Explain her popularity to me

Explain her popularity to me

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She isn't Ann.

Cute and autistic

She’s cute!

meek autist atracts meek autists, what is there not to get?

She's into butt stuff

what popularity lmao

She uses the back door

Lack of better options.
Futaba is a NEET that is treated like your sister in the game. If that's your kink then sure.

I don't understand it either.
She has the most boring design of the main cast , gets treated like a mary sue the moment she joins the group and her social link is awful.

Truly worst girl.

Very nice ass
Cute hair

She hijacks the plot once she joins and gets all the important dialog and gets to make all the important decisions for everyone else. Her leather number also makes her butt look big.

reddit's favourite girl along with futaba

What's Yas Forums favorite girl?

Badass and good ass

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i just posted them

Kawakami of course.

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Kawakami and Ann.

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This cutie muffin who was abandoned even by her own creators.

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Cute and level-headed. Joker and her act like team mom and dad. The aesthetic of future police captain coupled with master thief is great too.

Everybody loves a cute robot.

She looks like the canon girl

Makoto and Kawakami are.

Ann is the cannon girl because Joker falls in love with her in the first cutscene

The silly thing is, Atlus claim they don't understand why she became so popular.
Also I'm surprised no-one's mentioned
>Persona is a flipping motorcycle

muh canon waifu

cannon indeed



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>Ann is baka gaijin
>Futaba being your “little sister” turns away normalfags
>Fivehead-chan is a literal who
>side character chicks are irrelevant
there you go

Anne is the love of my life.

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What's funny is Kasumi fits that description much better. She was even initially designed to be a FeMC.

how did no one noticed morgana was under joker's desk for a whole year

All the negative rumors about Joker probably made the students afraid to interact with him. I can't explain why the teachers didn't say anything about it though.

An autistic robot.

>beloved japanese voice actress
>good design
>supposedly super smart to the point that you can't hang out with her until you get smart too
>bit of a dominate
>nice ass
there's a little bit of everything for everyone so more people like her so she is more powerful

your wife is a dumb bimbo slut

>he doesn't know

>Short hair
>Tight juicy ass
>CQC Fighter
>Naive when it comes to street smarts which makes her even cuter
Honestly, Makoto is stacked.

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Makoto in the advertising: seemingly uptight girl with a vicious streak who punches everything, yells about justice, her Persona is a fucking motorcycle, and her Mad Max/HnK outfit gives her a tight ass.
There were tons of people waifuing her long before the game was actually released, and they just didn't bother paying attention to her actual dialogue in the game.

Yes. Even if you're a tripfag I must agree with you.

best sl

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you must be gay

Yeah, I'm thinking based

Him and the ex-yakuza are the best.

Honestly, I loved all the SL in this game. I love how you are doing all of them for mutual benefit but by the end they are a true accomplices of the phantom thieves and they are the ones who get you acquitted.

I wish Tora was my grampa

I legit teared up at the final meeting.

We'll meet at the peak old man

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These. It's quite easy to see if you're not a literal autist, but alas this is Yas Forums.

>answer a question right in kawakami's class
>she does the white power symbol

what the fuck

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I want worship her older sisters ass to be honest

She's cute, that is literally it. Also if you're like me, you picked her just to spite Sae who wasn't a romance option, and we still didn't even get a scene about it. At least I can finally bang Sae in Royal.

for me it's literally just her hips

this game was so good to start with but i'm 80 hours in with no end in sight and starting to get seriously bored

More like KKKawakami.
