The sotc remake is garbage, and you are a faggot if you like it

The sotc remake is garbage, and you are a faggot if you like it.

Attached: avion.webm (1302x352, 2.95M)

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Never even played it.
Knew it wouldn’t capture the magic of a game I played when I was 10

>cherry picking
obvious bait is obvious

Attached: 1583545660862.webm (1292x346, 2.8M)

how are you still upset about this

PS2's biggest strength was it's transparency effects.

Attached: Original 2.webm (640x480, 2.89M)

Attached: Remake 2.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

My goodness.

Attached: 1583547602970.webm (728x408, 761.44K)

It's not garbage, it's arguably a better game than sotc. But by trying to make it better it misses the point, sotc was unironically supposed to be bad. Those environments are supposed to be barren and bland, by making them more interesting and putting hidden items in them you're changing the way I play and you're shifting the focus of the narrative. Exploration was never supposed to be a thing in sotc yet they made it a thing. Big mistake.

Also you faggot probably didn't even play it if your only complaint is things looking a bit darker.

They both are good. Old men and young Wikipedia faggots need not converse a 90s child game.

Attached: Original.webm (640x480, 2.84M)

Attached: Remake.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

>the game was supposed to be bad
this is the most stupid argument
just like the blightown was suppose to run shitty argument

>sotc was unironically supposed to be bad.
Imagine believing this was a goal of the developers. Imagine yourself being this retarded.

Not in this case. Sotc is supposed to have bad exploration. Due to that fact you don't explore. The game IS a boss rush, nothing more. Sotc remake has good exploration, it's not a boss rush game anymore, the pacing changes, the focus of the story changes, everything changes.

Of course it was. Do you think Silent Hill devs wanted to have great combat and failed? No they didn't, the combat in Silent Hill is shit and they wanted it to be shit. That way it's not the focus of the game, that way the player tries to avoid it. Silent Hill with good combat is Resident Evil, it's a different game and not a better one.

Americans, everyone.

I will never understand how in a remake of a game with notoriously bad controls they somehow made the controls worse. And you should compile all this into a YouTube video or something, there's no real information about the differences/downgrade online.

God the remake is so gorgeous

Don't worry, I'm probably not going to play either.

You don't have an argument, I do. Answer me this: do you think Ueda wanted to have good exploration in Sotc and failed? Or do you think he didn't want for exploration to be a part of Sotc at all?

>Silent Hill with good combat is Resident Evil
>Resident Evil
>Good combat

You have a point though.

you are correct. the plebs responding are dumb

You changed your argument. You literally stated at first that the entire game was meant to be bad, then you changed it to be about exploration. I haven't played the remake, so I'm not really sure what they added, but I remember even in the PS2 version you could find little animals you killed and picked up to increase grip strength so there was minimal incentive to explore beyond that. You may be right that they didn't want to encourage exploration for the original but that doesn't mean they purposely made the entire game bad

Actually I have fond memories of exploring in the original. Finding those fruits and hunting the little lizards. Also on of the ponds you cross on the way to a colossus had some big carp in it. I found out that if you dive and hold the grab button the fish would take you for a little ride.

only thing I find weird is the removal of those lights in the distance, why is that?

I know user, I know.
About the remake being bad in case you're a moron.

Do the guardians actually attack you even if you don't do anything?

they should have made the remake play at 15 fps too

congrats, dumbest post of the year

>sotc is garbage, and you are a faggot if you like it.
Fixed that for you OP

I'm not seeing the issue, at least from these webms.

Yeah, the art style is different, but just treat it as its own game. Nothing is stopping you playing the classic on the PS2, or its first remake on PS3.

At least the frame rate isn't shit like the original

Sotc IS garbage either way

I literally cannot take which is the remaster.


The one that isn't a collection of still images

But all video games are a collection of still images

Attached: shocked_alice.gif (720x405, 1.02M)

That's bullshit. Silent Hill's combat isn't intentionally bad. This myth needs to die. It's standard survival horror combat. SH is more focused on melee combat, which sucks in RE btw. You're not discouraged from fighting at all. It would help the atmosphere like it does in RE, but you have enough ammo to shoot everything in SH. It also increases your ranking. They did try to make the combat good and failed. It's not even as bad as people say though. It's far less limiting than RE.


