It's not happening is it? The meme virus fucked everything up.
who gives a fuck
Sony and Nintendo are based, since they love skipping it.
If its canceled this year, its done for good. Everyone will just do a package like a Direct and realize they don't need E3 for anything but booths
I don't want it to end bros
Spending E3 with my Yas Forumsros is honestly the highlight of my year
post em
It's on its way out already. If corona-chan gets it cancelled this year, it'll only speed up the inevitable.
Its not like the occasion for us online will end. It will just all be digital from now on with no showfloor
The best timeline would be timed E3 Demos playable from home.
I just want new information on the battle for bikini bottom remake god dammit, I wanna see more levels that aren’t jellyfish fields
based corona virus permanently kills E3
E3 is obsolete in this day and age anyway. Nintendo and Devolver have the right idea with streamed presentations.
>E3 is cancelled
>everyone with E3 announcements just streams them without E3 branding
>E3 isn't cancelled
>they're widely derided for 'forcing' game journos to risk their health by attending
they can't win, they're fucked.
E3's death blow was Nintendo Direct and it has been slowing bleeding out since then. Thanks Ninturds.
THQNoridc don't feel like marketing this game or the Destroy all Humans remake either. It fucking baffles me, considering they're remakes, so they're not spoiling anything. Both of these games are expected to release within the next few months, yet we still don't even have solid release dates.
If things are so fucked that people are cancelling shit even in June I wouldn't even expect digital presentations.
My friend in Britbongia confirms she has corona
E3 2020 was already basically cancelled, most companies had pulled out because of the turbojewing and it was just going to be Macrosoft and what sounded like the most cancerous presentation ever devised full of streamers and e-celebs. I was looking forward to seeing what the worst E3 ever would look like, but it probably won't happen now.
The actual loss is the cringe. No E3 2020 compilation is gonna feel weird and I will probably won't even notice half a year passed. It's like December without Christmas.
When did E3 actually go to shit? Because I know there must have been some specific point where it went from absolutely indispensable to worthless
Marketing and advertising a SpongeBob videogame isn't rocket science. Then again, this is THQNoridc we're talkin'. Have they marketed or even released anything worth a damn? Darksiders 3?
RIP Gundamanon
>Have they marketed or even released anything worth a damn?
no. even Darksiders 3 came and went like a fart in the wind. Because it was both a terrible game, and because they barely advertised it.
I'm still alive actually
When they stopped Gathering of Developers from having porn and hookers at E3. That's when it stopped being about what men want.
Who cares, all that mattered about E3 for consumers and not journos as an event that wasn't even part of E3 as a convention and EA was doing their own thing around the same time without actually participating E3 for years now. Granted it was shit but it's EA. The publishers can organise a stream of announcements and stream it live from whenever they feel like it.
E3 has been shit for a good decade.
How can they still be pretending that E3 2020 is happening, they don't even have anyone running the show anymore.
I just hope that we still do the collages and road to e3 pic
Based. Screenshot this. It will happen within the decade
E3 will be the last of your concerns once society collapses.
Cool, I'd be okay with this
>caring about E3 2020
The last good E3 was 2011 and that was only because it was gloriously fucking terrible
So honestly at the turn of the 2010's is when it started sucking. Which makes sense, 7th gen in general killed gaming so it killed e3 too
Imagine crying over the fact that you dont get to pay top dollar to view prerendered trailers for games that will be obsolete 2 weeks after release.
Can we just nuke the internet? I feel like the world would be a lot better off without it
>is THQNordic worth a damn?
no, I forgot they even exist. I'm excited for SpongeBob Rehydrated regardless.
Do you even enjoy video games?
But you'll never get your video games at E3 ever again.
This is the future you chose.
Nobody was gonna be there regardless.
>coronavirus just keeps killing old people like every other "killer pandemic"
>everyone using it as a convenient excuse to cancel their shitty underperforming conventions without facing backlash from the local businesses that rely on tourist profit to stay afloat and admitting to their investors that they're done for
why hasnt Corona-chan started fucking Africa up yet? It's already started to purge chinks and boomers, but we havent heard much from Africa
So will E3 be cancelled?
Supposedly there is some other kind of virus fucking up eastern Africa right now. There were reports of people bleeding out of their mouths and then dropping dead. Probably a resurgence of ebola.
who are these shills trying to trick people into thinking that coronavirus is nothing to be concerned about?
how much is trump paying you to lie to us?
mine for this year isn't done yet. i will make it in april or may. when will the squidward thread open?
its kinda the opposite.
at first the media was like "its just a flu bro dont worry nothing to worry about"
then suddenly all at once they switch to full panic mode.
thing is, corona is serious. the worst plague earth has ever seen. that doesnt mean we should panic or blame anyone, that doesnt help. We need to just sensibly take care of ourselves and those around us.
cancelling events is essential.
buying extra food but not all at once is essential.
staying indoors may be the only thing that saves your life if the virus is 100% fatal as it might be given its man made.
more likely though its just going to be something that disables 50%+ of the population in a minor way, kills 20% and leaves 30% unscathed until they are infected by the 50% because the virus never goes away.
and nothing of value was lost
>0.02 rubles have been deposited into your account
its not trump, its literal idiots. trumps job is just to keep people calm so the union doesnt dissolve. corona is beyond stopping at this point. it was the moment china sent out infected to every country it could.
trump is lying yes. as he probably should, to hold the country together
the idiots who arent being paid who are everywhere saying its just a flu bro are absolute morons.
>the worst plague earth has ever seen
Combination of the Wu Flu (California after all is run by literal retards who just let a whole bunch of carriers into the country because they think its racist to screen or turn them away), many of the big guys leaving E3 to host their show by themselves, and the people running E3 deciding to diversify by pulling in stupid non-game crap into the primary lineup for some reason.
I'd argue that the black plague was worse.
The thing is, Corona is quite infectious, but has an above-average rate of infected induviduals with low-level or non-existent symptoms, which makes it hard to pin down and track infected vs death rates accurately.
>y-you guys its not trump telling us to stay its THEM
>I-I mean trump IS lying to us but we need to be lied to, THEY want you to panic
nice mental gymnastics
E3 couldn't even do cringe right for several years now.
Depends on when the coronavirus stuff is settled. They have until May at best to decide.
This won't be over any time soon. The last flu pandemic we had lasted over a year and there 60 million infected in the US. The mortality rate was only 0.02% so it was a nothingburger, but corona is going to spread like that with a mortality rate hundreds of times higher.