Blocks your path

>Blocks your path

Attached: Nazeem2.png (200x200, 91.83K)

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the cloud district is only a couple of metres away from where the commoners homes and the market is. why does he act to high and mighty? why is the cloud district even made distinct from the rest of the city? fuck this guy

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Please move sir, i'm on my way to the cloud district

Yeah i never understood what the cloud district was for ages i thought it was like some mystical city somewhere that only the elites were allowed into, because i had no frame of reference for what the fuck he was going on about. I didn't know he literally just meant up the steps that are like 5 feet away from me

He lives in a fucking inn
He's a nigger larper

I'm sorry user but you can't get to the cloud district without sucking my Redguard cock.

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I feel like Beth wanted to copy the upper district of Khorinis from Gothic II but they knew that their AI is dogshit, so they simply let the district open

The average commoner still wouldn't go there regularly, even if it's close by. Just like 99% of a towns population IRL won't go and personally visit the mayor of their town.

but there are only houses and a church there. there's no upper class, high society only meeting place or something. he makes it sound like there are grand balls and and expensive auctions going on and that you need a special pass to get in. he's full of shit.

Why no, I don't go to the Cloud District often. How could you tell?

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Isn’t the temple of Whiterun in the Cloud District? Which means that commoners would have to go to the CD simply for prayers (which would be a lot)

>city with 3 districts
>literally the size of a tiny village

why is this allowed?
what vidya has actual city sized cities

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>kills you and steals your soul
>uses soul to craft magic shoes
>walks around the Cloud District for several hours
Felt better than I expected, not gonna lie.

I bother our mayor all the fucking time. Mainly to sell him some shitty furniture or shirts that I don't need. And to creep on his secretary, of course.

Don't mind me, I'm just the most aesthetic armor in Skyrim.

Attached: Nord_Plate_Armor.jpg (1200x927, 298.33K)

Yes yes I haven't touched myself in days.

I heard they were going to make the different levels more distinct, but couldn't get it to work right with consoles. Never checked into it, but would've been neat if true.

>Dark Niggas

I don't believe them considering the absolute STATE of settlements in Fallout

>Diamond City is barely any bigger than Megaton or Rivet City
>Goodneighbor is even smaller

*chops your wood*

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I'll have you know there's no pussyyYYYY


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What does he actually do for the General Store?

Why are the NPCs in Skyrim more memorable than the main caracters in New Vegas?

OLs are best girls

Repetitive ass dialogue.
>Have you tried mercenary work? It might suit you
>I work with my mother to sell fruits and vegetables. It's fun most days, but hard work.
>Come to chat with an old woman, hmm? Do your good deed for the day?

Gets paid for advertising the shop, tidying the place and chopping wood into hearth

Assassin Creed series

Is this soul?

Let's get to bashing butts, as well as Deez Nuts

You've got a real bounce to your chest.

Um sweety?

Nazeem is a 100% nordic BVLL

because they all have one line

>Edgy pointed garbage

uglier in every way

>actual city sized cities
None. There are some with pretty big cities though.

>I'm not afraid of you, even if you are my elder. Boys, girls, dogs, elders - there's nobody I won't fight!


based, my father bothers her for the rest of the population, she is a (((socialist))) and my dad is opposition in the (((social democrats)))

/r/ nazeem stuffing the jarl's backside

couldn't count the number of times I saved and attacked that little shit. her and
>another wanderer, here to lick my father's boots. good job.


Fucking cringe, kys

switch of shitty game and load up the witcher as its vastly superior in every way

Attached: still a better option than triss.jpg (1331x1080, 118.21K)


I always feel mild anxiety whenever there's a scene playing out where an NPC has to move somewhere or do literally anything else than talk. It always feels like something could break at any time.

Attached: SR-npc-Severio_Pelagia.jpg (1080x1080, 1.14M)

No, that's the Wind District. The Cloud District literally Dragonsreach, that's it.

>HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMUuuhhhhhmmmmm get to the Cloud District often? Of course you don't.

Cringe, terrible taste.

shut the fuck up plebe

Imagine liking Skyrim Daedric, like not even the Morrowind or Oblivion variants, but the Skyrim version.

>he thinks I only like Skyrim's Daedric armor

are you implying that Oblivion's daedric armor is better than anything?

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That's sexual assault i am calling the guards

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You're right to feel anxiety. NPC path finding in the creation engine is absolute fucking dogshit and if there's anything Bethesda should be shamed for, it's that. I can deal with casualization and even shitty combat but if NPC's can't even properly walk 20 meters from A to B that's where i draw the line
You just know that this shit will still be present in TES VI, and for some unknown reason nobody will care

>no penis


crawling in my crawl
the definition of overdesigned

>"Olfrid, patron of the great Clan Battle-Born, a name I'm sure you know well."
>Never hear about them anywhere outside of them constantly talking about themselves.

Attached: OlfridBattleBornCC.png (1000x563, 1.26M)

During the stormcloack assualt in whiterun, there was this old lady in the middle of the battle looking at me with a confused look , like she had alzheimer or something and looking for a way home in this madness of a fight, it was pretty funny, hope she found the way home