Hang out with normalfag friends

>Hang out with normalfag friends.
>Talk about games.
>They are all excited about FFVIIR.
>Most haven't played the original.
>Tell them that's going to suck for them to have to waited ages for the ending.
>"What do you mean, user?"
>Tell them that the game is basically just the intro of the original.
>None of them knew this.

So, why is Sqaure not more clear about this in their marketing? Sure, you can easily find out that it's just a small part if you read interviews and articles about the game, but just going by the trailers and the name of the game, which does't say Part 1 or anything like that you could easily think it's the full thing.

I think normalfags will be really assblasted once they realize this.

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Aren't you tired of this barry?

My friend didn't even know it was episodic when I told him last month.

Doesn't matter. Gamers have short memories.

Similar thing happened to me. Friend said she was already preparing to cry her eyes out when Aeris dies.

>talk about ff7 with a friend
>he tells me he saw a video about ff7 and he was wondering what was about the whole episodic shit
>tell him that the game has 3 story arcs, and the first one was gotta get bigger since midgar was a pretty big city that was underutilized in the original and essentially it was a full game
>"oh nice, thats cool"
>now he tells me that he played the demo and liked it a lot

But of course you couldnt bother explaining that. You have to hide information.

Probably the best marketing scheme of all time and you ALL fell for it. Thanks for the preorders.

t. marketer

>tell him that the game has 3 story arcs, and the first one was gotta get bigger
Imagine actually thinking that Midgar is 1/3 of FF7

>a pretty big city that was underutilized in the original
By what standard? You spend about 10% of the game there and even return later on.

>tell him that the game has 3 story arcs, and the first one was gotta get bigger since midgar was a pretty big city that was underutilized in the original and essentially it was a full game

How much are you paid?

What’s the deal with Barry? Is it true his mom makes him wear a burka?

I call bullshit

>implying normalfags will even finish the game
Normies just buy whatever, play for an hour and then move on to consume the next big thing.

Reminder that disc 3 contains literally 2 areas and stupid last minute fetch quests.

Ok, keep thinking that there is gonna be like 20 parts since ">midgar it was like 3 hours and this game is gonna be like 30 hours, so essentially kalm to junon is another 30 hours part since it takes 3 hours to get there!".

Sorry if saying the truth triggers you. What is sad is that you purposely hide information so you can make people do what you want.

Why are newfags unable to deal with opinions without attributing them to an individual? Is this a reddit mentality?

isnt the same when you call shill to whoever doesnt want to join your dooming crusade

There's no way they're gonna stretch this game to 3 fucking full games without ruining the pacing and put a lot of filler into it. The story is not gonna change, so they will add irrelevant shit.

>people are looking forward to Golden Saucer
>anything with Cait Sith
Yeah I'm thinking Midgar was the most based area.

>that stuff was bad anyway

shills shilling

Its not irrelevant when the first part is about midgar. Clearly you never noticed or even probably never played the original, but Midgar arc had its own focus and it easily can become a full game. The whole ecoterrorism thing gets thrown to the trashcan like 2 hours in the game and then starts the sephiroth jerk off for the rest of the game.
If you dont like the release method fine, you have all the right, i wish it was the entire story immediately too. But it makes sense and can be possible, easily.

Yes I work at Square fucking retard

when the shitposter has a record of spamming and samefagging, they aren't wrong in assuming it's the same shitposter

so you defend video games for free

>this is a 10 hours game max that is gonna get padded with generic square enix fetch and kill quest

you're right i'm outta here

>tell him that the game has 3 story arcs

Has this even been confirmed? There's no way it's possible, unless the two other games are just tunnels from setpiece to setpiece á la XIII.

ff7 OG were tunnel pieces until you get the highwind
The game was just good at pretending it was open

I didnt even defend anything I only said Midgar part was based. Take your meds

>So, why is Sqaure not more clear about this in their marketing?
Isn't it obvious? It's to trick people. Squeenix is and always has been scummy as fuck.

