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>Reinstall F:NV
>All of the dialogue in the opening town is utterly uninteresting
>There's nothing cool to find in the town just that one shitty quest
>Go south to the next town
>Clearing out the hotel and realize the game is boring shit
Can't believe I thought this game was good back when I was a 20 year old kid



lol why would I want to make the game less fun?

I beat hardcore mode once and it just added tedium and nothing else.
Managing bodily needs meters is fucking boring, especially since all the food and water I could ever need are plentiful.

>Sunset Sarsaparilla heals but gives you dehydration
Yeah, not without a mod that fixed the retarded stuff

Barely even makes a difference. You have to eat and drink every once in a while. Other than that I never even noticed it was on.


Yes but mod out hunger/thirst/sleep.

[Speech] No. (Recommended)

>special reward
>literally just an achievement
Thanks obsidian

It'd be fine without the survival shit, really.

Soda actually does technically dehydrate you. It consumes more water than it puts into your system.

It isn't enough to be noticeable, but soda is a dehydrating agent. It's all the fucking sugar in it.

They hated him because he told the truth.

Hardcore mode is comfy
>spend the first few in game days hunting geckos around goodsprings
>cook up enough gecko steaks to last me a nuclear winter

I like the other changes in HC mode, especially the stimpak nerf and ammo weight, but unfortunately hunger, thirst and sleep are all a pointless chore to fulfill, and I have just modded them away when I have played NV in hardcore after the first time I played with them on. It sucks how bad games are at making basic needs interesting, especially hunger and thirst never end up being interesting, always feeling both too easy to fulfill, yet too frequent of an annoyance.

I've never played New Vegas with Hardcore mode off. It's not even tedious because of how long it takes for hunger or thirst to set in. Also I hate having lots of chems / consumables so this mode gives me an excuse to actually use them. I always pair this mode with a realistic damage mod, too.

That's why I often like it when games allow you to fine tune such things, so you can remove the bad or boring bits.

Hardcore's a really great RP aid in NV.

You can beat the entire game before dying of thirst, hell you can beat the entire game before even getting the first level of thirst. That's without even abusing speedrunner glitches, just playing the game quickly.

I can understand why people might dislike the basic needs aspect of Hardcore, but I personally enjoyed it because it's easier for me to roleplay a character who has to eat/drink/sleep etc. I personally don't NEED an actual mechanic to do those things (in RPG's without a hardcore mode I eat/drink/sleep anyways), but it was nice to have the option to add in an actual mechanic for those things.

New Vegas in particular needed more challenge in it's hardcore mode though. It was far too easy to find food and water in a game that's supposed to take place in a barren desert wasteland shithole. Hardcore mode in a Fallout game should have you making moral choices about killing random scavers for their supplies, or struggling to find a half empty canteen. Likewise food should be rare, to the point where cannibalism actually becomes a viable option. Fallout is the perfect setting for hardcore survival mechanics that actually force the player to make serious decisions about survival and instead there is food and water literally everywhere.

>pick HC for my second run
>water is barely an issue even after discarding the v13 canteen that was dropped on me
>food is barely an issue
>healing is barely an issue, just hide behind something while stimpack does its job
>all it really changed is the weight of shit so I have to do trips back and forth to my stash more often
if I feel like replaying again I don't think I will bother t.b.h.

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I picked up a few stealth boys and sneaked to new vegas trough utobitha.
Being level 2 and getting chase by both super mutants and deathclaws was fun

I had no idea Yas Forums was filled with so many soiboi sissy casuals.

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brainlets will seethe at this but it's indubitably the truth.

>tedium makes me hardcore
you sound like a type of guy that makes a challenge out of enjoying watching paint dry

>not dust
itt a bunch of faggots whine about muh difficulty

I drink nothing but soda and I never had a problem with dehydration

I bet you like JRPG dialogue

water and food is an issue because most of it gives you rads. also if you are away from town for a long time and forget to bring any it can punish if you if you leave it to the last minute and dont have any.

medpacks is more of an issue because you cant pause the game and heal up to full. Also crippled limbs is more of an issue especially at the start of the game bcause you actually need a doctors bag instead of saying "oops i better pause my game medkit myself again"
Which is nice because its lame to have to set rules for yourself (such as not abuse healing system) to not make the game a cakewalk.

What colour is your pee?


you sound like the kind of guy that is a faggot

You intake water from other sources retard. And Soda barely dehydrates you. It still has enough water in it to replace most of what is used up by the sugar and electrolytes in the soda.

But Soda is almost always a net loss of water in the body.

Also, drink some water you fat fuck.

Try sawyer mod, makes some changes in hardcore like soda not being made out salt and stimpack variations

radiation would be a worry if it was more deadly like in F1 and 2 and not some weak stat debuff

I already beat it on hardcore mode on vanilla. soda shouldnt cure your dehydration.
>but i only drink soda!
ya you are also a fat fuck who sits on your ass all day and probably shovels your face full of food that has water in it. Try intense physical exercise and drinking nothing but soda or not eating anything but dried foods along with your soda.



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>You may turn Hardcore mode off at anytime during the game
Imagine being filtered out by a mere video game

my best fallout character died due radiation and since i only had 1 save i had to take it

This is a myth. Soda doesn’t hydrate as much as water, but it still hydrates you.

The first few hours of NV (assuming you don't rush to New Vegas) is the most boring part of the whole game. Things didn't pick up for me until I made it to Novac. NV is much better overall but FO3 did have a better first few hours (not counting tutorials, FO3 tutorial is awful because you can't skip it like you can NVs).

This, it just adds walking simulator stuff in it, stuff that is boring.

i'll seethe your butt with my slaps you little cunt

There hasn't been a single game with good survival mechanics. Having to open your inventory every 5 minutes to eat something isn't 'hardcore'.

Name three memorable lines spoken by any three different characters in Goodsprings.

Food and Water becomes a non-issue after a few hours. Ammo weight is the biggest thing that hardcore mode adds. I never bothered with the Fatman in my HC playthrough because mini-nukes weight a ton.

>Well how about that, you’re awake
>well, howdy partner
>hmmmn nmmm nope, too dangerous, gonna blow yourselves up

does loverslab count?

of course

then food in new vegas should hydrate you

>blow the WHOLE place up!

The mod makes soda hydrate you a little bit is still better to drink water, no need to chimp out on me captain autism

would have liked it more if you had to pee and poo desu

Mini-nukes are so fucking rare in NV that I don’t think that I’ve ever used them in it. I guess that they would have some use against some of the more hidden ”superboss” enemies, but I’m just not gonna haul a heavy-ass launcher around so just that I can use it maybe once in 10 hours.

Then again, I’m a stingy fuck who never likes to use anything with limited ammo reserves that can’t be easily replenished.

I don't know about lines.
But I want to shove my cock down Sunny Smiles throat.

>ammo weight
Play the game correctly and only have one or two weapons on you at a time

It's because you are a fat fuck and hydrate yourself from all the shit you eat.

>you look fine as a fiddle
>thats not the name i would have given you but if thats your name

Nah, you’re on the frontier of NCR territory, which by new Vegas , is essentially early 20th century standard of living. Supply chains should make most resources pretty bountiful, if not easily accessible.

I think the spanish dub calls her sonrisas or something kek

It's no big deal, you just have to keep a stack of water in addition to the usual ammo and gear.

It's pretty OK with Jsawyer installed

I just fast traveled to the wintersprings water source every time I needed to drink