Video games are entertainment, investing dozens of hours of your life to feel accomplishment is pathetic

Video games are entertainment, investing dozens of hours of your life to feel accomplishment is pathetic.

No one cares that you S ranked every DMC3 level, get a grip.

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I care what I accomplish, and I'm the only person that matters

i blew like 10 loads in one day to starfire and raven EACH. some of us are proud of what we do

Anyone have the version where they're laughing at your dick?

Most things we do don't hold real value, but it's more important to pursue what you give personally fulfilling.

I want the one where they are laughing with their dicks out.
Ha fucking ha.

Also fuck you Op, the plats I have for every dark soul and dark souls like will never go away and were worth it. It's not for others, it's not for showing off, it's for me.

based and dare I say it? redpilled.

I want them to laugh at my tiny penis and then suffocate me by burying my face between their asscheeks.

WRONG. Personal fulfillment in video games is COPE. You would be even more fullfilled if you had a career your peers would be proud of

Just like speed runners. Is it really a "world record" if nobody fucking cares. Go do something with your lives while you still can. When you die, your family isnt going to be proud of your 100% save files

I will ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Why are you lying. You're not even proud of yourself right now. Look in the mirror, what do you see. A jobless NEET or a wagie with no future. Whose only accomplishments are beating games that were designed to be beaten. That's not impressive, it's not exciting. During your "conquest" you let your body go to shit. You didnt find love, you have no decendents. You'll always have that save file you beat the game on. Forever haunting your trash legacy. You're name written no where except as the main characters name in a game sitting in the corner of a goodwill. Which will be picked up and erased by a child who will eventually become something you couldnt. An adult

Absolutely fucking based

kek this loser. Just enjoy life bro it ain't getting any better. Once you die none of it matters anyway so just do the things you like to do.

hoes mad

>the doesnt matter anyway cope
Life gets better if you make it better, and our lives do matter if we actually do something that matters. If you have children your life matters. Do you enjoy making your life not matter. Do you enjoy not living up to the expectations your ancestors and parents set upon you? Why do you like to live as a disappointment




Based Giga Chad gamer

>Needing daddy's approval to be able to leave with yourself
Your are a weak-ass nigger

>doesn't get satisfaction from being really good at something even if that skill is ultimately useless

You must be a woman

I think OP made this thread so he could feel better about himself at the expense of others.

>Do you enjoy making your life not matter.

Now I know the answer to a question I never even thought to ask: I do. I really fuckin' do.

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>S rank
try SS rank kiddo

I have a job and a family and I like to challenge myself in video games.
Just because I haven't personally cured cancer doesn't mean that I can't feel fulfilment.
Stop projecting.

Hence why I said just do the thing you like to do which is different for everyone.
If you're posting on Yas Forums you're in no position to look down on anyone else weaving in this mongoloid basket weaving circle

holy hell, are you unironically depressed? imagine being this much of a doomer that everything is worthless to you. yeah, getting a WR in speedrunning isn't that cool, but that's a thing you enjoy. you all are beyond pathetic.

>Nothing matters

This. The only person you answer to at the end of the day is the man in the mirror. If you have his approval nobody else's scorn means anything. The opposite is also true however.

Why are people who are bad at video games so fucking delusional about it?
It’s the ultimate skill. It’s the ultimate stack. a 10 d20 roll of luck where you can either sit on your duff and get paid to do something low-effort or scrape your entire life for a little bit more time to escape from the hellish, frost bitten real world.
It’s the ultimate skill
The ultimate skill
The ul-ul-ul-ultimate skill

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Did someone say 'SS'?

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lol seething D-D-D-D-Dummy

this. complaining about how our lives are pointless from the shithole of the internet leaves (You) no room to talk.

How does having kids matter?


>tfw raven gave me a grey skin fetish.

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imagine being such a loser you don't understand the difference between the enjoyment of accomplishment that matters and pointless masturbation
nothing wrong with enjoying the things you like, but don't replace the genuinely good feelings we get to push us to make the world around us a better place with fake bullshit like vidya achievements

How will OP ever recover

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No one cares fag, how about instead of being a pathetic cretin and attempting to ride a high horse on Yas Forums you go out and "make the world a better place".

