Is this going to be a fucking disaster?

Is this going to be a fucking disaster?

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why would it?

No, you're thinking of "Ghost of Hiroshima".

I'm expecting a so so game. Not a fan of how ineffectual the armor they've shown so far is and the female Samurai. However, I don't think she'll be showing up much and she's not too bad.

No but it's not going to be worth getting hyped over.

Isn't she just a wife of a samurai? Historically the wives of dead samurai would take up the sword IIRC

Sucker Punch never made a bad game.
Well, Sly 3 was kinda bland, but that was a long time ago

anyone's guess
looks too niche of a setting for casual audiences, and the "gameplay" looks too basic bitch for anyone who wants to actually play a game

Kys nintendogaf

I literally don't care because I don't play video games.
But I will claim it is because that's much more fun to do.

looks like RDR2 but in Japan, which is fine by me
open-world games when done right ie not Ubisoft are unironically very enjoyable

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Sekiro is more interesting, hard pass

As long as I can get a decent open world with interesting side quests and exploration, which seems like we will from the trailers, I am happy. I am longing for a slow grounded samurai kino. Still skeptical about combat though. Hoping its not bamham.

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I think running around would be cool
like in Mad Max

Why is Yas Forums so desperate for a game to be a disaster? Why do we want games to be bad? Shouldn't we want good games?

what's the scoop with that game? I'm a big desertfag but I'm not sure how good it is as a game

I'm pretty sure I'll be at least somewhat satisfied. I've wanted a game like this for a long time. I'm not expecting anything amazing though. It won't be a Titanfall 2.

>cinematic bamham combat
>boring empty open world with ass creed towers
it's going to sell millions because of the advertising, but will still end up losing money

Noble women could wield weapons, but they weren't going to war or treated as Samurai. My main issue though is that the setting reeks of a realistic one and it has a lone female Samurai running around. It's not terrible as she's well done, but I'd rather she not have been in it at all.

post-TORtanic Yas Forums, a lot of people find it more fun to watch a crowbcat video of a game flopping than to play a good game

only if you don't like movies.

imagine 2 games being a financial blow

are you retarded
wanting the game to be good isnt going to make the game good
anyone can look at the game and see that it isnt good

yes we want games to be good, but most games are still shit
we dont want shit games to sell because that will just create more shit games

> Is this going to be a fucking disaster?

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Sekiro destroys it any basically all aspects and Nioh 2 is being released shortly which even has a character creator

Feels like mad max, quests are boring, story is shit. Cars are kino but you can't drive a big rig which sucks ass. Not enough "Witness me" moments.

ask me how I know you enjoy NieR: Automata

What's soo bad about it?

Maybe she's wanted by others for defying traditions and her role in society? It might work out pretty well.

>w-w-well the game only ended up being bad because Yas Forums wanted it to be bad!
>fucking gamers ruined another game!
>if gamers wanted good games then the game would have been good!


Sekiro is a linear action game with little focus on story and characters, this is an open-world adventure game with a large focus on exploration, cinematics and story
you are dumb


Man, fuck you. Fury Road has utterly poisoned the Mad Max fanbase with bullshit like "WITNESS ME".

Road Warrior was perfect.

Kill yourself faggot

So Sekiro is fun and this game is not.


People who don't care much for vidya will probably love it, looks pretty and simplistic like assassins Creed. Some people just want a flashy jack in a box instead of anything more complex and these people normally have a shit ton of money to spend.

Those are completely different games, the only thing in common is that they're ancient japan themed, i don't get your line of thought here.

No, this is going to be an inoffensive movie game that people will gobble up.

The open world meme ruins games

If you like animal crossing you have no right to talk shit about any game. Especially if you’re a stinking nincel.

>Some people just want a flashy jack in a box instead of anything more complex
Why does this idea make so many people mad here?

I just don't buy it.
A game this good looking running on a PS4?

Animal crossing got SOUL, much more than every single snoy open world trash combined.

It could go either way. Sucker Punch have never made an outright bad game, but the game looks too cinematic.

I'm hoping it's good and that it ends up being a modern Way of The Samurai or Shinobido, but the cinematic elements make me skeptical.

Sucker Punch are pretty great when it comes to the graphics department, from what I remember the inFamous games were good looking

Ha ha keep telling that to yourselves bitchboy

I'm just going to play it because it looks comfy.

It will be for anyone trying to compare it to Sekiro just because they both feature katanas. Fucking retards.

>muh grafix

did you really dislike some fucking normalfag because he said some cringy normalfag stuff? seethe more, nigger

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that's literally what the user was talking about, fag

Just a standard AAA dumbed down mash up of things that have been popular in the past few years ie. RDR2, Sekiro, AC, Batman and such thrown together into a very safe mixture that won't do anything new but will be satisfying to your average normalfag/Sony shareholder.
I expect it's going to, in the worst case, break even and end up being completely forgotten about in a years time.

Yes, you could say it will be "tortanic"

This is just Assassin's creed with Japanese setting. I'm expecting 2 buttons combat.

Its set during a mongol invasion. Pretty much SHTF of Japan

Sly 3 is the best game they made. You're a shit eating retard. Kill yourself you stupid nigger!

It's literally a Ubisoft game.

Because games with no depth get boring really fast.


I hate you fags.

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Sly 2 was shit, didn't bother with 3 because it was so bad. Sucker Punch haven't made a good game since the first one.


I hate you fags.

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I like the idea of RDR2 style game in japan but the fucking issue here is that RDR2 actually had good gameplay and god tier open world that actually let you explore without needing a million pop ups telling you where to go and where any thing worth looking at in the world was.

How do I know GoT has ANY of that? There is so little FUCKING gameplay shown I have no reason to believe this game could be genuinely good. It's a tech showcase that came out way too late.

It’s like this when it’s a Sony title