how does one honestly look while playing video games in public?
How does one honestly look while playing video games in public?
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wtf else do you do on public transit? Besides harass people mi ding their own business
Daily reminder that porn is evil.
obviously take pictures of other people on the subway
I always think people are looking at me on the bus. Everybody probably also thinks this as well. I end up looking at everybody and looking weird.
look at your phone
read the newspaper or a book
listen to music
stare into the window making eye contact with a girl's reflection blissfully unaware that she knows you're looking at her because she can see it in your reflection
nobody gives a shit what you're doing as long as you're not bothering them like blasting shit music on your phone.
it looks pathetic, unless you're hot with a nice head of hair THEN and only then is it attractive
otherwise just stay home fatty
Catch coronavirus
I haven't fapped to real porn in years. At some point, I stopped seeing them as simple actors but human beings. I soon after realized that in 2D there is no pain and I haven't looked back since.
It's tragic what those disgusting porn Jews did to her. It's one thing to take advantage of some dumb valley girl cunt, but to manipulate a young girl of below average intelligence and no family is really low
goddamn this ho needs some real hardcore salvation
>He's so attractive and famous that you completely overlook the fact that he's a grown man playing a nintendo DS in public
You are so average and unknown that nobody will even notice you playing your nintendo DS in public
Attractive people look good doing anything and if you're ugly you're gonna look bad doing anything
>only Jews are like this
It's a cold world out there user, such that you should be a little frosty yourself
I jerk off on the public subway, i think people ignore it because I'm pretty handsome
Based and redpilled.
I've been playing a lot of Vita games on the subway. The only interaction I've gotten is
>Is this like 3 Houses?
When I was playing Disgaea 2, that's about it. That and stares from little kids
is that Sprouse? that boy is legit based
Based thog
Zack from Zack and Cody
Yozora from Kingdom Hearts
That guy that plays DnD on YouTube
That guy who probably fucked Brenda Song in a devil's three way with his brother
The Micheals of his family
hold up
she knows?
Baby face or not, he's just good looking
wait, he fucking voices yozora?
holy shit zack and cody is owned by disney, we're getting a tipton hotel world in kh4
Yeah it literally says it when you beat or lose to him
i didn't buy the dlc
Here's your roastie/normie logic bro
An ugly person looks sad playing games on their phone as well
>Read a book?
Yeah no, I don't use outdated technology.
Listen to music, audiobooks or read. I should probably start gaming though considering that I have a Switch.
I sit there and day dream like a fucking psychopath. Schizo normal fags are going to have a panic attack no matter what, may as well just stare out the window.
>denim jack
that's the bigger red flag here
Sit with perfect posture and have your eyes completely shut until you arrive at your stop
Why the fuck do you give a shit? Do what you want
negro you're on a train that's the fucking point
He's also banging Barbara Palvin. How does he do it?
Old post but the exact same shit happened to me. The pron industry is fucking creepy and disturbing.
With drawn smut, no matter how strange or vile or offensive, it is never more than lines on paper. Doing a lot of real porn - even vanilla - can really fuck up a person's life.
Depends on whether they play with headphones/sound on or of. If you are tied to your fucking console with the earplugs, as the guy in OP picture is, in a public place, you are Most Definitely a moron.
Playing with sound off is no different from playing on a cellphone, thus fine.
Yeah, well, that's how light reflection works. Both ways.
In other words, console itself is not a problem, headphones connected to the console are.
I'm gonna be honest, Dylan. You kinda have the incel look going and the bing bing game isn't helpng.
Jark off
But sometimes the sounds are really good and help compliment the game experience. Why are these arbitrary rules so important?
Whenever I see someone playing vidya in public I get envious and really want to know what they’re playing
based grug
Sometimes I like the stale taste
cute baby thing
How about just sitting still and think, you fucking ritalin addled zoomer
You have to be aware in public, there are psychos, dogs, whatever. When you simply use headphones, you still have your eyes open. When you simply use a cellphone, you still have your ears open. But when you block both simultaneously you simply showcase that you are a fruitcake.
I can guarantee you that whoever made that caption probably spends 95% of their time glued to the screen of their iphone, the only difference being that this way they can make fun of someone for having a hobby to hide their own fleeting insecurities.
I do my dance while I’m counting up the bands
It's crazy how taking pictures of people just enjoying themselves in public playing a gameboy is somehow more socially acceptable than playing a gameboy in public
In other words, anyone can just approach that guy and punch him in the face, catching him completely unaware. What happens next is whatever, he still misses the first shot, the point is, he doesn't realize this is even a possibility.
You can always just put only one earbud in.
Literally this.
Fair point.
Literally no one gives a fuck.
Fucking hate this world sometimes.
And how are dogs a problem? Are you implying that a random dog will attack/bite you as soon as he/she sees you?
if you give a shit at all, you should unironically kys