Linux Gaming Thread

Thread about playing video games on GNU+Linux

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Why would you game on Linux?

i take it your new to linux.

Linux is more fun to use than Windows

My only problem with Linux is that I never got BYOND to run on it so no SS13 for me

Why yes, I play games on Linux, how could you tell?

Attached: TuxRacerScreenshot.jpg (644x481, 90.17K)

why is Linux more fun?

Because I can go in to terminal and copy and paste commands

this is gunna blow your mind: you can do that in Windows too



Yeah but then I tell everyone that I use linux and they all think I’m a hacker

daily reminder that Feral Interactive ports are shit and run worse than the windows version via wine/proton.

I cant believe these fuckers actually get paid to do a terrible port.

You mean your friends in study hall or recess you underaged piece of shit.

post what games you play

Attached: linux_installed_games.png (1920x1043, 1.72M)

Because Linux is a better OS and I actually get better performance on Linux than on Windows when playing of a proper game developed with native support

because I can customize the fuck out of it and fap to it later.

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>obscure Japanese VN has a native Linux port for some reason
I'm not complaining, just wondering.
Gaming on Linux has gotten pretty good though. I remember when Dota 2 was pretty much the only Linux game.
You can't expect every Dev to spend time developing a Linux version. However you can expect engine devs developing Linux versions. UE4 and Unity already have Linux support so it's easy to port. Proton does the rest. Good times to be on Linux.
If you game a lot and don't want to miss out you have to dual boot sooner or later anyway, however I've also encountered games that wouldn't run on modern windows but ran great on Linux via wine.

Linux IS superior when it comes to daily computing. But, when it comes to gaming... Windows is superior.

Imagine being this retarded and falling for such obvious bait

>I cant believe these fuckers actually get paid
they probably don't, since there is not many people buying the ports they make
chicken-and-egg problem
no audience because no games, no games because no audience
freetards will have to put a lot more effort into breaking the cycle if they want to get more games

No my mom is impressed too

If Tux Racer is so good, where is Tux Racer 2?

9/10 Hahnrei
(-1 Hahnreipunkt wegen Aoe2)

>qemu with gpu passthrough

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Does your stepdad tell how awesome you are before he "touches" you? Just think if your mommy wasn't a whore your real dad might still be around. I'd go ahead kill myself if I were you.

>when it comes to gaming... Windows is superior.
only if the game you play aren't available natively on Linux. since I am burned out of vidya and nowdays only occasionally play Dwarf Fortress, Factorio and a little bit of Rimworld Linux is actually the superior option for me since they all perform better on Linux.

they do. Feral Interactive dont sell their ports, companies (Like Creative Assembly) give them a one time payment to create a port of their game and then Creative Assembly sells it on steam as a Linux game

Because it's a pain in the ass. Pretty much everything that may go wrong will go wrong.
Like basic things like X service and stuff.
Also, it's absolutely impossible to use any distro without terminal. Like, there is some GUI shit like "network manager" or something, but all that shit does is editing some config file in /etc and it only allows about 30-70% of what manual editing can do.
Pretty much every open-source project is a thing of passion. That means it's quite pretentious, but will never ever fucking actually work.

Good games don't need squeals, they are complete on their own.

>Good games don't need squeals
This man is telling the truth.

Speak English you nazi. that pic wasn't mine I just stole it from r/unixporn

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Why do /g/entlemen want linux to be popular? What good could it possibly bring?
If it becomes popular, most people will only get computers with as much malware, backdoors, bloat and pre-installed garbageware as current Windows. And you'll have normalfags using your beloved OS, so you'll need to find an other niche, like a real unix, as anything popular is obviously reddit and cringe.

why don't you go back there faggot

>Why do /g/entlemen want linux to be popular?
its a mixture of wanting the underdog to win, stick it to spyware infested Microsoft
>What good could it possibly bring?
break the defacto monopoly of Microsoft on the home computer market and bring Linux more support. more devs will make more Linux versions of their software, more game devs will make more Linux games, more hardware manufacturers will release Linux drivers.
>If it becomes popular, most people will only get computers with as much malware, backdoors, bloat and pre-installed garbageware as current Windows. And you'll have normalfags using your beloved OS, so you'll need to find an other niche, like a real unix, as anything popular is obviously reddit and cringe.
Its already the situation with Ubuntu, thats part of the reason for the install gentoo / btw I use arch meme. Ubuntu is just too mainstream.

