Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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they didn't even try with her lines

Edelgard is never wrong, Yas Forums is just contrarian.

Just finished her route today and I have to say she did literally nothing wrong.

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Except her argument makes COMPLETE sense.

He makes a moralfag argument about how she should stop what she's doing because it's causing deaths

She turns it right back around on him and says the same result (no more war) could be had if they simply surrendered

His argument isn't a moral one, it's a political argument (I deserve this land!!) masquerading poorly as a moral argument

>lies to you
>lies to her closest allies
>lets bad uncle tell her lies and influence her into hating Rhea despite being responsible for pretty much all of FETH and death of all her siblings and Dimitri's rage and her knowing it

>never wrong

Edelgard. She's a femcel who's thirsty for Big Boar Cock but hates herself too much to actually talk to him. Everything would've been resolved if they'd just TALKED.

>Make multiple plotlines
>Instead of making a plot where this makes sense, just make the characters act completly retarded in the plotline they are villains
Great game

Fire Emblem series wise obviously Dimitri was in wrong, because dragons and church are always evil in series and he's the only lord who willingly decided to side with them

3 houses is more ambiguous in regard to them.

well, now I know if I ever want to make quick cash, just find the nearest Edlegardfag and mug the shit out of them

after all, it'd be easier to just surrender and let me beat the shit out of you, right?

>Dimitri never act retarded in CF route, the only route where he a villain
>Edelgard acts retarded in every single route including her own
She's literally Corrin 2.0 who instead of being highschool tier moralfag just highschool tier atheist

Imagine comparing war to mugging.

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Edelgard only points the hypocrisy in Dimitri's previous statement and doesn't actually chastise him for fighting. Dimitri is being retarded here, but not because he's fighting for his country - the confrontation between him and Edelgard is inevitable, after all - it's because he attempts to guilt-trip Edelgard for fighting for what she believes in, while doing the exact same thing himself.

>dragons always bad
Do you even play Fire Emblem games?

Fire Emblem always portrays everyone as morally questionable. Everyone does war crimes, everyone kills.

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(Orientation between VW and AM depends on which cast you like better, followed by personal ethics)>(Orientation between CF and SS depends entirely on your personal ethics)

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But Dimitri doesn't believe in fighting and sees killing as a very bad thing, he just ready to do that needed to be done
That's entire reason why he so fucked up in timeskip
Also in same dialogue Edelgard mocks him for never being able to understand lives and wishes of common people for whom he fights, despite him being the only lord with 100% population support

you for making this retarded thread. now kys

war literally is mugging on a grander scale

>Edelgard is never wrong
>"the church weakened the empire dude trust me"
>gets debunked by Cindered Shadows
>"nemesis was a cool guy and did nothing wrong and was the hero"
>debunked by Verdant Wind/ Silver Snow
>"the church forced humans to embrace crests"
>debunked by Verdant Wind/ Silver Snow
>"I'm not interested in conquering Fodlan"
>debunked by Azure Moon

But she started the war though to steal land and people from others, that's basically large-scale mugging.

But war is geopolitical mugging. You invade, beat them up, and take their shit.

>Must you continue to reconquer? Continue to kill in retaliation?
I've never played Fire Emblem or whatever this is from, what the fuck is the context for that line? It sounds like she's crying that someone's defending themselves or something.

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She does

That's literally what's happening.

Yes. The context is essentially her going "no u" when confronted about the fact that she's the one conquering and killing people to the guy defending his homeland.

She did not start the war because she wanted to steal. She started the war for the greater good of fodlan.

>party 1 wants to root out the corrupted church faction
>party 2 disagrees and doesn't surrender after being asked to
>party 2 gets assfucked by party 1
>party 2 tries to take revenge
>party 2 asks if party 1 needs to continue to conquer and kill
>party 1 sarcastically returns that line back at them, with the meaning that none of this would have happened if they would have surrendered

Nah, she's mocking dimitri for being a hypocrite.

Her lines can't be real, right?

Fucking kek, is that why she needs a secret police in her ending?

>corrupted church faction
Reminder that 90% of her accusations are made up or outright lies debunked by other routes and even more in the DLC.

They are, she believes that if she says she's the good guy, she can kill all she wants and it won't count since she said she's the good guy.

>Reminder that 90% of her accusations are made up or outright lies debunked by other routes and even more in the DLC.
I don't know, mang.
Child experimentation is kind of an evil thing to do.

why must you continue to reply to bait

What secret police?


Interesting that they made such an unambiguously evil route.

>party 2 disagrees and doesn't surrender after being asked to
She literally syrprise attacked them
Then sponsored coup and put evil cultists in power who sacrificed people

U wot m8, Byleth's mother was a grown woman, Edelgard's allies are the ones doing child experimentation. As expected, you only played Edelgard's route. If you had played Silver Snow or Verdant Moon you would have found out the truth about Byleth's mom.

