How autistic is the doom fanbase?

how autistic is the doom fanbase?

i'd say almost as autistic as you.

Ordinary fans are pretty normal but doom speedrunners are some of the most autistic

I unironically wanna fuck spike the dragon, I'm 100% serious. Something about shortstack shota scalie makes me rock hard

fast monsters
pistol start
no saves

They're all pretty chill to be honest: Retro, classic, modern, new age, etc. Rip and tear to the max

holy based

Not even civvie is this much of an autist

It's always been pretty autistic but it's gotten 5 times worse since doom 2016 launched.

Based decino.

its not that hard at least until e4

Well, they're pretty anal about considering Doom 3 a real Doom game, even though it pretty much has everything you'd expect in a Doom game. So I'm gonna say they're pretty damn autistic.

Because he's not good at doom. I like how morons will just slurp an e-celeb's butthole because they slap some memes in their video. That faggot is even infecting /vr/ and I'm fucking sick of it.

Worst FPS fanbase ever

Maybe tied with Quake fags


I don't like pistol start because it isn't practical for so many created levels. Fast monsters is stupid too. But I always ultra-violent and don't save.

Oh dear.

He's a normalfag to the bone though.

very, but in the good way

Bro...I don't think he's gonna answer your summons...

I unironically don't save because I don't feel like saving even though I say to myself that I should

Exceedingly autistic.
Why? Look who's a Doomfag.

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how long till he comes?

Well shit, didn't even notice this thread was baiting him. How coincidental.

He's been dead for years, user. Time to let go.

they are ok

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I saw him just last month!

Columbine was kino.


Your Dole Dippers, madam

Attached: dole dippers.jpg (1280x720, 80.19K) he gone?

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and don't forget:
no zdoom based ports. dos, chocolate, crispy retro, or prboom+ only.

we need your help

Dangerously based

this really didn't take off. what was it from anyway?

Extremely. They're autistic children that can't stop arguing or replying.

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Pistol starts are hella boring


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as autistic as Yas Forums and /vr/ user.

>sees cropped pic
user, don't try to bring THAT thread shitter into here.

>mfw civvie plays NuuM on UV

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Not having a job. Not having friends after they've abandoned you. Not having a life.

Does doom even have a fanbase still?

Considering they were collectively outraged by a fucking commercial I'd say very autistic.

If the map is garbage and only has like 2-3 weapons yeah. I seriously hate pistol starting Doom 2 opposed to Doom 1. So many levels have almost nothing the entire time. The SSG is only in like 1/4th at most of the Doom 2 levels as a pick up so you end up killing shit with the shotgun and it feels boring as fuck.


The nuDoom brigade traces duhmslayher's lineage to Commander Keen and whatnot, why are you acting surprised that a commercial would cause angst?

Civvie is a cool dude but hes pretty bad at Doom. He cannot even pistol start Plutonia levels i mean some of em are hard but hes pretty ass at alot of Doom levels. Cool guy though i enjoy his videos.

Wait. Why did he go to a Brony Con? I thought he hated bronies?

Says the freak part of a fandom that shit up Yas Forums so hard they needed a containment board and can't stop attacking people who don't like their garbage-ass fucking show

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He's a closet fan.


i can see what of person either of them would appeal to, but i enjoy both of their content. don't see why people need to be so divided over who they like.

thank you

>No keyboard only

Didn't you watch 100+ episodes of My Little Pony? And also the movies? And also browse and constantly shill a pony website? Do you really think it's a garbage-ass fucking show?

Doom is that one series where the fanbase is such a legacy, that you can't easily disassociate the fans from it
From the source ports and mods happening thanks to Carmack releasing the source code, to the nickname "Doomguy" and a bunch of other memes being adapted to the series
To something like Brutal Doom spreading like a plague
Doom was a series that only existed to innovate and be copied by other games, so while Sonic and Megaman had millions of sequels and spin offs, Doom's version of it was with fanmade content
It's a massive series if you start treating fanwork as canon
Both a good and bad thing in many ways
Even "purists" end up using something fanmade, even by accident

He could barely get through Sigil with continuous and saves.

I hope you fucking kill yourself

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If you are a "fan" of any e-celeb for purposes outside of trolling and harassment of said e-celeb, then you're a tremendous fucking queer who probably can't go thirty minutes without being railed by cock in all openings.

settle down user they're youtube videos

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Then post about them elsewhere. Yas Forums is a thing.

just settle down bro

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