Honestly why does it bother people that it's episodic? If they manage to fit in a lot of content per episode it's fine, isn't it? Almost like being mad that FF1 didn't include FF2 and FF3 right away.
Granted, I don't give a fuck about the original and never finished it so for me it's not a big deal.

bye retard

it most definitely will be.

they just dont make games like they did in the old days

FF1 is a complete game on its own you fucking retard

>If they manage to fit in a lot of content per episode it's fine, isn't it?
It's not about how much content there is, it's about not ruining the story by stretching it thin.
No, stuffing it full of Advent Children and Crisis Core filler will not make the story better or improve its pacing.

he's a convenient tool used to deflect any ff7r criticism

XV is shit. Discuss

You are doing God's work user. Wanna play some smash later?

People should bother if they were charging $60 for a 3 hours game. And it isnt.
Everyone knows the story already, personally im not in a rush and i just want good games with nice graphics, nice music and good gameplay.

>3 arcs
Oh look its retarded.
FFVII has 7 arcs dipshit

>expecting the people who defend FF7r-tard edition to have actually played FF7

Since you guys all seem to be good producers, directors and marketers, how you would deal with the remake? Reminder that your team needs to get paid, the company needs to make its money back at one point and shareholders need to invest in your company while the game is in R&D, pre-production, production and finally marketing beats.

Which are...?

SquareEnix has done the math and they know that the anger from misinformed buyers is not enough to outweigh the sales of misinformed buyers.

Literally every time this gets brought up you get bombarded with "Dude why should I care about people not being informed? They're not true fans" SE know exactly what they're doing.

Attached: large.jpg (1148x764, 43.57K)

I would make the game.
Other companies can make massive titles without problems.
Why is it suddenly okay for poor old square to squander all their time and only have a small bit of the story to show for it when people bought ps3s for their shit.
They know that multiple collectors editions will make them more money than you can imagine.
They know this is their last hope because 7 is still their best work to date.
They know more than anyone how much retards will pay for unfinished shit as well after KH3 and FFXV

And all of it is legal because lawyers only care about what's on the box and the actual game, not the things surrounding it.

>the game is released
>there's no mention of other episodes
>because there are no other episodes
>turns out they rewrote the story to end after Midgar and it's a standalone game
>Yas Forums implodes

It should be named Final Fantasy VII Remake: Episode 1
Being named "Final Fantasy VII Remake" heavily implies that it is the entire game contained within.
Square Enix ought to be ashamed for such trickery, and I hope somebody sues them so we never see "Episode 2".

reminder that SE has said multiple times that its a full game and its just a part of a series games but people still saying that "they are lying"

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That's a nice fantasy but there is no chance of them not milking this thing dry.

>watching streamer play demo
>oh shit there's Barret
>there's our boy Cloud
>I've never played the original

People will sue them, but nothing will happen. Remember No Man's Sky's multiplayer fiasco?

At least he'll admit he never played it instead of the people who played the intro and turned it off because it was a turn based JRPG claiming they "played" it and can't wait for the remake.

Square is actually brilliant. Most normies and zoomers haven’t played the original game so they wont realize this isn’t the full game.

>Being surprised that the remake is introducing people to the game for the first time

That's what a remake is supposed to do you dongus

So what’s the next game going to be called? FFVII-2? FFVII Episode 2? Will they stick the word remake in it?

Maybe it'll be DLC?

FFVII Remake: After Midgar
FFVII Remake: Meteorfall
FFVII Remake: Disc 2

>So, why is Sqaure not more clear about this in their marketing?
Probably because they aren't exactly sure what form the later episodes will take and how long they'll take to come out. They were pretty clear since very shortly after the game was announced that it's gonna be in multiple parts, but even Kitase doesn't exactly know how many parts the Remake is going to be in total.

Judging from the script, the ending to part 1 ends on a classic sequel hook, and for all we know, the later episodes could all be expansion-sized DLC episodes (think Blood and Wine) rather than a full-on physical release.

Attached: shlop.png (1280x720, 768.14K)

The back of the box literally says it's part 1.

is new threat finished yet?

They should really write down there something like "PART ONE", or maybe, just for the nostalgia, "DISC ONE".

There are two discs though

1. Ends after Midgar
2. Ends after Gold Saucer/buggy
3. Ends after Nibelhiem/Tiny Bronco
4. Ends after Temple of the Ancients
5. Ends after the ascent beyond Gaea's Cliff
6. Ends after the Huge materias acquired
7. Return to Midgar and the final dungeon.

