>Get 50 hours into a JRPG
>"Why am I playing this? The story is a whole load of NOTHING, the characters haven't had any development in the past 30 hours, none of the NPC's have anything interesting to say and the world isn't all that interesting"
>Drop it
>6 months later do it all over again with a new JRPG
Get 50 hours into a JRPG
>playing jrpgs for the story
Maybe they aren't for you user.
Dragon Quest sucks
if you want great combat, play Etrian Odyssey or Romancing SaGa
if you want fantastic writing, go with Shadow Hearts
if you want the absolute worst of both worlds, play Dragon Quest.
Well, there are some good jrpgs, just stop playing DQ
play Atlus games
DQ was always shit OP.
I got up until the part where you get the boat in DQ then I just dropped it, if there was a story involved it was so fucking thing I felt nothing.
Decent combat for the most part
What the FUCK are they even for then?
The combat is O K, it's allright, nothing amazing. The exploration is barebones. A good story is supposed to be its selling point and the reason everything else is lackluster.
man Dark Jade was thirst as fuck. Her VA really did a good job.
Is this a real question?
Random battles. They are for grinding random battles so you can get to level 22 and learn "Rocket fire flying dive" to grind more random battles slightly more efficiently, so you can get to maximum level and fight the secret boss.
This but with 3 RPGs at the same time
for people who like japanese style story telling. But to be fair to your point this particular dragon quest was very lack luster.
Each dragon quest before it had a twist that kept you playing along with interesting progression. However in 11 its entirely predictable that you cant help but lose interest. It was supposed to be predictable because 11 is the story that is told to the hero in the first 3 dragon quest.
DG11 feels like good entry-level jrpg.
Doesnt really have enough depth or originality to offer much to people who have played a few different RPGs, but it has enough polish and care to make it palatable to casuals.
>A good story is supposed to be its selling point
That's what you think but the reality is that the main selling point for ANY video game rpg is exploration and combat.
>Doesnt really have enough depth or originality to offer much to people who have played a few different RPGs, but it has enough polish and care to make it palatable to casuals.
the ironic part is that DQ is now a unique series in the jRPG realm because every other series has moved so far away from classic jRPGs, so DQ does have the most on offer, unless you're a zoomer who has never played a classic jRPG before.
>That's what you think but the reality is that the main selling point for ANY video game rpg is exploration and combat.
Is that why Octopath Traveler did so well? Nobody gives a shit about a JRPG with a bad story, even if the combat is good.
>Random battles. They are for grinding random battles
What kind of subhuman enjoys that?
>for people who like japanese style story telling
So a beginning, 40 hours of nothing, and then a hurried end?
play parasite eve instead
>Adults enjoy mindlessly watching a number go up for dozens of hours when they could be playing something actually original and different that doesn't play the same for 60 hours or experiencing a great story that makes you want to keep playing
>playing a video game for the story
there's your problem
nah, like I said in a post, 11 is the exception here. There is always something that would hook you in. But now its seems they arent even trying anymore.
ever hear of the stock market?
DQXI is one of the only JRPGs I've actually bothered playing through.
Dragon Quest XI is one big unchanged boredom for japanese boomers
there's nothing wrong with that if the stories are genuinely interesting, problem is - Dragon Quest's "you are the chosen one destined to beat the evil overlord" is not
ok retard
JRPG's are supposedly story heavy games, but they all suck. What does a JRPG actually offer besides a shit story? Mediocre combat? Shit exploration?
Haven't play XI but DQ is comfy. Love the small vignette stories that play out.
>"you are the chosen one destined to beat the evil overlord"
thats not all of them, but I get you, however the way they tell that story is where it gets interesting. How tye villian gains the upper hand and such. I mean if you think about it, all RPGs are a hero against the darkness.
8 and 9 were no different. Tell me the plot of 8 that isn't "chase the clown for half the game and then chase the staff for the other half".
Imagine you're a Japanese salaryman who's spent his entire childhood either at school, a cram school, or studying so you can get a job that you spend eighty hours a week at because you can't leave before the boss and then you go home to a wife who controls your money with an iron fist and children who are distant because they spend all their time studying. What else would you even be able to process as entertainment?
