Why can you marry her? She's a child, it's fucking creepy.
Why can you marry her? She's a child, it's fucking creepy
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Because it was someone on the dev team’s fetish
Nah, she's like 17 or something
That's still a child, my dude.
Your character is 17 too.
People had the healthy habit of marrying children until feminism happened
Japan is not cucked like the west
Why are you offended?
It's not like it hurts anyone in real life, you are creepy.
t. trump
wait you can, I never knew this I'm going to pick up this game and do that.
based lolicon devs.
you're right. we need to go into that game and get that child out of that environment and save her.
oh we can't do that.
because she isn't real
why are murders allowed in thr game? it's fucking creepy.
>Oh she's 18.00 years old? Ok that's fine.
Amerilard logic
Best girl, best wife
She's literally Serena's twin. Veronica is of consenting age and perfectly capable of marriage and childbirth
Fuck everyone who thinks liking short chicks with cute, small boobs makes you a pedo
> childbirth
don't know about this one
rent free
Whether she actually is a child or not is kind of irrelevant. She looks like she's 10 years old, which is the creepy part. If you date girls who look like her you are 100% a pedophile.
these threads are very dangerous. Yas Forums is an echo chamber. a bubble where it's "cool" and "hip" to be attracted to images of underage children. Playing "loli games". because any opposition to this point of view is met with ridicule, people on here get a warped view on things, where they think it's "ok" or "normal" or "just ironic dude". I'm here to tell you that no - it is not. If you are so far gone already that you deem this a non issue, it's time for you to step back from the computer and back into real life for a bit.
Go back to r*ddit
NPC-tier replies
I'm pretty sure she's like 30, older than MC
Fucking children doesn't make you special.
name a reason it's bad to impregnate a perfectly fertile female if she loves you?
literally obsessed
As opposed to figuratively obsessed? Are you okay?
Those two are different things, Veronica is not a short chick with small boobs. She literally has a child's body, as a plot device even, if you are attracted to it you definitely are a pedo.
Only in the switch version, ps4 and pc versions you can only marry the childhood friend.
Also in the romance scene she basically rapes you.
you DO know that if your family know about your pedophilia that they would beat the shit out of you, disown you, maybe hand you over to the police?
>he doesn’t know
thats a nonAmerican for you
If trapfags aren't gay for liking traps than I'm not a pedo for liking loli.
if you post on here it's likely your family has already mentally disowned you and is just afraid to find you hanging from the ceiling one of these days
Cunny, Cunny, Cunny, Cunny, Cunny, Cunny, Cunny, Cunny, Cunny, Cunny, Cunny, Cunny, Cunny, motherfucker.
Cunny on my motherfucking mind.
Bang five lolis at the same time.
Character print pantsu, Hearts in their eyes.
Flip em over, bust, and leave with a stride.
Get Cunny.
You can cry like a little bitch all you want. It will never be removed from the game and it won't stop Japanese devs from including loli romance in future games either. Keep coping.
Imagine getting unironically assmad over a video game. You are literally no different from SJWs getting triggered over pixels. You belong on twitter, not here.
Veronica cunny fucked by horny pedos old men
Traps are gay merely for the fact that you have to defend it not being gay.
I don't want it removed, just know what you are.
Imagine thinking people are assmad about anything.
>Imagine thinking people are assmad about anything.
Yeah it's pretty obvious from these replies that you are seething user
She's like, 25-30.
She makes it perfectly clear that she was cursed and turned back into a child by a dick ass monster. This isn't even some fetish thing by the devs that they usually do with the "This loli is a 2,000 year old dragon/witch/demon so it's okay" thing, this is just a thing that happens in fantasy literature sometimes, even in the west. She spends most of her initial time with you frustrated and annoyed that nobody takes her seriously now that she doesn't look her age and her words are now falling on deaf ears because she can't be Ms. Bossy Bitch to get her way anymore. Well, until she meets you, anyway.
You must spend too much time here since you are no longer able to differentiate conversation from people actually getting mad. Here's your you.
It's funny how lolicons are the only people who stick to the fact that their mental illness only applies to 2 dimensional characters, not real-life.
You don't see faggots or trannies claiming the same thing, because they're not in denial about it.
>lolicons are the only people who stick to the fact that their mental illness only applies to 2 dimensional characters, not real-life.
Wrong. Trapfags love to pretend they aren't gay because they only like 2D boys
"its okay when trump rapes children"
>write rich person's name in book
>they're now guilty of a crime
Almost like you can write whatever you want on paper no matter its truth, Gail.
What does this have to do with video games?
>implying they don't already know
>lives on planet for over 17 revolutions around star
Cunny on my motherfucking mouth
Pretty much the only reason I picked up this game.
I'm not that old
>She's a child
So are you. Underage marriages were a thing back in the day (still are).
you're a giant faggot OP if you don't find these lolis attractive
Yas Forums's taste in cunny is shit thot-tier trash but I still support them against r-dditors
ok mr master cunnyseur give me a non thot cunny
It's easy to tell from that list, too many of them have relatively mature faces where they look like they're teenagers, and the make-up is not helping.
She isn't a child, she's an adult who was magically de-aged in physical looks only. The same magic can be undone, as it temporarily was.
>all that make-up
Defeats the point.
At what point is a drawing a child? Like, is it in terms of details? Would calling a stick figure a 12 yr old girl mean you made child porn?
Does the same go for drawing a murder?
What is the perfect age of consent?
I want Yas Forums to leave my board
only one of these is underage yet hypocrites will claim the opposite
There's literally nothing wrong with marrying and fucking pubescent girls.
Why do trannies care so much about fictional characters being sexualized? Are most of them new to the internet?
What the fuck does their canonicity matter? They're not fucking real.
Trapfags indeed arent gay user, the traps in the other hand are gay
I have never seen a trapfag claiming that he hates 3D crossdressers.
This one makes even less sense since the primary goal of any furry is to save up enough neetbux to buy your own special fursuit and make friends with other fags.
Hah imagine ordering a sex robot then gets charged for sex offense cause the robot is aged less than a year
13 is kino
for me its her cat onesie
>old hag status
ageless loli with preference for being cute and funny
No it's not, you dumbass. The morality issue would be dating a girl who isn't mentally mature enough to understand the concept of and consequences of sexuality. Normalfags constantly bitching about "1000 year old lolis" doesn't mean anything because they're just acting on emotional relations instead of actual logic.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with legal lolis. Actually think with your brain for once.
anyone capable of speech is capable of giving consent
On one hand, she's physically like 7.
On the other hand, she was an adult.
Could always just fuck her when she uses Magic Burst with her sister and reverts to her normal age.