How can we put a woman in a real, major esport tournament? Not women's tournaments, but real ones.
So far there is none.
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Woman gamers is just a marketing ploy muck like celebrities doing a pubby match.
Yeah I know, that's why I want to know if there's a way we can help them to actually put them on real tournaments instead of fake, marketing tournies.
>So far there is none.
Wasn't there already a (real) female team in an esport tournament? They were dropped because they kept losing.
just use trannies
Yeah, they kept losing so they were kicked out. I want someone or a team who's better than the average pro player/team.
Wow this is really cool! I don't really follow the Tekken scene so I wasn't familiar with her. I'm glad there is at least one woman in a major tournament. It is unfortunate though that her track record isn't that good, but she's definitely better than me lol.
i wanna csgo n chill with far right
The brazzers tournament
She looks like Greta Thunberg.
Greta is 16, therefore you are a pedophile.
Reminds me of Scarlett
16 is legal in my state
It's not in mine so technically you're still a pedophile.
There's a lot of sex offenders where I live who only had sex with 16 or 17 year olds with consent, and they are still considered pedophiles and rapists both by the Law, and by Society. They are now serving years in prison for being disgusting and a degenerate, and statutory rape will ALWAYS be on their record. Their reputation, their life, their career - all ruined, and so should YOURS - for being a pedophile like them.
>How can we put a woman in a real, major esport tournament? Not women's tournaments, but real ones
It's only an issue if you're caught. I wasn't caught because I'm not retarded
take male, put dress on them, enter tournament. easy
Dilate, they're better off at the kitchen.
You better be behind 10 proxies because I just reported you to the FBI buddy. There's gonna be some black vans in front of your house soon, and your mom is gonna be crapping her pants. Good luck.
Just be a girl and be good at the game you fucking cunts. Nobody is barring you from playing
Wow look at how noble this soul is, he is against fucking kids, wow so amazing and brave. A true hero among degenerates you are.
the patriarchy is
Let's not forget Cuddle Core, who's been in many top 8's, including the LCQ for the World Tour
>fatty and tranny
>dexterity superiority
He just explained to you that this is a hard limitation of woman gamers. Real ones don't exist, the only ones that are mentioned at all are marketing ploys.
If they were good enough for this naturally, you wouldn't have to come up with a way to put a woman there, she would be there already.
Is there someone who's made more than $1k or has gotten 1st place multiple times?
Woman? No
Man? Yes, Arslan Ash won EVO Japan and EVO back to back
left is really getting bigger alright
Females are cancer.
Why no woman??? Men only have a physical advantage over women and there's nothing physical about gaming.
i also think this is strange, girls just don't obsess over vidya as much as guys do, for whatever reason, but i think this might change in the near future
there's nothing wrong in being a woman but holy shit you're retarded
There's only like a handful of women in Tekken who are high level, so I dunno. I was just saying Cuddle Core is probably better than Yuyu in terms of placements.
I honestly think it has to do with all the shit they get for being women. Just look at twitch chat anytime a girl is on stream. We had a couple females at our local and the amount of bad attention they get from sweaty nerds is pretty absurd.
What about female twitch streamers who main one game and play 12+ hours everyday?
There's a lot of them but only a few have gone pro, and those that did go pro only joined women's tournaments.
So far, not a single player from the women's tournaments have joined the real tournaments, in all leagues except Hearthstone.
>the amount of bad attention they get from sweaty nerds is pretty absurd
i would be fascinated, if she was cute enough
So I was right, it IS the patriarchy and men's obsession with sex that's keeping women from being at the top.
Why would a female need to put in the effort to be gud? They get life on easy mode, everything handed to them for doing nothing and treated like a princess just for existing.
it's literally just a matter of context, there are way more asian female pro gamers comparatively to the west because women are exposed more to them in asian countries
take the amount of women who want to play video games in the west, then out of those women filter out the women who only play a couple of hours a week, then out of those women filter out the women who are playing a non-competitive game, then out of those women filter out women who only play casually, and so-on and so-on until you get the incredibly niche demographic that is women who play competitive games extensively.
In terms of pure numbers, there was always bound to be fewer women in esports because women don't play video games.
go back to Yas Forums
i don't think it's JUST that but it's just another layer on top you gotta deal with. It's definitely a "boys club" kinda thing though, it's pretty obvious once you've seen it all for like 10 years
tiny vietnamese girl who liked to cosplay, she checked a lot of boxes for most of the guys
>except Hearthstone
Because of the female chinese?
>women don't play video games.
Why are there a lot of teams and players in pro female-only tournaments then? If you watch the Women's ESL, you can see there are a lot of female gamers who dedicate their life to the game they're playing.
9 of those hours are spent thanking betas for their donations and shilling patreon.
Yes, the chinese girl, I forgot her name. She joined the Twitch streamer-only tournament for that rng-fiesta game.
Because it's easy money and attention. Even more money and attention and even easier than being a regular twitch whore.
>Women's ESL
That's why.
nigga do you know how many more male amateur and esports teams there are?
>ignoring the woman who won the magic the gathering mythic championships, the supposedly superior card game
I don't like card games in general. I only play skill-based games that requires very little luck, like CSGO.
>mindbreak her
>force her to play 1 game until she is competent at it
the insistence on equal outcome instead of equal opportunity is cancer
>Greta is 16
I thought she was 10-12. Jesus she's fucking ugly.
she literally is an autist m8
>I want someone or a team who's better than the average pro player/team.
Your only solutions are to find some, or convince some top players to turn speedrunner.
>girls can't be good at ga-
3 2 4 5 1
>a way we can help them to actually put them on real tournaments instead of fake, marketing tournies.
Put in the chicks that can actually play, unfortunately they are not normally attractive so marketing fails.
please stop
That's a tranny.
Girls don't have collapsing vaginas.
Jesus christ, you can still see, even with all that make up and hair styling, that (((her))) face looks like that of a man.
holy fucking shit
>you're a pedophile for engaging in legal activities because I happen to be cucked
A woman took second place at Capcom Cup several years ago