>make a completely evil character and route with no defendable qualities
>make the character female
>suddenly people defend it and ignore what is in front of them

Hubert founds a force at the end of Crimson Flower that executes anyone that says anything against Edelgard.

Whoever came up with this shit reddit tier meme

Don't remember that, but even if so, I don't see how that changes anything.

>literal gestapo
>doesn't change anything
Meanwhile the church houses atheists and foreigners with different religions. Edelgard can't even live on the same continent as people that disagree with her.

>Edelgard is correct that there would be a more peaceful resolution if her opponents just gave up
>Dimitri is correct that taking up arms against an enemy nation trying to conquer you is a just course of action
>Edelgard is basing her mission off of complete lies and half if not only quarter truths
>Dimitri is basing his mission off of schizoid delusions

Neither and both of them simultaneously. You chose wrong when you sided with humans anyway, but at least you didn't side with a filthy Almyran.

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Why do people that shill Edelgard's route always say stupid things that the other routes tell you are wrong? The Agarthans started the War of the Lions, not the Church. The Agarthans gave crests to humans, not the Church. Adrestia exiled it's Church 10 years ago, how can it be ruled by people that aren't there?

Nothing wrong with not allowing people to disagree if you're right. You're doing the same thing right now.

>Nothing wrong with not allowing people to disagree if you're right
What is Edelgard right about exactly? Crest suck but it's a human invention. The Church doesn't rule Fodlan. Rhea's fake history is bad but Edelgard makes her own fake history too where Agarthans and Nemesis are the good guys. The War of the Lions and Round Table conflict were started by Agarthans, not the Church which she accuses them of.

Disagree ing with and calling you an idiot is not the same as disappearing you and your family for political reasons nigger.

Right about the church being corrupt and controlled by a very mentally unstable dragon lady.

Healthy cakes.

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>Child experimentation is kind of an evil thing to do.
That's not something the Church does though. The slithers do. The Church's enemy. The Church is fighting that crap.

>The slithers do
Actually empire, slithers joined fun later

Women are always wrong

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>Right about the church being corrupt
While none of the organizations are perfect, the irony is really that the Church is like the least corrupted power in all of Fodlan.

Yas Forums for radicalizing you and mocking humanity

Women are violent and irrational.
That's why lesbians have the highest rates of domestic abuse by far.

>Right about the church being corrupt
The fuck does the church do? Rhea is corrupt but the Church is unironically innocent. And if you bring up Cristophe and Lonato I need to remind you that Cristophe was a literal terrorist.

I believe that but I still want some evidence

The church is controlled by Rhea.


edelcels are retarded

>achieves damn near every one of her true enemies' goals for them
>n-no t-this is actually necessary f-for the future of fodlan!
I am fine with Edelgard being a villain, even if a route where you changed her mind in her academy days would have been neat.
But what really gets to me is just how incredibly stupid her actions are at their very core.
Though you could make the argument that she was just their puppet, manipulated through and through to become their new Nemesis. But even if this was intentional it would have been appreciated if the game focused on it a little bit more. Like Edelgard maybe realizing this herself, or the Slithers taunting Edelgard about it. Anything. Instead it's like she doesn't even realize what she has done, and no one else points it out either.

If Edelgard truly wanted to fight for the betterment of Fodlan she should have fought the Slithers specifically instead of waging war against literally the entire continent.
>b-but attacking and provoking the slithers would have had dire consequences!
And plunging the entire continent into an over half a decade long war, drowning it in chaos and bloodshed, did not?

What really bothers me the most about all of this, is that even if Edelgard was lied to and manipulated in regards to the Slithers and the Church. She grew independent and free enough to seek the truth or double check things herself, and she had allies who could do the same thing. And none of them do.
Both Dimitri and Claude changes their minds on various things throughout their stories, but Edelgard truly is thick as a rock. She acts on the behest of her enemies and all she wants to do is eradicate the Church and conquer Fodlan and nothing will change her mind.


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That line makes a bit more sense in the jp version, just blame localization for not doing it right. She implies/accuses dimitri of not actually trying to progress anything and being entirely satisfied by JUST returning things to how they were and reconquering in itself. Retaking things is fine but to be satisfied with just that doesn't make for a good ruler. Or that was the idea. It's shit but it beats how she came off in English.

built for hatesex

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>defend and welcome the empires greatest enemy

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>If Edelgard truly wanted to fight for the betterment of Fodlan she should have fought the Slithers specifically instead of waging war against literally the entire continent
She wanted to fight them though, it's just that her master strategist Hubert and her decided that, for some reason, it would be better to be unified as a whole continent first before doing it. Honestly the writing is just bad. Yes, yes, FE always had bad writing you could say, but 3 Houses is going beyond.

Edelgard would have invaded whether Dimitrie welcomed the Church remnants or not. Did you forget that Edelgard's entire goal was conquering all of Fodlan?

It's from another route though, where she let cultists sacrifice Dimitri's citizens on the streets for bloody rituals