Tifa? More like Titfa

Tifa? More like Titfa.
Thank you, Square. You have redeemed yourselves.

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always thought materia was bigger

like apple sized

You guys are fucking idiots. They just moved her tit polygons up a little bit, they're the same size, they're just not drooping as much

>*Square did fucking nothing*
>Thank you, Square!
Based retard

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I did too until I watched Advent Children.

moved my dick polygons up a little bit

The special materia in the game is, like Black Materia

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Yeah. Tifas tits need to be at least double the size. Maybe Nomura will implement a plastic surgery hospital for CD 2 or 3. If you pre order you can plastic up her ass and lips aswell. Hire me, Square. I'll make your trainwreck game worthwhile.

yeah i remember the holy materia bouncing around

that was smaller though

maybe i'm retarded

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I want to know how they get round, when "natural" materia shown in the game just looks like crystals. Wouldn't chipping it down into a sphere weaken it?

They didn't change anything. It's just the lighting & perspective.

Wow, so they really listened to the fucking manchildren complaining about fucking titties.
Wow. Just wow.

>Tifas tits need to be at least double the size.
kill yourself

Yes, I am right and you are wrong you little bitch. I am the king of Final Fantasy 7 and I know Tifas tits better than anyone. Better than you, better than this board and better than anyone alive in general. Even Nomura himself has no fucking idea what he's talking about. He's trash.
Tifas tita need to be double the size, end of the story you dumb casual.

no, you idiot.
they decided not to listen to the whining SJWs, faggots, trannies, and flatchested whores.
they kept her as she originally was.

>Changes absolutely nothing
>"Thank you Square, I am ready to give you my money now, and everyone reading this thread should give Square money too. This is not a shill thread"

Materia can change sizes.

Now i will buy your game.


Is left before, and right after? I'm glad they listened if so. Listen to your audience, not a bunch of fags.

face was updated? now she looks less like a pornstar

Its the same scene retard

Every Resetera fag on here will die off Coronavirus.

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I havent touced the FF7R demo yet because I want it to be a authentic experience. I keep seeing threads on Yas Forums crying about it. please dont tell me its bad. I've already bought the $329 edition.

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Flat chested bitch is flat. Yuck.

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>I've already bought the $329 edition.
absolutely based

her boobs are downgraded

Do you know the good thing about this remake coming out? SFM porn will be amazing. Fuck the remake but the porn yes i will COOOM a lot in spite of this shitty remake.

Reminder that she's been huge ever since E3, but people nitpicked frontal shots to claim she was nerfed.

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How the fuck could you possibly make this thread and not feel embarrassed at what you've written?

>not waiting for best version AKA PC version to fix all the censor that SE will have in this game
I hope you regret it, user

>I've already bought the $329 edition.
SE: Good good another sale...call the other jews this is gonna be good!

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Tifa is built for BBM

pretty much

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Shame about the gameplay and retarded schoolgirl outfit.

B cup Tifa is cute. CUTE.

I'm a 37 year old man who could afford to buy several comfortable, and am excited as all hell for this remake, but that collector's edition is trash and anyone who shelled out for it is a fucking moron.

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that's my fetish, I need sauce


i hate weeb trannies

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left = soul
right = soulless


damn she big

>not titfat


Vaginas? Pornhub.com

Kids can trace over pictures too, user, but that doesnt make them good artists.


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better get your eyes checked

Why did they make her so ugly?

get laid

Og was ugly too

yeah, thanks user, I found it myself but thanks anyway.

if you think those are small bobs then you havent seen a real woman ever.

I'm already working on it with the Jessie and Cloud models. Wait for it

thank you user.

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she looks like a mannequin lol absolutely soulless

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you tried

I'm a triple moron then, because i bought 3. One for me, one to keep sealed and one for my fiance.

By being a man with no mental illnesses or hormone disorders.

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look at that face how can you deny she is absolutely emotionless and boring to look at
how they managed to make her more appealing with 24 polygons is crazy


Funny thing is, people on this board probably would dislike you buying one for a woman more then one go leave sealed. Such is the way of Yas Forums

are you just NTfag regurgitating things people say about her?


They look better on the left desu
They seem fake on the right, unless she's just midstep or something

>how they managed to make her more appealing with 24 polygons is crazy

Because you were 12 at the time, and your imagination was filling in the blanks. You're literally "Old Good, New Bad".
