Things are very wrong in China. Not a single foreign game has been approved for sale this year...

Things are very wrong in China. Not a single foreign game has been approved for sale this year. Not even Digital imports are safe from Corona Virus

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>Be Chinaman
>Only have gachashit to play, literally nothing else
Holy shit I feel so bad for them. Berlin Airlift but for games when

is gacha and mobileshit just a way for governments to keep the masses poor and lonely?

This is what happens when you put the government in control of video games.

>you put
That's what happens when you put government in control of everything

Yes. China is desperate to get rid of there growing middle class. Financial ruin that spans generations can keep people in factories. I absolutely then when the start to export again all those sick days are going to pile up

Maybe instead of not approving GOOD games they should have not approved coronavirus?

Western games are full of Jewish poison now. China doesn't want to sicken their people. We should be banning that shit here, too.

Didn’t stop them before. If western position was the reason they already failed.

>tfw China isn't ostracised by the world because of Jews wanting shit made cheap
People shit on countries like Russia and Poland and Iran, yet China is worse than all three combined and seems to get a free pass from criticism beyond lip service. Really makes you think.Though, in all seriousness, China's strict publishing conditions will result in self-censorship by Western companies so they avoid losing the Chinese market. Let's all hope that Corona is China's Chernobyl cos this shithole of a country needs to go.

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I'm almost certain they have a cap for foreign movies they allow and it's something low as fuck like 10 though this is something I heard on the internet. Do they do the same deal with games?

They do 5,000 video games at Max per year

Foreign and domestic?


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What's wrong with China? Everything they do is about making their people stronger. They don't have a problem with their men cutting their dicks off and taking HRT because they block that in their media and video games. If you try spreading mental illness in China you'll go to jail. They've also proven they're far more effective at responding to a disaster as they've contained the disease that's about to kill the western world. China is #1.

You spelled create wrong, user.

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Yes. Last year roughly 2000 games were approved

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>ethics committee prevents promoting tranny shit and mental illness
>anti-addition to stop games devouring lives leading to incels
>prevent rewriting history to fill it full of shitskins
China #1 imo

>They've also proven they're far more effective at responding to a disaster as they've contained the disease that's about to kill the western world
lmao, they literally lied to the WHO.

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China is a model example of what (((they))) want. A socialist shithole where the masses work soul-sucking jobs and are kept entertained by bread and circuses. The only difference is where the west has identity politics pandering China has gachashit.

Life has always been work or die. You got talked into it being something else by people who wanted you to fall behind and die.

Wrong, China is a model example of what they are afraid off. A ruthless alternative power that checks their hegemony.

>you put
bugman just stood there and watched the KMT dying to keep china free from communist hordes and did nothing, this is the future they chose.

“China is not the only authoritarian regime in the world but it is the wealthiest, strongest and technologically most advanced.

“This makes Xi Jinping the most dangerous opponent of open societies,” Soros told a dinner audience on the margins of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

>Westerners sacrifice everything to make their games more appealing to the Chinese
>China gives them a giant middle finger and refuses to allow their games to be sold in the country

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it's funny to see jews afraid of socialism when they were the pionners of it, goes to show how schizo they are

It's not the technologically most advanced or the strongest, but it has the most potential, particularly on the economic front. Turns out it's easier to have 100 people make 40k a year, than 25 people make 160k/yr.

I'd go "noooo you can't just post contradicting facts" with a wojak but I'm too tired of shitposting today


They realized they make more money with their own games. Westerners are all playing Tencent Vidya anyway. What else do they need?

>Turns out it's easier to have 100 people make 40k a year, than 25 people make 160k/yr.
It's also easier to have 2000 people make 4k a year than 100 people make 40k a year.

>they're based in some aspects so we should forget they're a dystopic commie shithole,
you can have le based authoritarian regime without the drawbacks of china

>They realized they make more money with their own games.
Nah, they realized that westerners are greedy as fuck, so it's more profitable to just buy up a bunch of western companies than to take a small chunk of however much money western games can make in China.

I don't know. Out of all of the Authoritarian regimes in the world right now. My favorite variety is probably China's. They perfected Authoritarian Capitalism. Its pretty damn decent.

china is way too dystopic for me, reading about the cultural revolution, the great leap foward etc + the A.I cameras and social score shit make that system impossible to change without it colapsing on it's on, makes 1984 look like childs play.

>le dynasty warrior economic man

stop posting your faggot tweets here, who has ever given a shit about anything this guy has ever said.

>They perfected Authoritarian Capitalism
also i would say south american military goverments did it better

>Pioneers of it.
No they weren't . The French people were and (((they))) barely even "mordernized" it since Marx was so incapable of writing on his own that he needed Engels to do most of his work.

But the dystopian surveillance state theme is part of the charm. It's the closest there is to real life cyberpunk. The socialist contemporary culture mixed with the traditional Confucius and Han culture is interesting to me.

What's your favorite authoritarian country/system then?

country that still exists? i'm inclined to say russia or iran/syria, pre-war syria must've been comfy to live in if you had higher education.

Russia is meh. It's alright and Putin is based, but there's less charm to it now. It just seems a little depressing. But I thought the USSR in the 80's was pure kino though.

crackers mad

Maybe this will make western devs think twice about fucking everyone else as they desperately chase chinkdollars.

It was inevitable. I really don't get how these dumbasses didn't see it coming. Then again, they probably couldn't stop it even if they could, since the western corporate system is based on non-stop financial growth for the (((investors))) even if it's detrimental on whatever level.

Can't wait to see all these companies that shill so hard for China ending up getting buttfucked by them.

Modern 'Socialist' China is literally like the over the top parodies of American Capitalism that western e-communists project. Absolutely over the top exploitation baked into every aspect of life.

Based China, protecting its citizens from western sjw propaganda and degeneracy.

I remember seeing that Sony was paying one lone Chinaman to make this Final Fantasy/Devil May Cry knockoff with cool spirit dragons. Hope he's doing okay.

Never forget Hong Kong.

Pretty sure they have already mastered the art of torrenting shits.

>try to combat "video game addiction"
>only approve gachashit, a genre that thrives on addiction


No way man. The government should run everything.

Tencent already owns everything, there's no reason to pay more money to western devs.

I bet those games are full of bugs

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I know you're baiting but i'm genuinely scared of the remote possibility that you're not.

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>no western games allowed

Actually kinda based, but extremely gachapilled

So, after reading this thread so far:
China good or China bad?

How the fuck is that a bait? Smoothbrain MIGA faggot.

if China is covering up millions of deaths, why aren't there also millions of people dying in Japan, Korea, or Italy? There's no way they could cover up millions of deaths in those countries because they have free open internets. So this is total bullshit. What, 1000 cases in America? 1000 people out of 300 million. This is NOTHING!

by protecting someone from harm, they become more susceptible to harm. prevent a child from scraping his knee and when he does it will be the worst thing to ever happen to him in his life. Also...

fuck em.
fuck the main-landers coming over here and acting like complete cunts.
fuck those mangy dogs who rub their spit onto elevator buttons and sanitizer dispensers.

Still bad.