Why doesnt australia make any good games? the only one i know of is the untitled goose game

why doesnt australia make any good games? the only one i know of is the untitled goose game.

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Australia has made tons of god tier games, do some fucking research.
Also what is Hollow Knight?

Hollow Knight and L.A. Noire were made by Aussies. But the government doesn't give dev studios any subsidies so it's not worth it to set up shop here.

Get fucking killed

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I fingered Hex in a Sydney nightclub one time.

>need government approval to mod your car
>No right to free speech & hate speech laws
>laser jammers and detectors banned
>draconian gun laws
>Need a license for fucking air rifles
>Need a fucking license for paintball guns
>Need a license for crossbows
>Airsoft is banned
>LASER pointers over 1mw are banned (effectively banning the vast majority)
>YO YO WATERBALLS are banned
>Novelty toy lighters are banned
>Smokeless tobacco is banned
>Toys containing beads are banned
>Need a helmet to ride a fucking bicycle
>Plain packaging on cigarettes
>Absurdly high taxation on alcohol and cigarettes
>Ecigarettes are banned
>Many violent games and movies banned or censored even after the R18+ certificate was introduced

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Hacknet is aussie as well.

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i remember this meme from the start of my Yas Forums days good shit

I fingered Bajo in a Melbourne pub once.

Shes pretty average man

The real question is what NZ games are there outside of PoE

Who here /Corona/ meetup?

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>Also what is Hollow Knight?
a shit game

>L.A. Noire
Aussies trying hard to be relevant by making a game based in AMERICA, sad

>But the government doesn't give dev studios any subsidies
If they can't make a game without gov help, they're shit anyway
do you think all the best game made had gov help? lol

yeah but apart from the last one what does any of that have to do with video games user.

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nothing good gets created in this country because it's disincentivised by the government and the tax system

Holy fuck

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While I agree a couple of those are shit (paintball and videogame shit), the vast majority are completely fine, and have nothing to do with the topic anyway.

Goose Game had gov subsidy help, sold like hotcakes.
GTA had UK subsidies and took off too.

yeah and look what they forced them to do in the credits

hang yourself

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it's more the cost of living in general
if you have savings you've put aside to work on a 1-2 year project, it'll evaporate quickly when the rent is fucking $500 a week

I'm not ready for the gift just yet.

Ey mate selling toilet paper $100 a roll.

this, it encourages wage slavery
no time to invest in anything long term, no time to create, just hand over what you earn to the boomer either through rent or taxes

This. Australia goes to great lengths to outsource fucking everything. Even stuff that needn't be. We're just HELL BENT on it. All we have nationally is tourism, a bit of farming and MINES. We don't even process our own fucking minerals, we let China do it then we buy it back.

That DS clone that was Epic exclusive for a while.
Ash or something.

They want to import workers for the mines cause it's cheaper than actually having to pay wages.

When will we get some fucking nuclear power, my entire state was without power for hours a few years back and a couple months later there was some faggot congratulating us on being primarily powered by renewables.
Except for when the entire state goes out and we have to siphon juice from Victoria to get the fucking traffic lights back on.

>bans on shitty products
>anti-smoker laws
Actual good use of government. The only shitty things there are the gun restrictions and video game stuff.

God I fucking hated South Australia, all that, plus we literally had some of the highest electricity bills in the WORLD

>need a license for crossbows
I thought they were strictly illegal.
>Need a helmet to ride a fucking bicycle
It's understandable for cyclists driving on the road, but if you're just on the footpath getting to the shops 5 minutes away it's excessive. Cops pull you over if they catch you.

If people wanna kill themselves, or buy shit toys, then who the FUCK are you to tell them yes or no
Crossbows are only legal in NT iirc, and you can just buy them in any camping shop no license requiredd

Why would you set up a game studio in Australia and front all the costs when you could set up shop somewhere that the government will give you money? This is basic economics man.

>riding on a footpath
Illegal in some states lol fuck I despise this place

>cunts still voting pro mine without thought
I mean I guess the alternative is no jobs at all but man, this is clearly a golden goose situation

At this point it's impossible. To run back our legislation and instate all the infrastructure we'd be WAY too out of pocket and decades behind in tech for the effort. Just like our internet, except that was actually doable but we cocked it up. Now imagine NBN but with unrealistic expectations.
Fuck both parties.