God, this game's fucking amazing.

some of them do, others dont

They attack you as soon as they see you.

>massive plume of smoke to hide the lack of physics is better than an actual crumbling bridge
haha you're retarded loooool

They're still there, just extremely weaker than they originally were. Also the webm you're replying to is taken from two different spots in that arena, facing opposite ways, which is why the lights aren't even in the remake's side.

>Dormin's voice is more generic evil and feminine instead of how it was originalls - mysterious and what not
>Many environmental noises like wind, air pressure in tight spaces, and echoes missing or severely toned down
Watch the entire ending cutscene for many examples of this, but you'll notice if during gameplay too if you pay attention. Not to mention the sword's sound here
>More examples from the end being fucked from bad sound/music.
>Added Colossus finishing blow SFX that sounds terrible
>Every Colossus sounds worse, no exceptions
>Removed the song that plays when Wander touches Mono's face
>Removed another song from the end of the game
>Many songs were changed, example here
Sound mixing in general is just off, like the music and voices are too quiet so there's less impact and the entire game seems to be missing the echo of the original which was also present in Ueda's other games. The remake just sounds sterile.

Attached: head animation.webm (802x314, 2.14M)

what about this one

Attached: wild ride.webm (1470x808, 3M)

Isn't it obvious?
Old good. New bad.
New game Grug no like. GRUG NO LIKE!

I mean, yeah, it's bad... but games have bugs. There's plenty of weird glitchy shit in the original too.

Game was made for CRT.
All PS2 games look worse on a normal TV, even if they've been "HD remastered"
The graphics were built around techniques that only work on a CRT.

Not really. There was one guy who actively tried to find them all and made a video, but normal playthroughs don't give many if any bugs. The remake is buggier, sounds worse, has worse animations for Wander, and the atmosphere is shot.

Attached: -1280x720.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

Attached: volumetric fog lol.jpg (2465x1081, 404.49K)

This is not true. I don't know why this is perpetuated by fans of the game. It's only partially true for ONE colossus. Bird boi is wary of you until you shoot him, but the rest attack on sight. Even the first one.

There's literally nothing wrong with the remake other than Wander's face

sotc on ps2 is 480p

The animations for Wander are objectively worse and the new sound effects and mixing sound bad.

Attached: Argus.jpg (7517x2437, 2.32M)

There is a PS3 HD port without big changes, it has Ico too

Based. All remakes pander to cope.

There are changes in it though, PS2 is still the definitive version with no cuts.

Retards, really.

so when will they announce the rereremake?

SoTC and Ico both look amazing on CRT TVs through component.

Attached: 1513031768430.png (2084x844, 1.11M)

>There are changes in it though, PS2 is still the definitive version with no cuts.


It just runs at a stable framerate.

The fog was used to cover up the PS2's obvious lack of inability to render in the distance. Fog was used a ton in the older games to cover up shit that couldn't be actually rendered

Wait but both look fucking gorgeous. I'm not gonna pretend they look the exact same or anything but they both look very nice.

Cool fact
That's what I was saying, it's the same for all PS2 games.
They all look terrible on Flat Screens

And the framing of the shot and art direction were designed around its heavy use.

Making a shot for shot remake but scrapping it looks like shit.

>dormin's voice
It's the same exact sound bytes just with slightly different effects and timing.
>environmental noises
Overstated in the original, toning them down was the right decision.
>bad sound/music
Less compression is not bad.
>finishing blow, colossi sound worse
Audio feedback is always a plus and it sounds fine. As for the colossi, I'll give you that, they sound more generic now.
>song when wander touches mono's face
>removed a song from the end of the game
what the fuck were they thinking honestly i'm on your side with these two
>songs changed
Provide a better example because those are identical in terms of composition
>mixing is just off
No, it's just less compressed.

This, 100%. The old one made use of what the PS2 was capable of the fullest extent and the result is fucking beautiful.
The remake is a love letter to that and isn't capping out the PS4 hardware in any way but it's still directed beautifully.