how true is this dumb stereotype?
How true is this dumb stereotype?
Other urls found in this thread:
mutt's law
What happens to sad unfuckable guys like this?
Yas Forums's law
They get jobs at the IRS
You already know bro
fatlus thread?
More true than some would admit. Less true than others would claim.
This is accurate.
>I'm so happy that you're my first boyfriend
Extremely cringe dialogue. Atlus knows exactly what kind of ogres they're pandering to.
why is he shitting from his armpits
Nerds want to be a girl's first boyfriend.
All that matters is that you are a girl's last boyfriend.
you can be her first and her last
if you kill her
it doesn't even cover his face right
please stop dating that single mom whp gives you pity sex
>had experiences like this and still like games like this
Can you please stop playing our games
they are not for the likes of you, normalfag
thank you :)
In my experience they eventually get good careers and end up with tons of disposable income since they don't have families, and they spend it on nerd hobby shit like tabletop wargaming, frequent trips to Japan for anime stuff, modifying cars, or whatever. Programmers, scientists, IT, engineers, etc. are often these guys, and they seem to make up a surprisingly large percentage of airline pilots as well. (The latter is my field, I guess it kinda makes sense because it takes a lot of time and money to become a commercial pilot and some guy who's married with a family by the time he's making good money can't really afford to do it.)
They get very angry and blame women. You see them everyday on Yas Forums and Yas Forums
this happened to me desu
i bought disgaea on a whim the first day it came out when I was like 13 without knowing anything about it
turned me into a weeb and ruined my whole life
Hey, it's always funny when I stumble upon this thread. The top image is from my old Persona 4 save on the PS2 that I posted on Yas Forums back in 2009. Definitely not a sad unfuckable guy in the least bit. Just thought it was funny and wanted to share it. But I guess the rest of you can literally relate to it...
weird flex but ok
Those are a different kind of guy, usually not too bad looking but with major mental fuckups that they blame on everybody else instead of acknowledging. Most guys who are actually unfuckable come to terms with it and just get through life without relationships or sex.
This one knows.
kill yourself you fuckin npc
>Definitely not a sad unfuckable guy in the least bit
>posts on Yas Forums for over 11 fucking years
Choose one, motherfucker.
You will notice that persona discussion on Yas Forums is near entirely limited to waifus or calling it shit. Were there anything else of merit in that game, discussion would revolve around that. But there is only waifuposting.
Thus we can objectively say that people only play it for the waifus.
Doesn't mean you should settle for the girl who's had 20+ boyfriends and 40 different cocks in and around her mouth. Remember, no matter how hot she is.. there's a reason why she's single. Good luck.
Imagine growing up in a Christian family.
Pulling this out of my ass but Yas Forums has had a stigma for being an absolute landfill of losers thanks to Yas Forums being glorified by YouTubers and shit
Meaning, the edgy children eventually trickled in to every single board and caused an unsalvageable environment of shitposting and gamers.
Again, I could be wrong. Just a theory..
100% true.
t. fatlus hisself.
You're right that there's a selection bias here, but it doesn't change the fact.
Even smash threads, which are nearly as bad and just about blatant pandering and consumerism occasionally talk about the mechanics when they aren't gushing over product representation, and the gameplay, especially if you bring up melee.
This cannot be said of Persona, where all discussion is limited to waifuism or shittalk.
Disagree on the 100% bit, but agree that waifushit serves as a good litmus test. I can't help but feel kinda bad for Persona fans (and Fire Emblem fans at this point) who actually like the games for non-shitty reasons; it probably gets super fucking old to mention that you like a particular game/series and only get responses like
>who did u romance
>[name] best girl/boi
>blah blah s-links/supports/whatever
Yea haha imagine having morals haha imagine having a loving and caring family what losers haha They should be an atheist with a single mom parent lol
user, I knew two Christian families back when I was a kid. There was no love or morals there, only abuse and schizophrenia.
that persona fans are sweaty overweight baldies? factual desu
>I knew a guy man trust me I know my shit
I have experience on my side. You have nothing.
ok pedo
You have an anecdote, which is probably you projecting about your shittu single mom and her "boyfriend"
Twitch donator
You know any social media works? Lemme know how they're getting on, you don't have to dox anyone.
It's kind of ironic that a Christcuck of all people would accuse others of kiddydiddling.
Hey they were married he was just in prison
Who do you think plays "school attending teenagers with cool superpowers" dating sims?
This was back in the 90's, user, I have no clue.
As if any of those are exclusive to being christian. Fuck off with your retarded larp somewhere else tourist.
Remember when your mom told you not to talk to strangers or accept candy from them? Those be these.
Japanese salarymen who miss their school days
me on the right
>couch is literally 2 inches away
>they sit on the floor anyway
>the table is away from the couch
Why are japs this retarded? Do they not understand the concept of furniture?
Without God there can be no objective basis for morality. Homosexuality, divorce, gambling, drugs, everything is permitted in the atheist (pagan/satanic) worldview.
>Saitama plays personas
First reaction:
Saitama isn't a salaryman he's a NEET and I don't think he even remembers his school days at all
We've had a Christian society for a long time and all of those things were encouraged in some way or another, either by the followers of the religion or the crooked religious leaders. Face it. Abrahamic religion is a failure.
we play vidya till we die, duh
>he needs a big man in the sky to tell him not to be an asshole
that says more about you than it does him
We live in a fallen world, and because of man's sin every sin is practiced. Only through God's grace and being reborn in the name and blood of Jesus Christ can you escape Hell.
Your hubris might make you feel big now but every knee will bend and every mouth will confess and then you will BURN
I would unironically much prefer to go on a social link with a persona girl than have to take out a real girl, but feel free to call me an incel and to inform me I should have sex.
>We live in a fallen world
Do we though? Things seem pretty good right now, all things considered. But I guess dark ages is better because it had more christians.
They seem to have moved on from women to trannies. Same level of cancer though.
>tell Chie I'm about to cry because Teddie bit me
>AWW, don't cry!
That's when I knew she was going to be mine.
>Do we though?
Through Adam's sin death entered the world.
I'm good thanks
>Do we though?
I don't want corona to kill us bros...
>I would unironically much prefer to go on a social link with a persona girl than have to take out a real girl
Why? I mean, like, you can do both you know.
The coronavirus is just a pleb filter
I have a partner irl that I love and I love virtual dating too
Ah, the Amagami challenge!
My sister's husband has a job at the IRS...
I do, you guys suck