Is MGS over?

Is MGS over?

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MGS had a hard life

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Yes, unless Korekado comes with some brilliant idea.

what is there left to expand on besides MGR2?

MGR2, that's literally it. We fucking need it.

should've been over after 3
really, REALLY should've been over after 3
but the fandom insisted on being retarded and in doing so scarred and ruined Kojima forever and now we get shit like Death Stranding

The only thing besides MGR2 would be some remakes. MGS1 was already remade, and I don't think a heavily interior facility would be done very well in modern gameplay like from 5 if they redid 1 or 2. MGS3 remake seems like a perfect fit though. Wilderness, just expand each area and get rid of the transitions. Best story, bunch of fluff mechanics like the camo system and stamina/eating and the treatment system.

>should've been over after 3
LMFAO cope


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>should've been over after 2
ftfy, 3 was made under duress. it was the beginning of the end and a retcon in itself. But 3fags don't want to admit they're as bad as everyone else who demanded the series be milked to death and filled with meaningless garbage

This is the only right take
Focusing on Big Boss is what ruined the series

The series is in dire need of a reboot as an enema for all accumulated plot blockage up its ass. If Kojima's not going to be involved anyway, better for someone to helm a new storyline than to mess with his.

>3 was made under duress
Oh, he says that every fucking time. He claims he only made Metal Gear 2 (not MGS2; MG2) because he was begged to by one of the guys working on Snake's Revenge.

What were they thinking

Metal Gear should have ended at MGS1.

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Unironically, Kojima and Korekado were messing around with Twin Snakes. You can see them laughing about how ridiculous it was.

He made MGS2 to definitively close out the series and impart a message to his fans
MGS3 is an abomination

>should've been over after 3
>really, REALLY should've been over after 3

and leave the cliffhanger of MGS2 hanging?

Over since PSP monster Hunter clone when kojimbo asked his kid why they didn't like MGS and prefer monster Hunter, so kojimbo make MGS Human Hunter.

It's been over for twelve years. Nothing after really counts, and is irrelevant to the larger narrative.

>He made MGS2 to definitively close out the series
He ended it on a fucking cliffhanger and sequel hook. Maybe he intended someone else to take up the mantle from (which would have fit the theme) but it was not at all an ending to the series.

Remakes are an awful idea.

Yes, it would have been the most kino bittersweet way to end things
Instead we got MGS4 which explained everything in the most unsatisfying way possible

MGO on Steam is still semi-active, we got a few ppl playing right now... come join my room plz

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Yeah, you're brilliant. End things on a series of cliffhangers. Ask Half Life fans how much fun that is.

>MGS2 has a cliffhanger ending
this is really getting old

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I bet Konami will do something with it at some point, but for the most part I would say yes. There is still a movie in the works too.

The ending is just a typical mystery/thriller ending stinger more than actual sequel bait. Kojima admitted he didn't intend on actually answering the questions surrounding the Patriots or what happens with Liquid, and MGS3 and the clumsiness of MGS4 are a strong indication he's being honest. Besides, the most significant stuff that happens in MGS2 *is* wrapped up.

>the patriots won
>they created a narrative shift and retconned themselves as Big Boss' pals in some huge all-consuming drama
>MGS3 and MGS4 were just part of the Patriot's information warfare
>nobody will ever know the truth about the true Patriots

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When the game ends on two major badguys (Ocelot and Patirots) out there and Snake said he would handle things.

How can you NOT interpret that as a sequel hook?

Jesus Christ, fuck off, you, specifically, are the reason everyone hates MGS2 fans. "Oh-ho, you thought it was a mere cliffhanger, but it was, in fact, a PARODY of a cliffhanger, cleverly disguised as a normal cliffhanger. Heh, I guess your grasp of ludonarrative dissonance must be lacking."

Have you never seen a story with an open ending before? MGS2's ending isn't particularly unusual. And yes, the ending is a lot more definitive when you know what the game is about and what it's trying to do. That's just how it is.

it's very well defined in the game that nobody can actually fight against the Patriots and they have basically already won in every way possible
Solid & Otacon, Liquid and even Solidus were all just chasing dummy leads while Raiden was an unwitting lapdog of the Patriots the whole time and can't do anything about it
there's nothing to resolve there, every good guy and "bad guy" who is kind of a good guy already lost and the only concrete, relevant question that it leaves open is actually "will Snake find Olga's daughter?"

Is anime over yet?

>Have you never seen a story with an open ending before?

I have but MGS2 teased a sequel where Snake takes down Ocelot and The Patriots

>it's very well defined in the game that nobody can actually fight against the Patriots

says who?

*should OF ended, you dumb ESL

That is not an open ending. That is either a bafflingly nihilistic ending that flies in the face of the messages the game just go through telling us, or a sequel hook. And, OH LOOK, A FUCKING SEQUEL WAS MADE, gee, I wonder which it was?

>MGS4 was made therefore MGS2 had a sequel hook
oh, (You)

People make sequels that weren't planned all the time.
>bafflingly nihilistic ending
You're an idiot if you think MGS2 is nihilistic.

>MGS3 is an abomination
It's a good game that doesn't tread on the ending of MGS2 and gives importance, but not over importance to Big Boss which gives some context to his motivations in MG without going full retard like PO/PW/V

Anyone who hates MGS3 is just being contrarian. If the series had ended with that you'd have a completely solid franchise of titles.

MGS4 directly addressed (however haphazardly) the deliberately placed sequel hooks from MGS2, yes.

