Her face when you still stuck at E7S

>her face when you still stuck at E7S
what went wrong with this patch raid Yas Forums?

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Their play styles and aesthetics are so different, i can't imagine someone being stuck between them.

>diaper fantasy XIV
>aping from Evangelion
>so starved for original ideas it also hired Yoko for the 24 man

Yugiri or Lyse

they've always brought on guests for the raids user.

>egghead or *clenches fist*
tough choice.

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BLM a best

>Implying I'm not clearing E8S tonight

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But I just cleared E7S yesterday.
Though E8S seems impossible to pug. No way randos can handle those mechanics.

Zenos would be a 10/10 character if he was a cute girl

he would be a 10/10 character if he wasn't a shit character.

E8S pugs are hilarious. Post-add prog group can't get passed light rampant, only to find out at the end of the lockout that it's because some retard didn't understand the strat and had been doing it wrong the entire time.

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I cleared week 2 in pf. It's not bad at all.

>Matsuna brought in for Stormblood
>Yoko brought in ShadowBringers
So who did they bring in for Heavensward and ARR 24 mans then?

I got my friends to try out XIV recently. Having completed all the story up to this point, it's crazy how much extra context is added to just about everything you go through. In the Carteneau Echo flashback, the Ascian is speaking the tongue of the ancients, Ultima is carried off during the Garlean cutaway, etc.

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I want to give it a try, and I will after the weekend, but being a pughero I spoiled myself with walkthrough vids and this seems like some ultimate tier shit. Can pugs really handle it?

Some can some can't. The biggest problem with the mechanic is that it isn't always immediately obvious what went wrong, and even when it is obvious, most pugs won't admit it was them that fucked up.

1/2 of the 24 mans having guest directors are not all of them user

>havent cleared e6s because static members are constantly absent or late and we have so little hours per day that we're finally changing our schedule next week
>don't want to complete with pugs because "we gotta do this together!!"
static is comfy at least

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That's the price you pay for having a static most of the time. You'll clear a bit slower than you would if you were a pug with all the time in the world to bash your head into a fight. It's worth the trade-off, fuck pugging.

>24 man

Do people still give a shit about that? Nier's raid is fucking garbage and the 8 mans raids have been all god tier this expac

It's not even close to ultimate tier. LR and adds are the only tough mechanics and they're early enough in the fight that you can practice them without tearing your hair out.
I'll admit that when I did pf reclears this week, the only people that joined were from my previous week's group, so the rest of PF might take a while. It honestly might be harder now that a bunch of shitters are getting dragged through e5-7 by friends.

So not only is this faggot delusional with his "return-light-WoLs" scheme but he's going to die to that edgy faggot Zenos, brilliant.

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everyone is better as a cute girl.

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yeah but if 5.25 comes out before we beat shiva I'm gonna fucking flip

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How do I level my gatherers between 70-80 ?

Adds are difficult? Really? That seems like the easiest part of the fight unless they require ridiculous amounts of dps. Though that does sound encouraging. Thanks, user.

My dick


The world first group gave up entirely on trying to do them correctly and just saved cooldowns/burst for the reopener instead of taking the 2% damage buff.
Water aethers have almost 700k health. Lightnings will kill you if you don't burst them before spikes (raidwides during this do exactly half your health and there's also damage from the tethers)

>on E8s enrage for the past 4 days
Free me from this eternal hell

>mfw working on the last few mechanics but group is well ahead of the dps check

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>Switch from mmo mouse to MKB again
Oh I hate this

Red Mage is fun.

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But you're blue

>there are people who spent more than two hours each on e5s and e6s
post yfw

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Both are the highest IQ jobs in the game, it's up to you if you want to punch and kick people to submission or naruto them to death.

Lyse seems like she would be more fun if she was removed from her position as a leader.

>static spent 5 hours on E5S
>got E6S in 1.5 lockouts
>got E7S in 1 lockout
>got past overwhelming light or whatever the clusterfuck mechanic is on E8S that everybody says is the hardest part in 30m with what was left of raid night

I don't know anymore.

I spent 3 lockouts on e6s but only 1 and a single pull on 7

Brought to you by r/ffxiv, /xivg/ and Kaiyoko. I hope you enjoy their present xi/v/. Hopefully you can share a gift back.

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You know you're just as bad for not only saving this but shitposting this constantly for (You)s.

NIN is very smooth while MNK is very clunky with unfun greased lightning management bullshit. Especially in dungeons where you have to spam bullshit during downtime. But they both provide some of the most fun in their own ways.

you don't need cooldown/burst for adds, if you have competent dps, no one uses any 3 minutes for adds and you can still do them correctly.
adds are not a difficult part of the fight.

t. someone who actually raids and clear week 1

Rat quests.

I mean if you're a faggot and look up information you can do those fights quicker. But blind prog is the only acceptable way to do a raid tier.

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>He doesn't understand big brain elidibus' motives
Your mind is as flimsy as those gay Japanese swords

>is a popular xiv influence
>uses his influencer bucks to fill the net with diaper comms
>lives in user's head rent free

Cute RDM

It's the only way I can be blue and still do my roulettes.

>has a wife into his fetish
>has money to get his loli art
>has pull with SE
I'm thinking Kai is fucking based

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>muh GL
Bruh, maintaining GL is so easy now, it's practically a non issue. How fucking bad are you that you think keeping GL stacks is an issue?

>violating the job's aesthetics

You people shall hang on the walls of Ul'dah one day alongside swimsuitfags and lalafell tanks

SMN is high IQ

Imagine being as big of a faggot as WoWfags

It's not a matter of difficulty, it's a matter of fun. Spamming form shift during downtime (such as between every pull during a dungeon) is not fun. There's a lot of other cancer to playing MNK that you have to get around to enjoy the goodness at its core. NIN doesn't have any bullshit.

I never said you needed cd's. It's simply the only part of the fight that requires a brain outside of LR. One player being shit makes everything harder because of how it snowballs.
t. someone that probably does them cleaner than you

Who the fuck cares about dungeon? Just use perfect balance or six sided star. In a real fight, you should never drop stacks with how many tools you have.
>There's a lot of other cancer to playing MNK that you have to get around
More like you have to learn the fights and optimize your play around it. That's rewarding. I can see how it wouldn't be though to someone wanting a more unga bunga job.

Does MNK have any moves that hit really hard or is more a death by a thousand punches?

>Red Mage
>Glam blue coat

>Blue mage
>Glam black dress

>Black mage
>Glam white dress

>White mage
>Glam red coat

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I find myself still spamming mudra and stealth between trash pulls as nin as well. Form shift is just a button you press every five seconds like most other jobs.

Dungeons are a pretty big part of the game. In fact you'll spend more time doing them than you will raids most likely. Six sided star could work but it's not fun to finish every fight with it, and even then it doesn't always work.
Nobody enjoys "optimizing" unfun mechanics. That's why almost nobody plays MNK. And it's not because it's "too hard". Plenty of hard jobs have way more players.

The latter with GL4. You can SSS+Tornado kick to end fights/long phase transitions for big damage at the cost of your stacks.