He's given his word. Squeeee!
He's given his word. Squeeee!
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*raises spork*
Wow, this is so empowering and progressive.
Good. I’m glad they’re staying faithful to the source material. It shows they actually give a shit about the game.
lots of feminine penises in her future
That better be made of a biodegradable plant based plastic or else you are a nazi.
homosexuals are ill people and i hate the media's fascination with them
Dead IP after the trash heap that will be 2 and this HBO shit show. What a terrible legacy this series will end up having
>No growth in movies for 8 years even with capeshit
I'm sure it's just a coincidence
As a fan of the first game before the Bruce left and that trash DLC happened, yes. I am offended. They've turned this IP into liberal trash pile with Cuckmann at the helm.
>making a movie of a movie that's available for free on youtube
who will watch that shit? lol
You know what to do, boys
>who will watch that shit?
It's a show made to exclusively target numale game journalists and blue check marks on Twitter. Why make a good movie when the established media will shill it for you for free?
oh no, staying true to the source material. they should rewrite it to fit my agenda instead
It seems like every other character in every other show now is gay.. they're like 10% of the total population but entertainment make it seem like they're 50%.
>Straight guy writes a gay character
>It's a lesbian
Streaming services could also be a factor
Film writers should stay true to the source material more often. Disney Star Wars would have turned out fantastically.
>Muh streaming
Is that why all streaming services are also full of shit?
>biodegradable plant based plastic
Say what you want about that stuff, but it allows me to be that guy and say, "WELL ACKTUALLY" whenever some hippie faggot says that every piece of plastic ever created still exists.
what are you even trying to say
I'm sure this post will age well
he says while posting on the gayest board on 4channel
This might be it. Not this show, but HBO may be bankrupt in a few years if they just keep doubling down on this mediocre shit. Millennials just can't write.
Netflix stopped growing 3 years ago
based and redpill
imagine being this morally bankrupt
um good? thats what she is in the games we are not pissed off by gay character we are pissed off by straight characters being turned gay for no reason im fucking livid doctor dolittle is suddenly white
>Yas Forums
this is what we call "delusion"
>"something" can be gay
>"something" can be straight
what does ellie being gay have to do with the story?
does it matter?
Will Sarah still be a drug dealing whore though?
why are whites so homophobic
The problem, at least for me, is not that she's gay. It's that these corporations use "Don't worry, our characters are gay. ;)" as the selling points now. As if good story, writing, gameplay, etc. aren't important as long as it has has LGBT pandering and diversity for twitter points. But that's true for almost all western media these days and why I've all but given up on it. TLOU2 has based its entire marketing campaign on "Ellie is gay and her gf is a smelly jew!".
>sonyggers are soyboys
And water is wet
at 100%, remember they added black and brown to the alphabet soup
Yes we can... it's just that boomers (actual boomers) won't hire those of us who adhere to the tenets of the craft. We aren't woke enough for these studios and production companies, we don't drop anchor at the port of political correctness so we don't get the gig.
Or if we do, we have to write like assholes.
But we're not on Yas Forums.
This, there was a period about 10 years ago when having a gay character was novel and interesting. But now it's just another dogwhistle
>blacks are cancer as always
color me shocked. For the record, other races besides niggers and whitey exist, faggot.
More like 40 years ago
>what is: >>/lgbt/
>Color me shocked
I mean in games. This new wave of social justice didn't really make it to gaming until very late 2000's
Name a tv show without a gay character VS name a blockbuster movie (China fodder) with a gay character
If they're more focused on a characters fag power level rather than making a good show then it's safe to say ths is gonna be dogshit
>they're like 10% of the total population
Where do you live, israel?
well, obviously? why would they change that?
How is Last of Us still relevant in this year?
Agreed, around 2013
It's the one game that PS3 had
You must not go to a lot of writers workshops or college classes. The personality type that would write the STD short with Jon Benjamin is everywhere. Every word that comes out of their mouths is designed to communicate to others that they are nice, positive, and tolerant. Anything about life that has mystery and danger to it makes them feel inadequate and it's why their writing sucks. But their are millions of other millennials who are scared of their own shadows too, so they have an audience.
>you must not go to the source of the problem
Weird thing is it seems like the only place for these people are on college campuses. As soon as they get off campus they just don't fit in. That's where you have these perpetual college students in their late 30's still walking around with macbooks and sipping lattes.
It's around 5% total
2.1% if you take out bisexuals
1.8% for just gay/lesbian (minus trans)
San Francisco is the highest at only 8%. So they should be as rare as Native Americans on TV, but they are treated as essential as Black or Asian.
Something like 60% of all people who aren't strictly straight change their sexuality in their lifetime, couple that with sampling bias and the number is actually far lower than that.
I'd agree. That's why they are trying to turn the world into a college campus. I just think we lost and they have achieved enough of a critical mass to ruin everything but convince no one.
All other races are inferior(don't even debate me on this cuck, I already have done my research). Nobody cares about them.
Nah, There's a few cities that will always be pozzed but a majority of the states sort of cock their head at most of what's coming out of hollyjew these days. They're the ones that are out of touch.
>gay mafia isn't rea-
>anime imageboard
>all other races are inferior
Yeah, so brave. In the midst of all these sex positive bullshit and liberal cuckoldry I bet it was so hard for him to 'give his word'.
You do know that Anime was just japs copying Disney after we fucked them with nukes, right?
I was quoting Pew, so normie data that doesn't dare question people like that. They were red-pilled enough to stratify LGBT identification by age and showed that it halved from 8% to 4% between 18-25 and 25-34 and down to 3% among 35-49 year olds.
It's natural to want to fix things that are broken.
Because most gays are black? Helloooo?
Kind of weird how the media can make being gay "hip and cool"