"The Patriots are all-powerful, completely unstoppable and nothing can possibly be done about it, ever" would absolutely be a nihilistic shitpile of an ending to the series, which is a very strong indication that it was not intended to be the ending of the series.

>If the series had ended with that you'd have a completely solid franchise of titles.

except for the sequel bait and cliffhanger of MGS2

You don't have to follow up on sequel bait and let's not pretend that MGS4 provided many satisfying answers to the questions presented to the question of "who are the patriots" or "what is Ocelot's end goal".
The quality of the games wouldn't be diminished just because of some loose ends. It would however be diminished by a series of sequels that cannibalizes the previous characters in bad ways and provide incredibly dumb plots with admittedly decent to good gameplay.

>"The Patriots are all-powerful, completely unstoppable and nothing can possibly be done about it, ever" would absolutely be a nihilistic shitpile of an ending to the series
The entire point of MGS2 that Snake spells out to the audience is that the answers aren't always clear and obvious, and living with ambiguity is part of living in general. The Patriots are a semi-concrete antagonist in the game, but they're also an allegorical device that represents society in general and authority specifically. Who the Patriots are and whether or not Snake and Otacon get to be superheroes and end them forever isn't really the point of the story. MGS2's ending is actually existentially optimistic in stark contrast to the Patriots.


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>You don't have to follow up on sequel bait
you kinda do when you tease something big

>and let's not pretend that MGS4 provided many satisfying answers to the questions presented to the question of "who are the patriots" or "what is Ocelot's end goal".
I see you are salty that MGS2 actually got it's unanswered questions, answered

>MGS2's ending is actually existentially optimistic in stark contrast to the Patriots.
except for the fact that The Patriots are still out there causing chaos

How did it not? Liquid-Ocelot escapes to get the Pats and the Pats are confirmed dead for a long time

>except for the fact that The Patriots are still out there causing chaos
>living with ambiguity is part of living in general.

Metal Gear Strand game

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Well, Snake or Raiden. Kojima went at lenghts to make him Cool, so it could have been either one.

Nothing except more Metal Gear Rising. That game was amazing.

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>you kinda do when you tease something big
Nope. And fans like you who demanded a followup are why we got such a polarizing title.
>I see you are salty that MGS2 actually got it's unanswered questions, answered
Because they were answered in poor ways sure.

so when the game, in the epilogue, defuses every lead it set up near the ending, pointing out that "you were played like a goddamn fiddle" and stamping the fact that everyone who during the events of the game thought they were doing something to combat the patriots utterly failed and they weren't even close to getting anywhere near success while leaving nothing for them to go on, THAT is somehow "deliberately placing sequel hooks" in your world?
there is no reason to discuss this anymore, in my world you're just a babbling idiot fishing for responses
have a frogpost

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All the optimistic life-is-what-you-make-it stuff comes right before the "Oh, fuck, our heroes are in deep shit" stinger. If the story's not over, then it doesn't invalidate the optimistic message. If the story ends right there, it absolutely does.

It was over after MGS1.

2 and onward are trash.

Okay, so you're back to "The Patriots are completely unstoppable, the game's message was a lie, everything's fucked, The End."

MGS is pretty much frozen and packed in a box for the time being, that being said my ideas for new titles in the future would be

>Remake the first and second metal gear, mainly the second one, adopting the original designs and ignore everything Kojima did for PW and 5.
>Bring MGS2 and 3 to PC in a definitive edition with improvements on the gameplay
>an Updated version of MGR with better gameplay flow, in engine cutscenes and better graphics (Fuck off the game doesnt need a sequel)

as for actual new games...

>Metal Gear Solid game that tells the story of The Boss and the Cobras.
>Metal Gear focused entirely on Ocelot
>Metal Gear made between 1 and 2 where Snake and otacon go around the world disarming metal gears in their anti terrorist group Philanthropy
>A Completely new story like Ghost babel/Acid

>All the optimistic life-is-what-you-make-it stuff comes right before the "Oh, fuck, our heroes are in deep shit" stinger.
Snake's message isn't any less applicable after the stinger. Again, the whole point of his speech is that people have no choice but to live with uncertainty and do the best that they can. Their lead on the Patriots was a dead-end, which means that Liquid is chasing a dead-end too. Will Snake and Otacon stop fighting the good fight? Doubtful, but that doesn't mean we need to see them continue fighting. Snake and Otacon's example throughout the entirety of MGS2 and their relationship with Raiden in particular is a good enough example of their noble struggle that we don't need to it detailed in a sequel. The Patriots are interesting precisely because they're amorphous, and that's also why they're an effective symbol. A sequel that made it concrete and detailed Snake and Otacon deleting them wouldn't make for a better story at all, and indeed that's one of the reasons MGS4 is so boring and obvious.


What if they made a new metal gear with completely new characters? it would be risky, but i think it adds freedom to make something good, if not better than the original. while keeping the gameplay we all know and love.

"You will be forever ruled by all-power fascist zombie computers" is not living with uncertainty, it's a goddamn nightmare world. That is 10,000% something the audience can be expected to want to see followed-up on.

>"You will be forever ruled by all-power fascist zombie computers"
Allegories, how do they work?

>That is not an open ending
If the story had ended with Snake taking the intel on the Patriots and saying he and Otacon were going to handle it. I'd agree. However it ends with a stinger telling us that every person on the disk is dead, and not only that but one of their left over companies funded Philanthropy. No matter how you shake it, the game was asking to be followed up on.