What in the fuck are you on about?
Because people like JRPGS.
turn your king and princess back from being cursed was a big part of it.
9 is completely different since you are a fallen angel who can choose their class.
This is me but instead of getting 50 hours into it i lose interest by the first fight and drop it.
Pic related was the latest snorefest i was stupid enough to bother giving a chance.
adults do get a kick out of numbers rising
I think the main appeal of DQ for me is that the story isn't super complex and it's kinda self aware how basic it is. Sometimes I just want to enjoy a simple premise that's easy to follow and is nice to look at.
The characters are always interesting and likeable though, something I can't say about recent FF entries.
They usually have gimmicks to make it interesting though, like IV had the multiple chapters playing as different characters, V had the wife and kids, VII has the time traveling, stuff like that. Haven't played XI.
Tales felt so disengenuine to me. Dont know why? Like they knew anime sells and patched together popular fads and made a game.
>turn your king and princess back from being cursed was a big part of it.
Yeah, that's an intro, that's a start of a story. You can't hinge a 75 hour game on that one plot point.
FF is off the rails to scifi fantasy rather than its roots. Characters are less likable as you more you hear them actually speak.
Sounds like you do know why.
This. DQ11 implemented lots of quality of life design choices that make away with most of the tediousness that came with traditional RPGs. Bravely Default did something similar too by allowing you to alter enemy encounter rates, difficulty and experience gain right from the get go and completely on the fly.
11 has time traveling but it was once and it was to th e past.
>I mean if you think about it, all RPGs are a hero against the darkness.
play more games, seriously
>a shady organization holds the protagonist with a criminal past captive in a small room. They force him to take part in an experiment: take drugs to induce extremely real dreams which are meant to cause feelings of remorse and guilt.
>aliens abduct human children and livestock to clone them and utilize them as weapons, some of the clones escape and try to get away from the invaders but are betrayed by fellow humans
>humans are dependent on the technology of a super advanced tower that reaches up to space, but they cannot utilize the tower without the help of an artificial race. Over time, said race revolts against the mistreatment of the humans and starts a war, causing a conflict over the control of the tower
because farming for days for rare clothes that don't really do much, or minmaxing for hours to get an extra 1DMG when atacking pleases my autsit heart
also why your hero cant be cursed. first 3d version of dragon quest. difficult if you dont grind. the pep up system allowed your mc to go super saiyan. shit like that.
Hold on, post that again?
I could be wrong though. I mean it felt like it was trying to be final fantasy but with less soul...
>plays 50 hours of JRPG
>he thinks he "dropped" it
lmao you missed your window to drop it 40 hours ago. What you did is called "quitting". You're a quitter, who gave up.
>also why your hero cant be cursed
A mildly interesting subplot.
There's no THRUST from hour to hour, there's no beats, it's just huge empty gaps where you're expected to grind and fight and explore for 10+ hours for a 2 minute cutscene of why the King is sad and then 10 more hours of busywork.
>Get 50 hours into an WRPG
>It's just ANOTHER Tolkien ripoff.
>There isn't a single intesting or well developed character.
>There isn't a single compelling scene.
>Music is just ambient garbage, the whole thing is just totally impersonal and soulless because those games are designes by committees and they don't want to take any risk. There's no place for art here.
>You will never retrieve those 50 hours.
Yes, I gave up on this failure of entertainment.
>all those posts memeing about playing games for the story is bad
>bet that half of them are completely serious
neo-Yas Forums needs to be nuked once for a good restart.
all of those examples are heroes expelling darkness or evil one way or another. its always a quest to stop an evil that is planning to take over or has taken over one way or another. Pretty much all fiction does this in the grand scheme of things but I played shit lke breath of fire,
legend of legia, final fantasy, DQ, secret of mana series, terranigma, chrono trigger. So on and so on. It always has some evil need expelling for a time of peace.
can you name a series that has that? Because I could argue dq8 does i just havent played it in a long time.
I liked it. Was simple, fun and easy. Not taxing at all.
Chrono Trigger did story right because it was a 20 hour game and every hour had you in a new place with new characters and a new story beat that mattered