How come One Piece has no good games?
The series is 2 decades old and the best thing there is is a shitty musou.
How come One Piece has no good games?
if it had a good anime or manga somebody might adapt it, untill then....
>How come One Piece has no good games?
Bandai Namco
I'm more mad about the timing of the musous. East Blue/early Grand Line got fucked over and that's my favourite part of the series.
They didn't kill off Nami.
Grand battle/adventure are pretty good, 3ds game with the doffy coliseum battles was decent. I remember enjoying the wii game too, but that might just be the nostalgia talking.
That new musou game better put Robin and Nami in the slutty ninja outfits.
Pirate Warriors games are really good.
Because in order to make a good One Piece game, you need to replicate in a game everything that makes One Piece good: landscapes, likable characters with wacky designs and unique attacks, an emotional story with a plot twist or two. That requires a LOT of creative power. Yas Forums may be shitting on Oda 24/7, but there are few people in the world who can match his creative power. And you can be sure none of them are in any gamedev company.
The gacha game is legitimately the only good OP game.
One Piece isn't great because of the fightsls, I fact compared to other big shounen the fights are actually pretty dull. What one piece excels in is character and world building. A good one piece game would be about exploring a giant world filled with interesting characters and fantastical islands, which would require a competent team and huge budget. Why would you bother investing that much money into a game of that scale when simple fighting games sell so much anyways?
Would Yas Forums play a 7th Stand User like game. Where you join Luffy in the beginning of his story and follow him through to Marineford?
I want a second burning blood. Wanna see them go full ultimate ninja or budokai tenkaichi and put as many characters as they can in it.
Never read One Piece but damn the girls are good
It lacks the character growth of the show
because the name sells the game alone. At least average and they are easy to make.
Nami is 16...
Don't worry officer I'll wait until she's legal
Why have you stuck with One Piece throughout all these years?
Did Nami's tits stop shrinking?
Who knows, man. I started watching on episode 20. I had no idea it would last this long.
I love the goofy characters and art. The story was filled with so much imagination. Now the story is winding down and feel predictable. Like there is no more adventure anymore just Alabasta 2.0 and 3.0.
not like it would matter if she were 16 but she was actually 18 pre-time skip and is currently 20.
Because arcsys has to make the JoJo game first
Not in the timeskip
It would matter a great deal.
Good she's over 18 then.
Still brings the same joy in me as it did when I first discovered it.
i kinda tapped out around 128. my buddy basically binged the series in a couple weeks while unemployed and has not stopped watching it. Even he doesn't know why.
I have a weird obsession with seeing what new Devil Fruits Oda will create.
Because Carrot was only introduced 4 and a half years ago
women peak at 14.
Better question. Why doesn't Evangelion have any good video games?
tits too fat
you haven't seen nothing yet
I like the characters and some of the plot ideas Oda is exploring
Oh those crazy irish
That's your imagination. Keep it to yourself.
Because One Piece is too large for a proper game.
It’d 100% have to be an RPG though.
Even better.
How long would it take to watch every single episode currently out from the start?
What happened with world seeker? It seemed promising from what I saw but I haven't heard anyone talk about it since it released.
in 1997
More then it's worth. Just read it.
You haven't played the Gen 6th games or Gigant Battle games, have you?
Estimating 15 minutes per episode after you've cut out the double intros that's 4 episodes an hour assuming you're not skipping through anything. That comes out to 230 hours and 45 minutes. 9 days, 14 hours, and 45 minutes. You'll definitely have to bring some socks to shit in.
Watch until it turns HD, then switch to manga. You can still watch most important scenes on Youtube but pacing and animation turn into complete garbage at that point.
because it has the hedgehogs dilemma. Meaning that just like sonic the hedgehog it has an autistic fan base.
Watch it till episode 100 or so, after that switch to whenever possible.
Ir just read the manga, since half the shit isn't animated - the cover stories which explore some of the characters further - wouldn't be a problem if that was it, but sometimes Oda brings them back to the series and cover stories explain how some characters got to wherever they were.
you're too fat
>That weird look in her eyes when it's time for a fight
I hope they keep her, I like her dynamic with Chopper, he barely has anyone to talk to anymore and she already got molested by Nami,too
There is a pretty good Power Stone Clone.
It’s basically my gateway anime. I would watch anime here and there but never pick up anything seriously. One piece was my first series I sat and watched everyday. Once I ran out of episodes dubbed episodes. I watched the anime in sub and then read the manga. Now I read and buy a ton of manga. It’s just such a special adventure to me.
To be fair I don’t think anybody expected it to be as long-lives as it has been.
unga bunga children make pee hard
I haven't. Stopped a little bit after the timeskip. Wasn't digging the formula anymore and I don't like how long it takes. I do like seeing new cute girls getting posted though.
at least Nami will have that costume. No word on Robin, though I doubt it, since she only wears it for a color spread and not in the story.
>switch to whenever possible.
this. I've watched their FI, PH, and DR and it's a vastly superior version. It makes such a huge difference not having your time wasted.
Explains why only DBZ had something entertaining.
Honestly, I really don't like how OP women are drawn these days. I enjoy a big pair of milkers as much as the next guy, but the stick waste is a huge turn off for every girl in the anime/manga except Boa Hancock
Hey man
Don't shoot the coomer
Blame the guy drawing these children like sluts