Why didn't games just make the cards look like this instead of having a huge wall of text?

why didn't games just make the cards look like this instead of having a huge wall of text?

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Because you need to actually know what the card does.

and what does this card does?

No one knows. That's the problem.

Make your opponent call a judge

Ahahaha, Piccolo is Gohan's real dad

Nothing cause it's fucking banned

dealers choice

But only when I play it

I don't know, do you?

No one knows. Thats like asking what birds are.

it looks scary

Because no-text it was a localization done by people who didn't want to replace the JP text with English and they weren't allowed to air JP text for some reason.

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Close. They knew kids can't read Japanese, but if they put the English text on a card they'd get slammed by the FCC.

Yugioh is literally just the bigger paragraph wins

You can have product placement in movies, but not children's tv shows.

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More text means more restrictions, dumbass, PoG has 3 words and it is one of if not the best card in the game.


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You see, this is why we need card text

Magictard seething

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Endymion dies to trap hole

It speaks English better than you. Retard.

That is one based monkey.

>Putting your cards in sleeves

Is there a more autistic thing?

Is that Photon support?

No, it's a funny little monkey

>Deck has an expiration date
what mental invalid plays standard?
the low effort videos are now high effort videos but the plot has gotten to new levels of abyssmal

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Yeah, not putting them in sleeves. Enjoy your damaged cards and not being able to shuffle well, faggot.

Sleeveless is only acceptable in impromptu playground duels.

Why is this talking about standard? Standard's a laughing stock.

>playing MtG
The mana system alone is reason enough to steer clear of that RNG riddled abomination.

>RNG riddled abomination.
i thought we were talking about magic, not hearthsone

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I don’t play Blizzardshit, so idk. MtG is fucking garbo though.

post arch-types that are literally you

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>Use a double sided mtg card
>Either have to use a sleeve or substitute cards

>restoration and thragtusk
Value for days, blinking is so good.

>game mode literally called "STANDARD" is not the most commonly-played variant and is considered a joke
I feel like that says enough

Do you people honestly think you're funny?

You don't play standard because it's watered down bullshit filled with retards.
Commander's been the most popular format for years and years, because it's actually fun.

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You think you are?

Sleeveless cards are banned by official rules as there are countless ways you could mark your cards.

>posts me
You're gonna get it fucker

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>sleeve your cards
>still can't use Jap versions of them

Gay as shit.

If you think repeating the same things over and over again is funny you are either a child or an actual retard.

>still can't use Jap versions of them
Yes you can, you are allowed to use foreign cards as long as you can pull up the original one on a phone or proxy one to be ready to show. You just can't use OCG exclusive cards, any card that's in the TCG version of the game regardless of language is fair to use.

99% useless

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I've been running Cyber dragon deck since the fucking beginning and haven't stopped.

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Found the french.

The issue I have with Commander is it feels like I basically have to have 3 decks put together. I feel like I'm constantly fishing for the ace card for that moment. It wasn't bad but I just felt like I had consistency issues.

Well it is a singleton format, "consistency issues" are part of the appeal.
I can't tell you how many friends I've had that have actually removed craterhoof from their decks because after a certain point winning with craterhoof just gets kind of boring and you go to something different.
as much as i love breath of fury the amount of times I've accidentally gone infinite with it has gotten to the point where I've thought about cutting it

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I enjoy autistically shouting fusion summon at least 5 times a turn

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Silent Magician.

Any questions?

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It probably doesn't help that the only experience I have with Magic and other card games is purely based off the typical handful of cards and multiple copies of them to get them as soon/often as possible. Especially since I ran tribal set ups for magic. Commander might as well be a different game entirely

+2 that retards to this day still defend that should be unlimited

as maro says every other day, he thinks of magic as a dozen different games with a similar ruleset

Silent Magician, why do you enjoy fucking over my Alien deck so much?

[hon hon intensifies]

I mean its tame compared to what we got these days

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I found some dude selling Ignition Assault Special Edition boxes (the ones with 10 mini boxes inside)
3 boxes for $220, shipping included - delivered on Monday.

Should I get them? What are my chances of pulling a Lightning Storm in 30 packs? What are my chances of profit in general? I don't need anything from this set but I do need to make money really really bad and I'm FUCKED if I lose this investment, even if $200 doesn't seem like much to some of you.
WAT DO, Yas Forums?!?!?!?

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Always wanted to make a gem-knight deck. Any tips to starting one?

why didn't yugi make a deck with only exodias and pots of greed

>trying to make profit out of Yugioh cards
buddy its not worth it.

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>Star Wars (which is also Wizard of Oz)
What archetype is this referencing?

>Need to make money really badly
>Lets gamble!

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