Isn't it already confirmed that FFVIII Remake part 1 is 15 hours of the original Midgar stuff and 15 hours of new story?

Yeah but he said it after saying shit like "there's our boy Cloud" how can you be a Cloud fan if you haven't played his game he's just trying to milk viewers

>Representative from Square Enix here. Remember everyone, the game will be divided into multiple episodes.
Why the fuck is Square misinforming everyone? They need to be more clear that it’s just episode 1.
>The game will be divided into multiple episodes, this first release will cover Midgar—
Holy shit they’re so dishonest. Why are they staying so quiet, it’s like they wanna trick their consumers. What unbelievably shady business practices.
This is why they fucking hate us.

>You spend about 10% of the game there
You never played the fucking game, right?

Are you implying your friends think a game literally called Final Fantasy VII [REMAKE] is a new, original game? Holy shit

FFVII-2 and -3 should do it

>advertise heavily
>dont mention it once on the front of the case or commercials/billboards
Sure thing buddy

you know what story arcs are right

the original game pacing is rushed as fuck

It really isn't.

What. 2 to 4 is an arc. 5 to 7 too.


The entire thing is a pipedream. It took them half a decade to remake the first 3-4 hours of a 40-50 hour game. By the time the next part is done they'll have to upgrade the engine again so that it doesn't look outdated.

>he thinks they will have vehicles in part 2
Sorry m9

Not after they add tons of extra story from crisis core and the movie

It's almost like they want more sales by not immediately putting front and center that it's only the first part of a series.
This is how retarded you are.

No. Fucking learn what arc means. What that guy said is correct. The whole fucking game had several instances of stuff centered on the number "7", the total arcs of the game included.

>comparing a finished game not being numbered to a small part of a remake not being numbered
This is your brain on square

I unironically hate people that do this.

“Oh shit it’s my boy (character)! I’ve never played any game they’ve been in but so hype!”

Etika did this all the time and he wound up killing himself. Don’t do it.

You're retarded.

Why does the fact that everybody thinks you did 9/11 never come up once you leave Midgar?

Because no one cares outside of midgar and all the villains know they did it

Holy shit what a brainlet. Oh well.

Drop them. Friends are overrated anyway, particularly once you hit your 30s.

Mentally ill.

>It's almost like they want more sales by not immediately putting front and center that it's only the first part of a series.
Yeah, it's almost like that, WHICH IS THE FUCKING POINT OF THIS THREAD.

It's got wierd pacing for sure. Periods of intense story beats one after another, then you spend ten hours fucking around the overworld chasing chocobos and shit.

I think they could tell the story elegantly over three parts. One for midgar, one up to the northern crater, and then to the end. There's definitely room to expand on the cool bits of the story and cut a bunch of the filler.

Whether they will succeed is another story. I'm sure any real inclusion of compilation stuff beyond Easter eggs would piss as many people off as it would please, for example.

because midgar was rushed and the whole ecoterrorism themes was dropped immediately after you leave midgar

user, hes just making shit up and just wants to start a discussion. Who the fuck says that without explaining that it is a full game other than negative biased faggot

In the end it doesn't fucking matter, the point is nothing is stopping them from putting more than one arc per game. This is a non-argument and just assuming at this point.

lmao no its not.
Nibelhiem is the definite end of an arc for cloud.
Losing him in the life stream is another definite end.

>yfw wutai is now mandatory
It will be I hope you know

>Implying that God of War 2018 is anything closed to being a 'finished' game.
Yeah and Trails of Cold Steel is some bullshit too, I suppose?

>I think they could tell the story elegantly over three parts. One for midgar, one up to the northern crater, and then to the end. There's definitely room to expand on the cool bits of the story and cut a bunch of the filler.
Exactly what ive been saying the whole time.
It HAS to be 3 otherwise you fuck up the whole pacing. And it ends up being 3, then it could be really good for the game since it has tons of potential to be expanded upon.
2 would be rushed, and 4 or more would be shit. 3 would be perfect.

It literally says on the back of the box art that it's "the first part that ends at the midgar escape". Why is this still a fucking issue for people?

Why not just play the original with mods?