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nice gyno

Who the fuck even is Auto? He just shows up driving Light's car and suddenly he's in every game.

Light is a lazy bastard and made a robot to manage his computers


He doesn't have a background, he just appeared in MM7 and that's it.

*Kills your theory*

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>has those lights as moobs

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He's a lab assistant robot that Dr. Light made. What, did you think Dr. Light didn't make more robots after the original eight he constructed in the first game?

That blows my mind. Also, looks comfy as fuck in there. Is he playing the vidya?

Rock used to be Light's lab assistant. I guess Light needed a replacement since Rock's always out saving the world these days.

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He's sitting under the traditional American kotatsu watching TV and eating hamburgers.

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I really hate Auto. I don't know why but he carries an obnoxious aura

So that means... Sigma's wolf is a REPURPOSED RUSH, HOLY SHIT

On the subject of coincidences

>Made by three different people who didn't even know eachother

The only bad thing about Auto is he's from the MM7 16-bit era when Megaman characters started to become a mess. Overdesigned, overcolorful greeble-covered messes. That in mind, Auto is one of the lesser offenders at least.

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More likely to be Treble.

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Honestly I don’t really mind a lot of those designs, I think MM8 has my favorite Robot Master designs

That pretty much nails why I dislike the Robot Masters starting with 8, too much over design. It's especially bad in MM8.

Magic Man is the best Pre-11 robot Master design though

You are free to prefer whatever you like. But I think it's pretty evident to a casual observer shit like this is directionless and unappealing.

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>"...a fine detailing added to the surface of a larger object that makes it appear more complex, and therefore more visually interesting."
Huh. Didn't know there was a go-to word for that concept. Thank you for that.

There's that one image from the anniversary artbook where Imagine said he barely believed he was able to design Auto since he looks more like a Mega Man X character due to his design being so complex

You've gotta be fucking kidding me. He's my second-least favorite next to Clown Man. A big part of that is their non-Megaman-y music.

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The only good robot designs in 8 are Tengu Man and Aqua Man

Look how they murdered my good boy.

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No problem guv. It's a word I learned from being into starships.

I first heard of it applied to Transformers ages ago where the toys would have a bunch of circuitry looking bumps all over the toy's plastic to make it look more scifi but just made the toy look too busy instead.

7 and 8 are the only games where some of the robot masters have jawlines
they go back to the typical faces after 9

I kind of like Grenade Man. His stage and his fight are more forgettable than he ought to be in execution though. I mean, he's a fucking grenade. That's pretty cool in concept.

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Best hips


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Isn’t there a plot reason as to why he looks the way he does

Why do male robots need nipples?

>directionless and unappealing
damn, user calls it as he sees it

Listen, the plot is beholden to the artists. You can make any character design you want when you make a game. They CHOSE to make him look like this chopshop job and threw symmetry and good aesthetics aside. Duo is very ugly regardless of if they said "let's make the plot necessitate it."

But let's throw all that aside for a moment. If they wanted to make him look like a pile of random parts, I believe they could have made that look more appealing. There are artists out there who could have managed that much.

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I'm not so sure about that. Scenario planning happens well before every design design is finalized. Not arguing the rest of the point. But I mean he doesn't even look partially like he is allegedly supposed to in the FMV.

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Das uhh... gewd qwestion

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To be effective crossing guards at train tracks

I don't really understand what Duo's design philosophy is. So he's like a ripped apart space robot built with Light's leftover parts? And that's why he both looks nothing like his cool Space outfit and like a frankenstein's monster assembly of junk? (And also has a face now because)

I think they said somewhere he was re-purposed Cossack Robot hence why he looks vaguely Russian in his rebuilt form though I maybe wrong.

Duo is literally an alien or something. It's stupid. There's aliens in mega man universe for some reaosn and they barely have any interaction.

And the evil energy he was following ends up as the sigma virus? or soemthing? everything is a jumble.

>And the evil energy he was following ends up as the sigma virus?
I don't think that's anything but a fan theory. Or maybe Archie lore which is on the same level.

I think transformation content for the most part loses its appeal when the victims are already furries.

>the word for ostensible decorations is "greeble," which sounds as superficial as it is
Amazing... Never stop impressing me, English.

Sigma Virus is just something Wily cooked up. Probabaly Roboenza.

Also it's weird that the Space Robots and Space in general (MM3 apparently takes place on different planets) get no mention outside classic. Unless you count the full retard plot of Star Force where invisible electrical beings that look like stupid things such as harps and hourglasses exist in deep space.

It's a theory becuase everything linking original series to x is a theory and nothing's confirmed. Sigma virus could be:

>evil energy
>wily virus
>something with zero
>something mixing these
>robo aids from mm10.

You can see them laying the seeds of a connection in 9 and 10, giving robots shut-off dates (explains why there's no more of the original cast in X) and introudcing robo viruses that spread around.

>Also it's weird that the Space Robots and Space in general (MM3 apparently takes place on different planets) get no mention outside classic.

lots of space colonise in X. but yeah Duo is eitehr an earth robot somehow in space or he is an actual honest to goodness alien robot from across the stars.

>MM3 aparantly takes place on different planets

never heard that.

Duo isn't the only one. Shadow Man was an alien. The Stardroids were aliens. Duo and his enemy were aliens. Then Ra Moon came along and was clearly an alien. The only thing special about Duo is that he's the only one that definitely isn't an ancient leftover that got found, modified and repurposed by Wily.

Not him, but that was indeed just a fan theory. Wily mentions some "other project" or some such in that arcade game ending that shows Zero's schematics, and this was around the same time as MM8, so what with Zero being the original carrier, it seemed like some pretty basic dot-connecting.

>Sean: A good deal of characters in Rockman come from space, like the Space Rulers from Rockman World 5, Ra Moon from Super Adventure Rockman, and Duo and the Evil Energy from Rockman 8. Is there any background you might be able to give on these characters?

>Keiji: Actually I wish there was an extremely deep story for the reason why there are so many characters that come from space, but there really isn’t. It’s merely an action game, and the story doesn’t run that deep. There is one character that does have quite a background story concerning why he’s in space, and that’s the character Duo. That character is actually a space police member and he chases one of his enemies down to Earth. That’s why he is actually in space.

Y'all's 20XX needs more MST3K.

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>That character is actually a space police member

That makes a lot of sense.

>never heard that.
It's in the instruction manual. But to be honest, only Gemini Man's level gives me that impression. Maybe Top Man since a greenhouse on another planet makes a lot of logistical sense.

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I like humans and furries being transformed into robots or furry robots

I can get behind the idea absolutely but transforming directly into vidya stuff like the earlier example isn't really my thing.

So why wasn't Repliforce allowed to leave Earth and fuck off to parts unknown in peace?

In the X series there's nothing outside of space colonies in earth orbit.

Because letting a rogue army do as it pleases is a bad idea. The main issue is that the Repliforce didn't even attempt to prove it's innocence which made the entire situation spiral out of control.

The fuck is that from?

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x3 psx version

those are his eyes, the white pieces above his feet are the teeth

>Snake factory


It's a tough job, but somebody has to keep the lights on at the old snake mill. Who is going to keep up with the world's snake demands if not Snake Man? Nobody, that's who.

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You think snakes just grow from trees? They have to come from somewhere.

So not canon