The duel mode is kino. Best of any afps ever

The duel mode is kino. Best of any afps ever.

Diabotical thread.

Attached: file.png (1552x873, 1.71M)

Other urls found in this thread:

are there pickups in duel mode? weapons and health
the previous 1v1 modes had no pickups


Hey James how's it going.
When are you gonna remove placeholder player models and actually put in the real models.
Eggs are fun and all, but cmon be serious

still learning the maps in brawl im lost

Does anyone else have stuttering?
In week 1 I haven't had much performance issues but now stuttering is pretty bad.

Come again?

ut4 alpha / ql are way better than this shit.

Post some webms shill


>not even 3k viewers on twitch
Good job James spending time shilling this turd on Yas Forums instead on actual platforms.

>dodge on shift

Attached: 1570130402809.jpg (351x351, 17.38K)


Attached: wLotntuw_8k.jpg (2160x2160, 1.34M)

I use left ALT for dodge

Russia loves Diabotical

This game feels too floaty. Not even close to ql and even qc

It feels more like QL than QC I don't know what you are talking about.


only started experiencing it tonight after the servers went down for a second while the game patched

Just got into the beta and waiting on download. Is there true bhopping in this game? Or is it just jump everytime you land to build speed? I want to go fast.

this, post webms

yeah wtf why can't I double-tap????

Stutter into crash 4 times while i played yesterday, all was fine with CBT1. I like the FFA format since it lets you start with a good weapon so it's a bit more casual and fast paced than classic FFA, too bad the mode is really bugged atm, and you can spawn as a backfill, or the server can just start at an incorrect time so all the powerup timings are messed up.

It WAS back when it was browser and before they fucked it up
>ut4 alpha
This shit still breaks my heart, but as it is the game is fucked. The plasma and bio rile are fucked and they wont fix the shit balance.
>Everyone who says anything negative is a schizo
I want the cult fanboy faggots to leave this place.
Not surprised, QC feels like dogshit. Fuck Saber.

Where do you get this and how populated is it atm?

I know you're parroting what you've heard probably but QC feels smooth, and the rocketjumping a lot more consistent than in DBT.

Just got my key, installing it now

It would be great if my shitnactaully connected when I went to shoot someone and it didn't lock up out of nowhere for seconds at a time. I don't get that with Titanfall 2 or Apex.

You should report it as a bug.

QC feels great nowadays to be honest. The abilities are genuinely fun and not overpowere (playing a champion with a grapple vs. a different one with CPMA movement is a great clash of styles) They eventually fixed everything the autists bitched about, but their constant dunking on the game successfully killed off any hype or momentum behind it.

Massive shame because it was the one shot that AFPS had of breaking out of its ghetto and a more positive attitude from the AFPS community to making the changes work instead of just entirely rejecting them could've given the genre new life.

Not that the devs helped themselves by just trying to pander to these people instead of making a proper team class based game mode that noobs could also enjoy.

I use mouse4 for dodge.

Game is going to be deader than Lawbreakers.

Gotta say the audio is disappointing. That's like the easiest thing to improve too. I'll stick with QL

QC needs to put effort into telling people its fixed its shit because everyone I know still thinks its parkinsons lg and 50/50 rocket detection. Early access is a fucking mistake.

The unappealing art direction, boring weapons and levels don't help.

>its shit
>never playing it again
you only launch once

I've been saying that for a while now. But the thing is those people who keep parroting the old state would never play the game anyway, it's just an excuse for them.

The only thing they still need to add is a continuous lobby system.

I never liked QC's artstyle can I just make it blocks like in QL

Arena devs need to realise that the only part of arena shooters that has crossover appeal to normies is going fast.
All the other conventions need to be ditched and designing your whole game around them will never get you more than 500 players.

Just make super fast TF2 ffs

Why would you play a game that as far as you know is shit and has a bunch of cancer attached to it on top of that?

give key

post some webm's anons, im a big afps fan but quake champions ruined any hope i had for the genre

Attached: 1577857533399.jpg (414x454, 123.64K)

my geforce experience borked for the gorillionth time and I cba to reinstall it again

Attached: rage.jpg (1920x1080, 464.96K)

where my zeekydoogers at

Attached: zeekydooger.png (1050x774, 1.1M)

>Best of any afps ever.
Why exactly? From where I'm sitting it looks no different.

i suck but ill make some clips for you sport

you get 1.

Attached: santile movement.webm (994x560, 2.93M)


Attached: 2020-03-07-15-10.webm (1168x656, 2.74M)

Is that Overwatch?


No wait, that one looks more like Paladins.


Attached: 3341C70F-8A1F-4957-BBF5-0DA09E20963F.jpg (1242x2208, 403.48K)

going fast, verticality, weapon pickups and some element of map control and projectiles. the techno-gothic OTT stylings are pretty iconic too, though could go with being a bit more 40k and having races with some lore behind them.

take that blueprint and make a team game and you might have something. QC was the first step down that road but the same autists that diabotical is trying to please shouted it down for not being pure enough (along with the mistake of releasing in a janky early access state before that was the norm), ensuring that their genre would remain dead and irrelevent forever.

This looks like dog shit.

too lazy to make webms but here is the best diabotical frag vid I've seen so far

Diabotical was announced years before QC you clueless LARPing zoomer

sadly ffa is shit. Weapon models on the ground are badly distinguishable, green glow on dropped weapons is also misleading. Weeballs are confusing and 2 powerups are too much.
I really dig the wipeout mode though. Never was a fan of CA but playing around respawn timers is pretty fun.

Any option to change map drops as icons instead of the models to fix this issue

Fuck off adam you didn’t fix shit

It’s great, just fucking try it

do you ever leave Yas Forums? Curious if you actually play games