Alright I give up. This is better than mario kart.
Alright I give up. This is better than mario kart
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Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed is still the best kart game ever.
>Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed is still the best kart game ever.
Best laugh I've had all day.
What gave it away?
I dont really play kart racers, but from an untrained eye this looks really jank. Is he using a glitch or something?
mario kart always punishes you for being in 1st place for some reason
Its just drifting, u-turning and airbreaking.
imagine using coco and not pura
Imagine maining Pura and not this racer.
The only things mario kart has over ctr is is music and better online
Shit taste
I think it was the instant momentum change of the u turn that was throwing me off. Disregard my retardation. My bad
Anyone got a sour patch stickers code? Would greatly appreciate it!
Do we know if there's going to be a PC release ever? I fucking loved the original PS1 version as a kid and recently emulated it and fuck does it hold up other than the shit visuals.
Alright let's say I want to get into the game. What do I need to know?
CTR made me realize anti frontrun items like the Blue Shell or Triple Reds are a necessary evil.
Though I can understand why someone wouldn't agree, I think it's better to sometimes get robbed of 1st than to have 1st place be mostly set & decided by Lap 2
This. Niggers can cry all they want but it's just not fun losing every single time by some autist who plays the game too much.
Absolutely, it's just the balance online is shit. Or has it been fixed? I haven't played since December.
>It's a hovercraft course
Can't agree with that.
drifting and powerslides are vital for keeping up your speeds while advanced techniques like air breaking allow you to keep even the fastest speeds under control
Online gets worse with each patch.
>longer load times
>no fixes to the ramp collisons and kart hitboxes
>hosts can still fuck a lobby
>netcode still shit
>lobbies can crash for no reason
The shit changes every month
We had like 1 month where the balance was perfect and I think that was either the spyro gp or the halloween gp
Everything before or after was
Is it wrong that I don't feel comfortable driving a hovercraft? It's cool that they're there, but I play significantly worse on a hovercraft than on a kart. It sucks because I like the new Velo Hovercraft design and the Probulon has one of the best kart skins in the fucking game with the Pitfall skin
So snaking is a thing? What is air braking?
CTR was my favourite game as a kid and I'm happy to also include Nitro Fueled in with that but it's really frustrating knowing that despite the content they just can't make it play as flawlessly as Naughty Dog did.
In fairness the programmers at Naughty Dog are kinda geniuses. To get the original Crash Bandicoot running on the PS1 they basically had to hack the hardware.
I think so too, I think they're a bit tougher to judge where you are than smaller karts like the classic kart
If you brake in midair while taking your foot off the gas you can perform really sharp turns without losing any of your speed. If you're really good you can do it on basic hops. If you master it you're able to take any turn in the game while going real fast.
what do you mean by air breaking exactly? I've been a mario kart player all my life and just started CTR, been playign with a speed class and just found out about hopping around turns instead of drifting.
Honestly this game requires a lot more skill than mario kart and I liket aht a lot
I'm not paying for online
Where the FUCK is the PC version
I too share this feeling. I only learned to adapt with it once the Velo kart came out because I couldnt pass up being able to finally use a setup I was thinking of since October.
When you do certain jumps let go of accelerate, hold square and move the d pad (or analog) in the direction you wanna go and before you land let go of square and press accelerate again.
By holding break you can do incredibly sharp turns, but it kills your speed and any boost reserves you have. However you don’t lose any speed/reserves if you do the breaking entirely while airborne.
EG on Electron Avenue you can take an unintended shortcut at the first sharp u-turn in the track by going off the side of the ramp, breaking and rotating the kart mid-air and then holding accelerate again before you land on next section of track.
This. Naughty Dog programmers were literal gods it's actually not fair to most modern programmers.
That was a sentiment shared by many when the game first came out, the feeling leaves the more comfortable and in control of your kart you get.
I love MK, but yeah there is no contest. CTR is great and I never even grew up with Crash (Despite the fact I owned the original Playstation, because I only had 4 games and all of them were Tomb Raider games).
Pfftffft. Good kek user.
>breaking and rotating the kart mid-air and then holding accelerate again before you land on next section of track.
isnt there one just like that on papu papu pyramid
Since this GP my game is more prone to freezing at lobbies when people join and leave
I fucking hate it
The games just really jank
Okay Crash fanboy, we believe you.
>unintended shortcut
That's not an unintended shortcut. An unintended shortcut would be pre-patch Thunderstruck where you could drive off the side of the starting point/finish line and land by the spiked swings to do a quick lap.
It does this for me but it also freezes when im trying to customize as well. I dont know why, but its frequency increased in October.
god i love liz
as someone who is a noob at CTR, how is he like not turning while using the jump boosts? He's just going straight.
>30 seconds should be plenty of time
>kart and character don't appear
>parts and paints show up blank
>suddenly everything stops
>lobby disbanded
>Sonic Furfags tried to defend TSR when it was revealed by saying "Oh who the fuck cares about the black taxi dude or the monkey" to actual Sega fans who wanted ASR3
>Ended up with an "eh" game with a smaller roster than ASRT and had shitty rosters choices like 4 Chao instead of Cream, Zavok, and Vector begin placed alongside Silver and Blaze while Espió and Charmy got neglected again. Plus no new content since the game released
Karma hits like a fucking truck. I just really hope Sumo got their shit together and make a good ASR3
Here we see a mentally damaged aspie attempt to get his budget Mario Kart talked about on Yas Forums.
God Damn that looks bad.
I'm not sure what you mean? You mean countersteering?
How is a 39s lap 1 with Drift bad?
haven't seen anyone mentioning Mario Kart while I see CTR threads daily, here's your (You)
Based best-taste-user
There has never been a better cart racer since
mario kart doesn't need threads
it also has working online
>fall in love with liz
>stop playing
>know what will happen when I boot the game again
>it happens anyway
It takes a little adjusting but I got used to it after using the not-DeLorean with N. Tropy.
probably. I don't play online so I don't exactly have to refine my technique.
CTR came out in '99 and remains unbeaten user.
You do if you want to beat all those Oxide ghosts.
Oxide and Velo are both a joke.
...and Diddy Kong Racing came out in '97, and has not been beaten. You'd have to have played it to know, and I had both PS1 and N64.
>You'd have to have played it to know, and I had both PS1 and N64.
As did I. That's why I can make the informed decision of Crash Team Racing as the superior racer.
Isabella has the personality Tawna should have had.