GameStop selling preowned games is just them profiting from piracy. The developer never sees a cent of that money.
GameStop selling preowned games is just them profiting from piracy. The developer never sees a cent of that money
>dev should get paid twice for the resale of a copy of a game whose initial sale they were already paid for
Developers don't get any money from game sales.
Developers are paid a fixed salary. Publishers get money from game sales, all the profit.
It's fine when megacorps do it. Like when ubisoft used a crack to fix some bug in prince of persia.
Car dealers selling used cars is just them profiting from theft. The manufacturer never sees a cent of that money.
Imagine if GameStop used their leverage on the used games market to make a permanent spot in the supply/distribution chain. Give up a bit of the used games money in order to survive when the digital age hit.
Fucking retards
Developers get laid off if it doesnt sell enough, stupid communist faggot.
Huh. So you CAN download a car.
So what? I got my game, the fuck do I care if the devs get fired? Sequels are always shit.
If you play their game they deserve your money
Unironically this
They should've known what was coming after the Xbone reveal.
Why do retards still not get this?
I'm more curious how often Gaystop gets stolen copies of vidya. I'd imagine it's pretty rare but I would think it happens from time to time.
Apparently so, the sequel to your Mom is obviously a faggot loser.
It’s called the free market, faggot.
>Developers are paid a fixed salary.
Maybe in your mainland China. With western AA-AAA it's always a fixed salary during development cycle plus a bonus when you reach arbitrary goals (it could a metascore, numbers of copies sold ect).
Any free market that doesn’t protect intellectual property rights isn’t truly free. Pirates are niggers
I used to work in radio promotions, and would sell my promo copies of brand new games I didn’t like for games I did like. This was 2011 though, but I feel it’s about the same.
A second hand market isn’t piracy. Why do video games think they’re special enough not to allow a second hand market of their inventory. It’s existed long before vidya and will continue as long as physics still exists. But this industry is so fucking money hungry that they’ll keep doing shady shit like online passes or whatever and convince you it’s for the “poor developers.” And you’ll eat it up because you and the gamer audience are retards.
It does. If developers didn't want customers reselling their games, they shouldn't have sold a transferable license to that game.
If the publishers don’t get any money it’s absolutely piracy. Someone is enjoying their work without paying for it.
They should just make a Netflix adap-
where Gamestop rapes YOU up the ass
Every copy that exists in the wild was paid for by the store chains. You in turn pay the store for the copy. They don’t deserve more money for the same print.
They deserve money from literally every person who plays their game. If I had my way, everyone who watched a let’s play On YouTube would have to pay. Failing that everyone who recorded it would have all their ad money go to the publishers.
You can think whatever you like. The fact is that publishers already sold the game and they sold the game under terms that permit resale.
It shouldn’t permit resale though. Resale is theft.
So every time you borrowed a game you were stealing huh? Start cutting those checks now faggot, especially to defunct studios. They need your help more than ever.
While we’re at it, cut checks for every movie you watched at a friends house. Or sporting event, or cable tv show...after all, it wasn’t your cable subscription. Won’t someone think of those poor developers who get paid prior to the release of the game.
keep eating it up.
Law says it isn’t. Checkmate faggot.
Those are the terms the publisher and the customer agreed to at time of sale. What you think "should" happen is irrelevant. Both parties already consented.
I have never borrowed a game from anyone. I have paid for every video game I have ever played.
I remember when the xbone and ps4 where coming out there were constant rumours that they wouldn't let you use a disc if it had been downloaded onto another console
>You wouldn't download a car
Yeah, I would, are you fucking high anti-piracy ad?
Check out this liar.
>doesn’t deny movie and tv theft
Hardly a rumor. Xbox themselves said that. They took it back because of the backlash.
One of the best ads for the PS4 was mocking this fact.
ITT: We pretend its 2011.
Shame pirate commies didn’t let them do that.
developers never see a cent of the money from new sales, retard. only publishers do.
No, devs are obviously paid royalties on sales.
>tying potential salary to something as fickle as sales numbers
They deserve it. Only a retard would sign that contract.
are preowned games from gamestop in good condition?
That's because no publisher wants to sign a contract with a studio whose game just bombed, so they starve. The AAA devs themselves don't see a cent from retail sales. See: what happened to LA Noire.
like what should I expect if I order online? no manual, cracked case, scratched disc and shit like that?
Buy it from the Epic store, publishers get more money.
fuck, imagine how great things would be if you could download new parts, let alone the whole car
all those old shitboxes and worn out ricers could have a brand new life
they sell xbox 360 games there?
I’ve never bought a single ps4 game new
Picked them all up at GameStop lol
Speaking for Germany, absolutely. Never had a scratch. You can even get some kind of insurance for one or two bucks so if it scratches at your home you’ll get a new one
>360 boxes
God damn I miss when times were more simple then they are now.
Buy it first hand. If you HAVE to buy it second hand make sure you also send the exact amount it went for when it last went on sale to the publisher. Piracy is theft.
And that's a good thing.
>hurting the industry is a good thing
End thyself
Not that user, but I think he's trying to be sarcastic. It's usually what modern day gaming journalism includes in their headlines when they want to push a certain narrative.
Thrift stores selling preowned clothes and items is just them profiting from piracy. The companies who made those items never see a cent of that money.
No, it's really a good thing. Game developers already get the money from their initial sale. If they want more money from me, they can send the cutest woman from the dev team to my house to work for it.
Please stop breathing the oxygen my plants are producing.