what makes a game good Yas Forums
What makes a game good Yas Forums
an abundance of cunny
1/2 bunny
1/2 cunny
Puffy bunny!!
me on the right
youre really cute
majorita is a superior cunny, usalia was kinda meh
Cute tummy!
Gay niggas
cute girls, good music, fun gameplay
funny and cute
I want to fuck this little girl
Usalia > Raspberyl > Desco > Sicily >>>>> Hanako
I want Usalia to cosplay as a Nekomata or a Valkyrie without the spats.
Damn how does she manage to not show her privates wearing what she's wearing
If it doesn't make me want to kill myself it's good enough
Seraphina is a gross walking skeleton.
in the disgaea 5 artbook is says she was supposed to be the poster girl for disgaea 5 designed by some student of harada, but then harada made usalia and everyone liked her better kek
that outfit is lewd enough already
aren't we all?
A clean cbunny is necessary for maximum cuddles.
I will never be happy until anime girls are real (or until we can enter their realm)
repopulate her netherworld
Doesn't curry make you shit a lot? If you only eat curry, wouldn't you be taking lots of nasty rancid shits?
Thats a myth because indians who shit a lot also eat curry, but its the indians not the curry thats causing that
seriously though, curry shouldnt give you the shits
>It's a little girl
>It's always little girls
>Nothing about the story truly matters, as long as the little girl takes center stage
No wonder people hate weebs and the japanese otaku are shunned by japanese society.
You fuckers are creepy and downright closet pedophiles. You wouldn't survive in prison.
These posts always make me smile for some reason
I still have not played any of Harada's games. Disgaea, Phantom Brave, nothing. Been meaning to.
> closet
not committing any crimes either lmao, stay gay
I enjoyed it for whatever reason
Because they're always funny and delusional
>D-day of the rope is coming!!
>I-if I saw you in real life I'd drag you around with my truck that is totally real
>>I-I'm totally fit and can kick your ass for r-reals!
Do not fall for the rabbi(t)'s tricks
Thanks I'm gonna coom
Yes, she is wearing those rags of hers, that is the correct word
it's called fashion and you'll have to make sacrifices for it, even if it leas to constant pussy slips
What is their endgame? Getting loli pussy for their whiteknighting?
Damn.... just like in real life
Several Asian countries eat curry on the daily.
Only one country has a reputation for what you're describing. Maybe the curry isn't at fault here.
>Several Asian countries eat curry on the daily.
No they eat CUNNY
Their endgame is looking tough to a bunch of lolicons which is even more hilarious
owo what's this thread about?
I definitely could kick your ass. Weebs are 100% of the time obese planets that can barely stand or pencil neck pussies.
Disgaea 6 when?
t. pencil neck
>internet tough guys
Every fucking time.
eventually, there is hope
>tough guy
The little girl you pull your tiny deformed cock over could probably kick your ass, don't need to be a tough guy.
b u n n y
c u n n y
the fighting just makes it better
especially when they finally give up
> little girl could kick my ass
but that's my fetish
lolidom is best fetish
You were supposed to feel shame, not arousal.
shame is my arousal
>without the spats
>he doesn't want to peel off sweaty spats
Kill yourself for shit taste
sorry mate but the taboo just makes it hotter
That's a lot of baseless assumptions you're making about me, buddy. For starters, I'm a /ll/-fag, so there's no "your cock" involved to begin with. Secondly you have to be mentally impaired to correlate 2D with real life. Nobody cares about 3DPD.
I'd only be ashamed if she doesn't marry me to kick my ass every night
>not getting aroused from lolidom
What's wrong with you, son?
Soon, 7 and 8 were confirmed too.