>What did you say about Doom?
What did you say about Doom?
Is this achievable natty
No, he's a 7ft tall body builder that won the genetic lotto
Yet the white guy still has a smaller penis rendering all the roids useless. lol
I said that Eternal will become the new gold standard of the FPS genre. The fuck you gonna do about it?
>genetic lotto
Would rather be the negro with the huge dick and have women literally tattooing themselves for my race. Than a pasty vanilla man who would get metoo'd if he so much as had an opinion. Negro is easy mode these days
I said that the game would have been better if Doom Slayer was a girl. You've got a problem with it big guy?
mutt's law in action once again
>What did you say about Doom?
that its overrated as shit and doesn't deserve its praise
>those "people" who shit on doom 3
>What did you say about Animal Crossing: New Horizons for the Nintendo Switch?
He kinda cute ngl.
>cant grow a beard
You're not allowed say that the world is doomed until you've past puberty
he looks like the toy story kid
>genetic lottery
Dude had get surgery to fix his bone structure and he is on a lot of steroids, hopefully he doesn’t die from having a massive heart cause the guys pretty based
Yes, just be yourself
>Negro is easy mode these days
Africa is a shit hole with no future though
Now kiss
>tfw I liked doom 3
I'm a bad person Yas Forums?
alright, now let's get this out onto a tray
does muscle mass proportional to dick size? or is it the inverse?
Youre literally insane faggot
>OPs pic literally has a woman ogling the white guy in the background
At a certain point, being too tall turns you into a freak. Also you get bone issues and die early.
Negro is easy mode? You know how hard it is walking around knowing that maybe 1/100 of the women that you're attracted to would rather have a white man or spanish dude? The fact that just having darker skin writes you off of so many potential prospects really just fucking sucks man.
this but people in general
every time i speak to someone i think "damn he probably doesnt want to talk to a nigger"
He buckles everytime he walks, his knees are ogre in less than 10 years. This is not cope
t. 6'2 220lbs.
This is so fucking funny
Ironically, Jon Jones would kill that guy if they fought for real
Why is her midriff exposed?
Absolutely based
>automatically the cool person
>minority benefits
>free sjws white pussy
>THICC CHOCOLATE QUEENS want to be with you
>can say what's up to any other black person and it's not awkward
>diversity hires
>increased muscle mass
and the best of all, you have a
All these white people cope by saying, gang this, crime that. Just dont do stupid shit, thats the same as any race. As an educated black man I can say my life is 100% easy mode
based height
>t. 6'2 230
god i want him to full nelson my boypussy
Queers not welcome
You’d be right
>american posters
>probably jerking off thinking about nigger men while writing these posts
>implying niggers arent american
Why are you guys talking about being different races?
Isn't the point of being against racism that would should be fine with your own race? That includes white people.
White people aren't a race.They are a cancer.
What's up with the fake black posters lately? One in each thread. Fuckin cringe man.
*white women
>actually a black user
This is why I'm fine being 5'10. Still above average but not to the point where I hit my head on door frames or get knee problems
how does it feel losing to big demon cock?
>tfw 5'10 as well
It's a weird feel. Not tall, not short. Just... there...
You white people are fucking insane if you think being black has literally ever been easy at any point in human history.
>tfw one of my hookups actually said I had a demon dick
what the fuck is wrong with his forearm/fist? why does it get so tiny so suddenly?
I had a girl name my cock "Thor" because I and I quote "brought the thunder"
I'm a beaner though, no idea what the fuck she was talking about. I was clappin them cheeks but damn, Thor? Killed the mood because it was too unbelievable. This was after I had dumped her.
Never fuck your crazy exes bros.
Did you do the Akuma pose after you nutted in that bitch?
Why is a Sherdog meme on Yas Forums?
nobody says or unironically thinks that retard
I'd just get bored of the novelty of it and pick on short people because people only ever think of me at the "big tall guy"
>tfw 6'5 230
I want functioning knees dammit
Yas Forums
Yas Forums
Yas Forums
Yas Forums
Most boards actually
It mean it's still techincally tall but not incredibly so. I still feel tall when I go to small towns and everyone is short but I feel average height when around really tall people. I like it.
Pretty based
>move to new town
>most people are shorter than me
>like, see people a foot shorter than me walk by on a regular basis
>i'm 5 foot fucking 6
midgetland it real
It's just shitposting with the exception of r9k they're the only ones who'd actually think shit like that. And maybe Yas Forums considering most people there are pedophiles.
>using Yas Forums when youre not a social outcast virgin
if you seriously do this, im going to have to ask you to murder yourself please.
As a regular white guy youre an automatic incel or just a fucking somebody that might finally get their turn in the whore that gets passed around daily by men
As even just an average black guy you are somebody to white women, youre a celebrity in your own group, just be well spoken and shit.
Yeah people are short as hell in some parts of the world. Like 4 ft. I also remember reading about this one place in Africa where people on average are like 7 ft tall. Pretty crazy how diverse humans can be. Like imagine seeing normal lions and then 9 ft tall lions. Just bizarre
It's possible to be a weirdo and fuck other weirdos, dummy.
t. fucks several women concurrently who are all weird while being weird
original doom sucks because it's too goddamn easy
thy flesh consumed swings too hard in the other direction and also sucks
doom 2 isn't really that good either but at least that time it's more of a level design issue rather than a "lol have fun dealing with ten thousand barons of hell and a cyberdemon or two"
no rest for the living is great, but also way more recent so it's not really a fair comparison I guess
haven't played TNT or Plutonia, nevermind 3
2016 was pretty solid as long as you take it for something inspired by 1993 Doom (I mean, moreso than the entire genre itself anyway) and not a direct sequel
Haven't kept up with Eternal, might be cool I guess
I said I like HeXen more
>this is your brain on Yas Forums
You need to really lurk more if you think these people are joking.
Where do you find weirdos to fuck?
You're not as weird as me then.
A text based MMO where you RP as vampires and their extended friends who are all fujosluts.
Doomguy and Baratus would get along great
People from dry heat lands become tall and skinny and I forgot the rest. People from wet heat become short I think?
Places where lead levels in the water are high
As far as the law is concerned; I'm always joking.
Damn I don't think I'm weird enough for that.
ps. dandelion is a faggot
Nah Yas Forums is actually the most guilty of that, they have this obsession with board purity of incel autists and saying you have sex or anything that makes them angry is risking a ban.
I just find it really interesting how different people can be. I guess thats what happens when you have a worldwide species. Tons of differences start to appear over time. I mean there are like 7000 human languages worldwide. Humans are fascinating....I promise I'm not an alien
Fuck off Gray
t. Crash