Yeah because me telling you to make an legacy for yourself is pathetic

I dont need his approval. But the look on his face when he saw the boy he raised become a self sufficient man with his own high profile career was priceless. Worth more than any achievement you could unlock in a mere video game

>Spending time getting good at something useless

If you want to make your life useless go ahead. Dont pretend that you're accomplishing something by winning a video game designed to be beaten. Call it for what it is, wasting your life away

My posts arent for you. They are for the people who arent living their lives and are using video games to compensate

I post here in my free time when I'm not working, to try to inspire others who dont want to be inspired. If I save at least one person, then that's a job well done

I'm not even close to depressed but I know a lot of people who sink their lives into video games are. I'm trying to tell them that there are better things to do. Go out and live your life, even if it is hard at first, it gets better

Things in this world do matter, but video games dont matter. Not a hard concept

The man in the mirror is only as respectable as the expectations projected on him by the one looking in the mirror

Kids are your connection from the present to the future. Without children your bloodline dies, millions of years of ancestral hard work dead

OP just got btfo through time and space.

This post is correct, but the specificity of your example leads me to believe you might just be assblasted about DMC3.

>Owns nigger in the year 2020
Have to report you to the officials

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fpbp, saying "your family won't be proud of you" doesn't mean shit because your family is probably retarded

Imagine not being able to SS or Pure Platinum anything in 2020

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I'll take the one on the right.

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>make the world around us a better place
hahahaha look at this retard and laugh. The sooner this whole shithole ends the better.

It's all or nothing. No refunds.

lol daddy issues much

I better get my loli too then.

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>Things in this world do matter
It all crumbles to dust, just because some things crumble easier doesn't make them worth less

i want starfire and raven to rape me

dear lord one man cannot be this autistic

Hey user, do you have a kid? A wife? A well paying and enjoyable job? Your own home?

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dick when?

>Raven thread AND Jessie thread in the catalog
Good fucking morning to me

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You get jynx. Gwen is booked for months.

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Pathetic. Selfishly driven people such as yourself will be left behind in the Rapture.

admit it, Yas Forums. how many times did you do it?

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Geez dude, just sit down and have a conversation with your parents. They likely don't hate you anywhere near as much as you think they do.
And the simple sad fact of adult life is that most people don't give much of a shit what you do once you leave their sight. I'm sure you recently got some minor win or something, but don't go around acting like you're suddenly Chad Thundercock or something now before you end up publicly embarrassing yourself.

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I still beat it to regular porn most of the time. I do collect 2d porn if I ever change my mind.

i prefer the slade one since tentacles arent my thing

Actually not too often, probably can easy count it on 1 hand. The other one is too busy

a lot

>millions of years of ancestral hard work dead
Yeah this happens every day, and it also never mattered.

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>if you wish not to be destroyed, you will leave me alone- mmpf!

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>millions of years of hard ancestral work

it's not hard work getting bitches pregnant user that's why all the poors and stupids have so many kids

Other DMCfags might.
And that's what matters.

Unbelievably based, clearly touched a nerve with all those (you)s

I can't do with identifiable male characters
Generic dudes or monsters are needed

>You're not allowed to enjoy achieving something that 95% of worlds pop are not able to achieve
>You're only allowed to enjoy achieving something that 95% of worlds pop are able to achieve
Nigga your shitty job is not an achievement, you are working just like any african nigger is (being a thief is still a job)

Tell me how a african nigger gets all S ranks in DMC if they dont even have electricity?

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not as much as pic related

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Op is shit at games git gud faggot

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I'm a newfag and what episode is this?

But what if she got even bigger?

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i sleep!
i coom moony tomes!

the best one

Kek I don’t think it’s the same user. If it is, he took many deep breaths to calm his raging seethe, and adopted a fiction of a “high profile career”.

I wish her dick was bigger.

Based, i still jerk it to this one

I have a kid on the way, a fiancee, a well paying job and saving up to buy a house.

I'm not perfect, and I have a lot to work on, but I'm not letting myself get sidetracked and complacent with video games

I am Chad Thundercock, though my hard work and constant effort I became Chad. Most people dont give a shit but you should still give a shit what you do and hold yourself to high expectations so you dont become some bottom feeder wasting your potential

What exactly are you doing to make the world a place? Like, what's your career?

For me its Gogo Tomago from Big /ss/ 6

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Seethe more fagget

A lot. In fact, I think I might again right now for old time's sake.

oh fuck I completely forgot this existed.
thanks for reminding me, user.

>Thinks its an achievement to be a normal functioning person
You must be one of those retards who ditch all their friends and hobbies after meeting a woman because "Oh boy im gonna be an adult now and I dont have time for hobbies"

Le leddit wojak related, thats you.

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Try even thinking of beating Dark Souls or patting your waifu on the head when you have actual, living, breathing people to save on an almost 24-hour basis. You can't.