No. Yas Forums is home, its been home since 2006. I only go to reddit to fap

>What good could it possibly bring?
Progress would snowball, meaning better performance, better user interface, more hardware support. That would make it better for playing video games, developing video games and even discovering new ways of how to even play video games.

>Why do /g/entlemen want linux to be popular? What good could it possibly bring?
I just want it to be supported.

>break the defacto monopoly of Microsoft on the home computer market and bring Linux more support. more devs will make more Linux versions of their software, more game devs will make more Linux games, more hardware manufacturers will release Linux drivers.
I understand that but it won't matter since they'll have to abandon it for something else. If we reach that fantasized Year of the Linux Desktop, I think linux will be the spyware-infested monopoly. Look at 100% of smartphones running linux or a flavor of unix, contrarians still want Librem GNOME phones and things like that. History will just loop forever.

>Linux IS superior when it comes to daily computing
I'd love to see you use your fancy ext file system to copy some 4GB movie to my USB.
Now let's just compare the time it took to the time one does it with Win10.

again, you are describing the situation with Ubuntu where Ubuntu collects information for Cannonical. the solution is to go to a different distro, not a different OS altogether.

>still uses a command line in 2000+20

Lol what the fuck

I would argue that by default Android is a bit more freedom-respecting than Windows is, but phones are way fucking harder to be liberated than PCs are. So having half of Android be open source doesn't help if every phone is locked down mess.
Speaking of which, F-Droid needs to get some good games. Current selection is absolute shit.

Terminal is actually superior

am just playing AC: Syndicate, haven't played it yet and it was for free on Epic store, runs pretty good without any errors.

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>DOS is superior to modern Windows

I'm still bitter that fuckers have native Linux build of that AC they made for Stadia, but they don't want to make it available for public.
Same for Doom 2016. Native Linux build exists.
But then again I don't know how different the Ubuntu boxes that are used to run Stadia are from normal Linux PCs.

How does the Epic store itself run on Wine?

you dont have to use a command line, you can do everything via GUI. but CLI is just so much more comfortable. think about it right now as I am typing this both my hands are on the keyboard, how much faster would it be do drop Shift+Enter (shortcut to open terminal) and type whatever I want to do rather than physically move my hands to the mouse, drag the cursor to the things I want and click.

fedorachads ww@

>implying interface == operating system
terminal is superior only when you know how to use it
of course shiny buttons are better interface for someone who is afraid of computers.

Can I run uplay games on linux?

Why the fuck would you ever play Ubisoft games, rebbit zoomer

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Oh right, of course someone has made a Lutris script. Looking at the script, it looks like it'd be a pain in the ass to install manually.
Maybe I'll make an account for those free games some time then.
Thanks, user.

Question, are there any real downsides to dual booting and playing games on windows instead of gaming on linux?

sometimes Windows is destroying the Lunix boot

A)the harddrive space wasted.
B)the time wasted dual booting
C)Windows can fuck up bootloader, especially if you install it after Linux, and its a pain to fix.

does anybody know how well MCC runs on proton

Attached: halo-mcc-logo.jpg (1280x720, 177.34K)

Lost hard drive space, and Windows updates fucking up the dual boot occasionally. Sometimes it'll make your system always boot into Windows and sometimes it'll just break your boot and you have to fiddle with it in bios and stuff. It used to happen with every big feature update of 10 but the latest one didn't actually break anything for me.

i was playing that too but decided to try odyssey instead after a while and it kinda sucked me in

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Singleplayer runs, multiplayer not.

our guy Tim was clear on the matter.

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All you lose by gaming on Linux are titles that don't respect your freedom with their invasive anticheat. There's no reason to keep windows around in 2020.

When in doubt, check ProtonDB.

DOS wasn't even good at the time.

Honestly, I just don't like rebooting my computer just to play a game. Do what works for you. I'm sure it'll be fine.

It's almost an apt analogy, but in reality it's more like moving to the USA if you don't like Chinese politics.
The only way you can "fight for the freedoms you have" on Windows, is to stop using it, because if you think they actually give a shit about home users, you're delusional.

I want it to be popular for better support from developers. Drivers that aren't dogshit, more professional software, that kind of stuff.

It's nice.

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>multiplayer not
well that's $40 saved
>custom matches work though
maybe I'll try it after all? Fuck I don't know. I think you can buy the games separate so I guess I'll just pick up Halo 1 first and if it's fine I'll get the rest in a sale or something

>just fight one of the biggest companies ever to not be shit, bro
awesome argument

Fuck off to windows then.
You already have all of that.
The price is everything bad about windows.

>architect installer is dead
>all other arch installers/scripts are pure garbage
what went wrong