. Miserable gameplay that hasn't adapted in 10 or whatever many years it's been in existence. Stuck with the same rigid, drip-fed content scale that never changes. Psycho degenerate fanbase. Not sure why people spam it here like it's relevant.
You mean his Wife and ex-ABDL artist, milkiitea
>jobs much more fun than wow
>armor is dogshit boring as fuck, savage gear is basically the same and there are no unique stats or bonuses, etc.
>story is much better than wow
>literally no end game after clearing borderline LFR raids, unless you want to subject yourself to savage for almost no reward
>xiv is relatively unpolished and sometimes looks like a cheap korean mmo
I want them to fuck and cancel each other's weaknesses
People like you disgust me. Fanta addicts need to be round up and shot. They have no respect for the game, no respect for their character, and no respect for themselves.
Sure it's adapted. It adapted by streamlining away CC and branching paths in favor of content that takes 10mins at the worst with a massive emphasis on DPS metas while trying to outlaw parsetrannies.
I've never seen her give source, my brain became huge the other day and I truly appreciate jacking off to other people's characters now.
>implying Yoshi believes this
The man is a WoWfag. The only game he loves more than anything including WoW is Diablo.
*blocks your path*
Somehow just did cutters cry for the first time and I don't think I'll ever be doing that again
Are healers finally balanced? Do you think they need changes in any way?
>AST: highest damage, moderate amounts of free and emergency healing, offset by its high difficulty and dogshit mp economy
>SCH: lowest damage, huge amounts of free healing, lets their cohealer slack because of all the extra healing and huge range, but kinda gets fucked in emergency situations when they're out of juice due to shitty gcd healing
>WHM: moderate damage, lowest amount of free healing, but is the most forgiving. Required to pair with a dark knight, and is also the best in fourman content
Unless you're new, that's absolutely correct.
Why the fuck are Au Ra so popular?
Buncha Downs Syndrome lookin' motherfucks
Why? It's as linear as all ARR dungeons. Not like you were doing 1.0s 8 man Cutter's Cry.
I don't think I've seen this particular image before
Nice rack
Literally just search the xiv tag on any r34 site. You can't miss her.
I bet she doesn't even fuck horses.
If it was Modern WoW you'd have way more players shitting up Yas Forums. Then again might be Jannies already aware of how to tackle the issue after nearly a decade of deleting WoWfags.
Everybody outside of MMORPG retards sees it as another terrible WoW copypasta. Warcraft and the WoW genre is basically the laughing stock of the gaming world, it's in the same tier of Second Life faggots and mobile games to everyone who didn't fall for the MMO dicking. Not that you'd care as this is just some general so you lads can post ecchi images while regurgitating the same limited story and game discussion between talking about dressup.
Why? Not everyone self inserts.
Why are Elezen so unpopular? I play a male Elezen and barely see any others even though we look like patricians in basically everything. Funny thing is when I started playing I just assumed I had picked one of the most popular races because they're an elf race in an MMO. How wrong I was.
The layout blows and I hate the constant sand damage shit. I might be weird though because I've never found aurum vale to be that bad
ever notice that the shitposting is more extreme when more europeans are on?
>Why are Elezen so unpopular?
Because wonky proportions and animations.
took a bit longer than I was expecting, I wonder how much of OC art is commissioned by real girls
Their animations are terrible. I used to play one but I had to stop because of the constipated walk cycle.
WoWfags are more apparent in EU.
They have decent faces with some work and their proportions make all armor look great on them. Only downside is that their midgets and not the good kind like Draphs
I hate piss vale just for that first room
>step one toe out of line
>pull the entire room
How many cat boy pics are there?
XIV is trash and so is WoW
>WoWfag projecting hard
>thinking anyone wants to play a game with diaper gnomes
Keep being mad that XIV is a Raider's paradise
They're ugly lanky abominations, it really shouldn't be surprising
>midlander is too dainty
>au ra is too KAWAII DESU NI
>roe is too butch
>elezen have shit animations
>viera is too slutty
Highlander is just right.
The fuck do I spend my poetics on anyway?
I've got the 50/60/70 poetic gear for all my classes, plus weapons already
My Mhigger
I see more girls playing au ra and viera than cat boys, not really knowing if the character is made by a girl makes OC porn a lot better though.
>everyone that calls us out must play another variety of crappy MMO
Every time
>play lala
>stand between viera thighs while ocean fishing
>they keep trying to move away
>i just follow them and bury my face even deeper between their thighs
>announce that i'm wearing my earmuffs when we get to Dravania
>hoes mad despite wearing slutglams and asking for it
Why wear slutglams if you don't want people to appreciate the view?
This is your brain on MMORPGs. Can't even fucking read but instantly jumps to muh WoW boogeyman. They're both games for retards and seen as fucking jokes to everybody except MMOfags. But have fun with your rivalry over which game fucks you in the ass the least.
stockpile up anima resources or just spend em on demicrystals
At the very least, you're not playing any video game if you're in here REE'ing at stuff you don't like.
God I wish this would happen to me
>join duty completion party for e6s
>half the party dies on the first strike spark
i just want my clear man
>play lala
Day of the fryer is coming, you potato fuck.
>I'll join a clear party even though I haven't cleared already. no one will ever know
>said half the people in PF
>b-but I'm not a WoWfag
>c-checkmate faggot
Fuck off diaperfag
I'm clearing E8S tonight, mark my words
>implying I am not playing a FF hgame while fapping and posting
>Everyone I don't like is WoW
Is he right? Twitch views = playerbase
what's in 5.21?
>watching someone play an mmo
No? look at warframe, nobody watches it but it's always in the top 10 on steamcharts