>Aussies trying hard to be relevant by making a game based in AMERICA, sad
What the hell do you want? A kangaroo simulator?

Can you name a single thing that isn't coal?
Exactly, which is why we should focus 100% of our effort and economy into it.

Never because the Greens kick up a shitstorm the moment you suggest nuclear, even though we've got so much empty land that isn't abo sacred ground to do it with. WA is literally the most ideal place on earth to put loads of nuclear power plants plus our uranium and instead we do nothing.

Love the place despise the direction. Think back even as few as 20 years ago and this was a better place. Go back 50 or 75 and you realise that there's a potential we've turned out back on.
Don't hate the place, love the place, hate your local representative and any and all foreign influence specifically American and Chinese.

So long as we have public healthcare the government should try to stop people from fucking themselves up so I don't have to fucking pay for it.

here's an idea
get rid of public healthcare, it's a fucking joke anyway

I saw on the news how people were complaining because the farmers couldn't sell their produce to China so food prices would have to drop as they're all forced to sell to Australians at reasonable prices.

Keep defending your massive nanny state kek

Amid Evil

>poor person sees thing making money right now
>we should just do that
>can't even conceive of diversifying
>doesn't know about other mining operations either
We have other profitable minerals user. Please stop talking about this when you're either simple or underaged. Your opinion is as worthless as over-investing in the mines will be after 50 years.

Yeah, let's go full America, might as well take their education system while we're at it.

smokers save money because they die earlier. if anything voluntary euthanasia should be legal

Are you saying ours is any better already?

die out

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Greens are such a wild card. They have some excellent opinions that actually oppose the low-key partisan status quos that Labour and Libs have but then they're also fucking insane and hate nuclear.
The political landscape of Aus has no hope in sight.

beats having a school shooting ever month

>Look it up
>It's true

What the fuck, that went completely went past me.

Based retard.

Fuck everyone involved in the 'send it to China' system.

>touching a white femnoid

Fucking gross dude.

A lot of development gets outsourced to Australia.

It was, now it's getting fairly fucked. Universities are basically becoming an industry to pump through as many international students as possible.

Devil Daggers, Dustforce and Hollow Knight.

beats bein' a fuckin' socialist


>Aussies made Devil Daggers
Okay, they're based

>hate nuclear.
well duh
costs more per kw produced than green options
plants take like 10 years+ to build, and it produced waste you have to deal with

Of these literally only the helmets to ride a bike and refusing classification to games isn't based.

I bet you are one of those NPC aussies that says about everything
>no one NEEDs to have (thing x), so it should just be banned
Stop fucking obsessing about america constantly, it just contributes to the further retardation and americanisation of our own country.

>over-invest in coal while neglecting local infrastructure
>calling other people retarded

Guns don't cause school shootings. Go move to fucking Europe or Canada you fucking loser. Australia needs less Victorians

sounds like someone was bankrupted by medical bills

Really? That's awesome!

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When's the Adelaide meetup?

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Just an anecdote but fuck this shit is true, some big crayfish fishery recently buried a whole shipment of them in the tip because they couldn't send them out to china because of the meme virus, when they're like $70+ a kilo at the local seafood stores.

>banning/censoring games
>banning Airsoft
I'm cool with most of it though. Licensing requirements just filters out dumbasses and poorfags, sounds good to me.

Based retard still incapable of reading.

Dig a hole in the ground in the Gibson Desert, line the hole with concrete and dump all the waste there.

literally die

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>costs more per kw produced than green options
t. never worked in the energy sector

Green energy is unreliable as fuck and more unreliable than THAT is energy storage. Nuclear is the absolute best source of power that exists ESPECIALLY in australia where a lot of the negatives and risk factors aren't prevalent.
Call me when we start mastering super capacitors. In fact, by that time, had we invested the same time and money into nuclear we'd have gotten better returns on that technology anyway rendering the storage moot once again.

Fuck freedom feels good.

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Postal 2 is banned here? I got it for free from GoG just the other day lel

Banning semi-auto .22s and tube magazine fed pump and semi auto shotguns is retarded and completely unnecessary

>Green Boomers actually believe this

>it just contributes to the further retardation and americanisation of our own country
Very good opinion. Americanisation was apparent awhile back and even spoken about but now it's reached a saturation point where it's just the fucking norm.
People care more about the president than the primeminister. Fuck Americans (and fuck Chinese.)