Why does it seem like there's text missing in the second panel?
>mario with no nose
Worst Yas Forums meme.
Because you're not used to comics understanding when not to have text.
>it's shorter now! that automatically means its better right?
It's not good to begin with, so making it shorter at least doesn't reduce the quality.
You could probably cut out the second panel, but the first is important to establish the particular linguistic usage of "fine". Without it, it's some dude saying something to Mario, Mario saying something else, and basically the edit is fucking retarded.
Hee hee
A judge saying "It's a fine" is more than enough contextual establisment for the joke in question. Although it doesn't really address the fact that the punchline is a play on words and not an original one in the slightest. It's trash and shouldn't be more panels than it needs to be, which is zero.
That's if you assume it's a judge in the first place, which the first panel serves to establish.
Agree with you on the Zero panels part. The comic is stupid, the edit is stupid, and this thread is stupid.
ultra based
i love trope of fantasy porn situation where the ork/ogre/miscellaneous rapebeast is just sick of this shit
> Using condoms AND pills.
What a slut.
we already had this one recently
These are good.
Second panel adds a comedic beat for showing Mario's lack of comprehension.
The comic's structured fine, in fact it does a better job than a lot of comics which would try to force a speech bubble into the second panel when Mario's vacant stare is far more effective. It's only problem is it's just not a particularly good joke. Anyone who think the comic needs cutting down is trying too hard to fit in.
Shorten this while still getting the slow bullet drop joke across, Yas Forums.
Absolutely good wholesome family oriented entertainment
The most wholesome and educated orc.
Would you?
The length here is warranted and adds to the humor.
No I wouldn't.
If you have done cocaine, shrooms or acid, you would, even if you say you wouldn't.
there was a joke?
>no other humans actually around
>just cute robots to slap my dick on
absolutely fucking not
I mean considering the theme of the comic they'd probably force it on anyone who refused anyways so what's the point of asking but if they'd just let me chill outside of the pleasure boxes I would
how do you simulate the experience of a literal experience, the adventure is literally the actual process of doing said adventure. how do you simulate going from point A to point B with just chemical reactions
An adventure is still just happening in your head.
A pill could theoretically make you have the same experiences/brain signals.
Of fucking course.
The brain is a powerful and terrifying thing user, those people are probably in a constant hallucination.
those arent green and purple
read brain in a vat
its not saying that though, its just saying its giving you the dopamine rush. but actual experiences aren't just a sudden rush of dopamine, its the process of doing something, seeing the goal you achieved by actually doing something.
Existential-chan is so cute. She's my waifu.
And he never saw his friend again...
should be a version with /ss/
well that depends. She says that she would try it, but it doesn't seem like she leaves at the end. Is she choosing to not leave, or is she not being unplugged because the system betrayed her?
I certainly wouldn't do it if it was for forever, and neither would most people. The reality is that most people given the hypothetical, wouldn't actually choose to simply experience perfect happiness by a drug or machine for the rest of their life, which is exactly why the artist intended this to be an unsettling scenario. Despite this, the scenario assumes that most people would choose this, which is kind of silly.
it was obviously drawn by someone with limited understanding of actual brain chemistry beyond basic knowledge of dopamine specifically for a fetish, but that was likely their intention despite lacking the knowledge to express that in their comic
Yes, I would defile goggle girl's vegetative body
I would live my life normally until I get really old, and then I'd get strapped up. Basically on my deathbed, I'd tell those robots to hook me up on all the chemicals.
Over the years I've really gotten tired of what-if scenarios. Real-life is so much more complicated, and your beliefs have to account for nuances. "What if there was this thing and there were zero downsides?" is not interesting or valuable.
I like the sound of & lies
God damn she just gave me Coronavirus!
remember when it was funny to hate comic sans
No. The idea that you can just introduce neurotransmitter agonists into your system without anything going ass over teakettle within a week is retarded. In layman's terms your brain gets desensitized to artificial introductions of positive stimuli (like smoking a cigarette, etc) quite fast. The scenario where you get a constant stream of agonists to make you produce dopamine and serotonin is incredibly unrealistic and I wouldn't trust that robot for a second.
