What went wrong?
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Looks pretty cool, but I wouldn't be able to play it even if I had the money.
Teleportation is an odd choice for a VR shooter.
Are you people still going to be peddling the lie of teleport only even after the game releases?
it's optional
It's valve, did anyone expect anything other than a tech demo?
Looks like the aimbot hitscanner AIs are still intact
Valve is back baby
Will you be able to fall down the pits, Yas Forums?
Probably Valve ignoring the franchise for 13 fucking years
of course they will
>enemies are still bullet sponges
is this going to be another case of HL2 combat
You can play it sitting? Might be able to try it out one day, looks worth a go. Though I don't really have much room to move around.
>Blatant lies on Yas Forums
Not sure what I expected.
Continuous movement as in the last webm: youtu.be
Where did your second quote lie?
I can't even speculate how my mind would handle falling in VR but not feeling the sensation IRL.
I don’t care. When is the Artifact relaunch?
No one is lying retard.
That's what happened
that looks good, its too bad we cant solve the problem of walking in vr easily or it would be amazing
It gives me an erection
In my experience it's kinda weird but it mostly just makes you realize it's not real, so it's not too scary.
Now, physically walking off a ledge, that's another story. You really have to override some deep-ridden instincts to do that.
you can play all vr games sitting
knew it was dead the second i saw the nu cartoon pixarshit art style
They should have just made it a proper FPS, no VR.
It's not even a money issue (for me at least), just a 'couldn't be fucked' issue.
Im a simple man; a controller and my ass all I want. Gimmicks like VR, lightguns, EyeToy etc. were never fun outside of little mini-games.
Committing to a whole game inside a gimmick. No.
I looked in the fridge in kiwi's apartment
That was fucking disgusting, the way its front legs were neatly folded up really rubbed me wrong somehow
Spoken like someone who hasn't played VR
>motion controls
for a guy who is literally named joe blow it makes as much sense that i don't give a fuck about his shitty opinions
It looks fucking great and Yas Forums bitching is just obvious sour grapes. VR is still in its infancy and it's only been getting better.
>tell tyler in his twitch chat "hey man, thought you said it wouldn't have teleporting?"
It's been around since 95. VR is a full grown adult that just has extra chromosomes.
is she teleporting or sliding?
that robot's cracking up
>nu cartoon pixarshit art style
what did he mean by this?
it looks like a nuzoomer disneyshit animated movie rather than the stark eastern bloc aesthetic half life 2 had
Spontaneous vomiting
I don't like Vr
This, this is what makes VR shit, who cares about movement this and what not. The real problem is wiggle and waggle motion controls hate that shit
>wiggle waggle
Have you actually ever played VR or do you just think it's a Wiimote.
>using all those Yas Forums buzzwords
Opinion discarded
These retards are going to need therapy after 2020
>it looks like a nuzoomer disneyshit animated movie rather than the stark eastern bloc aesthetic half life 2 had
What? It seems to be similar to the Source engine but updated a ton. Even the final product of HL2 isn't as grim as the beta was.
made him too handsome for a theoretical physicist
I have used it and its a wiimote
>Have you actually ever played VR or do you just think it's a Wiimote.
No, I have not wasted my money on VR yet. and yes, motion controls are motion controls. Wiimote. xbox kinect, PS4 move, VR wiggle sticks.
motion controls suck for video games plain and simple
the hl2 beta looked like generic quakeshit, glad it got trashed
not bad, not bad
unironically should I try and buy an index when its available?
Look at this cartoony shit, what is this The Incredibles?
What do you mean by these buzzwords? Quake 1 is not similar to HL2 beta, maybe Quake 2 but that's stretching it. And Quake 4 wasn't out yet.
it was ugly generic american looking industrial pollution punk like nearly every other shooter of that era
It definitely gives me a bit of a falling sensation, but you do get used to it and it isn't so bad, especially in one off scenarios like just dropping from a ledge or something.
It's surreal to see Valve putting their reputation on the line for such an abomination of a game.
How the mighty have fallen.
>car door stops bullets
Watch the full video, she takes cover in a portapotty
I like that they added a fat layer for abdominal fat but didn't look up what ribs look like.