That game you keep downloading only to uninstall it again

>that game you keep downloading only to uninstall it again

What's her name?

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why doesn't he just block?

>DOOM 2016
it is a nice video game

I don't download, I own physical discs like a sane person

rocket league
god i hate multiplayer games, i hate having to interact and depend on other people

>physical discs
What are you, some kind of a consolefag?

Siege. Its complete garbage for the past two years, but theres nothing else like it

I really want to like it, I really do but I just can't fucking play it. It's fucking infuriating, the clunkiest piece of shit I have ever played. And I loved NWN1
Last week I reinstalled it like 3 times

No more heroes 2 was pretty bad, but unlike you I gave up 4 hours in.

>No Mans Sky
I want it to be good, so I try every big update and uninstall again because all they add is cosmetic bullshit.

Arma 3

DotA 2

SFV coincidentally.


Dwarf fortress

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wow you're so edgy and special

This a fucking video

About some FAT FUCK

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Rust. Anyone who's played that heap of fucking aids knows exactly how I feel.

>Hey underaged user, how are the hotpockets your mom's bought you?

Ark. I enjoy it as a SP/ private MP but it's fucking 100 gigs. I dread to imagine of i had any DLC
Also LTG is the most enjoyable of the lolcow trio change my mind

LTG is a character and people STILL fall for it. It's amazing.

he is very based

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monster hunter

no matter how many times I try and how many times i convince myself i should love those games, i just cant. i just get so bored

Starcraft 2
I download all the gigs, play one game versus, and even If it's a win I feel exhausted and too anxious to play again.

>You also break the buffet

Goddamn savage lel

I agree he acts up to garner a following and probably have it as an acting reel or show off when looking for a job on the future once he tells the truth.
Also no real life drama like phil or wings. I don't really give a shit that phil is a retard on his expenses, seeing him begging is fine and all but i just want fightan or general salt.

what will actually happen is, let's say he did get an acting career. Someone can just link a clip from his stream where he says racist things, and he will lose his job


Yeah my friend tells me the same thing but you people forget that LTG has that melanin shield that grants immunity to cancel culture

dude i change my mind, he's BASED


Dawn of war 2, I love the whole 40k vibe and all of the voice lines are top tier but I can't really get into RTS games

Dragon's Dogma

>tfw BBC Armor
U jelly?

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Any and all touhou games,

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Why the fuck does Yas Forums keep saying he's /ourguy/ when he's a sexist douchebag who spends all his time mocking people instead of doing anything productive with his life.

you just explained it

sounds pretty based to me

Everyone that meets him in cons and tourneys always say he's a regular guy. It's a prank and it's making him money I guess?

Imma tie him up, imma bound him... with one of those gorilla tapes that you can't get out of
strap him to one of those WWE chairs
Imma sit back and watch Rocks clip each article and fabric of his clothing off with 99-cent store scissors... that take a long time
So Rocks is gonna be there staring at him, breathing on him, staring at him with his beady-ass, kodak-black eyes
while Joon's just in desperate trouble, just sweating profusely, scared, timid

then Rocks is gonna slide his drawers off
and start forcefully jacking him off
he's gonna have no choice but to like it
he's gonna sit there being humiliated, forced to catch an erection by a gay-ass nigga

after that, Rocks is gonna pry his mouth open to where he can't do anything with one of those dentist tools
forcefully stick is BBC jr. in his mouth, back and forth, and just stroke his grill, so he can catch a hard-on and just fucking his throat while he can't do shit
he gonna stroke his throat soo crazy this nigga's gonna throw up his last two meals
rocks ain't gonna give a fuck, he's gonna keep using his throat for friction and bust a hot load down his throat while he chokes and gurgles and we keep him tied up
this nigga is actually gonna die from choking on ejaculation from Rocks

then after that, Rocks is actually gonna bend him over, after he's deceased... and just stroke this nigga's carcass, period
until he busts a second and third nut all in his dead ass

That's what the fuck's gonna happen
Necrophilia, baby

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I pity third worlders.

wtf u quoting

Paradox games in general
I'm so sick of this company ffs

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The Witcher 3

Mario Kart Tour

team fortress 2, the glory days wont comeback

fallout 4

I'm 100% positive that most of his paid subscribers are dudes that are into humilliation and all that "beta" play. So he's tapping that market a bit

This desu. I keep installing DaS and DaSII, playing them for like 6 hours then dropping them.

LTG threatening "Joon The King"

sounds too extreme

Warthunder. Every time I play it I remember why I leave.

>the tweet that ended momokun

ESO. For some reason I keep thinking it's going to be like multiplayer Skyrim, but then I actually play it and it's just a shitty, boring MMORPG with all the shitty boring MMORPG trappings, like respawning mobs, repetitive fetch quests, and enemies that don't aggro until you're a certain distance away from them. The voice acting is cringe and makes it unbearable.

Only a power-autist could actually enjoy and sink hundreds of hours into this trash

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>lose match on stream
>goes into system menu in a fit of rage
>lose match on reality TV show...
based cinematographer

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He's not a character, he just learned to capitalize on his anger issues and plays it up. There's plenty of SF4 footage back when he was a complete unknown and he was always incredibly salty. That being said, he's very obviously pretending since SFV dropped and there's hardly any genuine anger anymore.

>respawning mobs, repetitive fetch quests, and enemies that don't aggro until you're a certain distance away from them
So skyrim?

>multiplayer skyrim
> it's just a shitty, boring MMORPG with all the shitty boring MMORPG trappings, like respawning mobs, repetitive fetch quests, and enemies that don't aggro until you're a certain distance away from them. The voice acting is cringe and makes it unbearable.

So its skyrim then. except single player

You just fucking described Skyrim, you fucking idiot

Holy shit, how are americans allowed to breathe.

Darksiders 2
I have feeling I am not the only one.

I've played through 2/3 of Witcher 3 about 5 times now and either got burnt out along the way or something else has distracted me

I don't think I'll ever finish it

>hurr durrrrrrr u just describe skywim i am soooo smarrt

Have you faggots even played ESO? It's like someone saw the shitty mechanics of skyrim, made an MMO out of them, and then decided it wasn't shit enough yet and made the combat and enemy AI even more shit

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Kingdom Come.

>Try to do the shitty prologue
>Get bored and uninstall

>For some reason I keep thinking it's going to be like multiplayer Skyrim,

>Wtf its just like skyrim this game is shit

Holy shit you are retarded my man.

Gotta bunch of people that got animosity towards black guys cause their dicks are bigger than them. These are guys that are jealous, cause they don't carry, they don't possess, BBC. They don't possess that GOD GENE that's involved in these black men out here.

Keep getting jealous while your wife asks for KEK-HOLDS. While your girlfriends ask for KEK-HOLDS and WISH that they could get FUCKED by these African warriors with these huge BBCs that could pipe them down to the point where they could FEEL each and every last spectacle of their pussies getting VIBRATED and THRUSTED until the orgasm just SPEWS out. Keep saying NIGGER, keep saying BLACK.

Come on you KEK-HOLDS! You love it! You love this shit! I’ll be that monkey. I’ll be that monkey. Yup, with a BBC. Enjoy it. Have your woman take this dick. She’s imagining a HUGE Black Cock. Why do you think your bitches get huge dildos!?

You guys don’t possess the BBC gene. That’s why you’re upset. No BBC equals anger. You’re upset, you’re mad at these African Cocks. These Rhino Dicks. That’s why you guys like saying nigger so much. I get it.

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