I suppose the dose of agonists could be increased constantly over time but that would most likely fuck your dopamine system up which literally gives you schizophrenia.
I'd tell the robot to fuck off, and if I was feeling particularly inspired, I'd endeavor to tear the whole operation down.
Isn't this how humanity became immortal in Asimov's Last Question?
>inglip comics
fucking based, user
Missing the point. It's not vr or a simulator or an evil computer trick anything like that. It's just a chemical that feels better than anything else. Compare it to people who get on heroin and suddenly don't care about food, booze and sex, because none of them matter in comparison, and then jump it up several degrees. Why go out and do something when it's simply never going to feel as pleasurable, fulfilling and satisfying as the drug?
I second this.
wouldnt you pass out from the extreme trauma or pain or some shit?
I would destroy the facility with a tank. Such a thing is an affront to free will and sapience.
stop it please
my favorite
It's not over yet boys.
(i'll dump a few more chapters then link to the mangadex page)
I wasn't missing the point I explicitly said that the artist didn't have knowledge of how it actually fucking works but since the comic was for their boner(or possibly a commission for someone's boner) they just went off of their basic assumptions of how pleasure and the brain works
nothing I said had to do with that shit you're rambling about
>Why go out and do something when it's simply never going to feel as pleasurable, fulfilling and satisfying as the drug?
but you do realize that most people choose to not do heroin, right? Even in countries where all drugs are decriminalized, most people actually don't want heroin, and don't seek it out. The artist is wrong about human psychology. Some people would willingly take the drug, but most wouldn't, at least not in replacement of everything else.
You're right in that nothing irl will be that 100% cut and dry, but imaging fictional scenarios, and how you'd respond to them, can help you realize what you truly stand for and where your morals are.
I'm assuming the machine that keeps you alive regulats shit like blood preassure ignoringf the brain signals which would stop you from passing out.
>you look greata
I hate newfags so god damn much, they latch onto any meme and spam it into the ground even when it doesn't make sense.
Man this one doesn't work for me cause I don't pronounce them the same
I mean, a machine that small couldn't possibly have enough whatever the fucks to keep the head alive for very long anyway. It's just a pointlessly fucked up comic for shock value.
They have a magic live without a body ball. Plus I'm sure its be in your nightmares. It's just an obnoxiously horrible scenario dont question it just accept its horrible.
no but i wanna fuck that girl tho
Are you stupid? The joke is that you read them in THEIR voices.
>you are a difficult person to be around
and that's the worst feeling of all
>how do you simulate going from point A to point B with just chemical reactions
The same way you simulate the same thing with LSD.
Man people have truncating comics in LOL threads since back when Ctrl Alt Del was relevant and it was the daily sacrifice.
I guarantee it's just a shitposter who knows exactly what he's doing.
Man nothing makes me want to die young like old folks homes.
>Old dude just sitting in his wheelchair
>looks at the clock
>looks at the front desk
>repeats this for an hour
>no one ever showed up
When have they ever said "sure" though
No, wireheading is the most smoothbrained futurist vision. If humans only cared about the feel-good chemicals in their brains the concept of self-sacrifice wouldn't exist, and that's just the tip of the iceberg of why this is a retarded idea.
Very nice
I think you're autistic, user.
it's called the imp of the perverse
oh hey, I gave that comic a read once
was nice, got a link?
If there is a Hell on earth, I truly believe that's where it is. My dad spent a lot of time in and out of combined old folks homes/medical recovery places. There is no good home. They're all run by scum. Everyone there who was lucid enough to speak told him he was far too young to be in a place like that. The few friends he made regularly died while he was there, their belongings and clothing passed around to the other residents because they had no family left. The only thing that kept him sane was us talking on the phone every single night, and after further health deterioration at the hands of uncaring staff and overpaid doctors, he decided that if it was his time to go, then by God, he'd rather it happen in his own damn house in his own damn bed.
I will never find the artist behind this comic strip, so yeah I would.
are these the YLYL threads of Yas Forums?