"Final" Fantasy

>"Final" Fantasy
>there are 15 of them

Attached: Final Fantasy.jpg (1400x1400, 206.94K)

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Don't be a git. You know why it's called that.

Lot more than that, chum

There’s a lot more than that

I only know why it's called Final Fantasy because of a G4TV Icons episode that I watched about 15 years ago.

>Final "Fantasy"
>It's sci fi

Why is it called that

>Final "Fantasy"
>it takes place in modern time

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>he thinks there's only 15 of them

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It was originally intended to be Square's last project, as they were going bankrupt. They didn't expect it to do good and spawn a franchise.

>Legendary Black Dragon
>it's purple

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it was square's last effort at a successful IP before they folded.

Icons was a good show

Seriously? Because SquareSoft was about to close its doors and FF was their last hoorah but then the game saved the company from bankruptcy.

That's bullshit, they just wanted to call it "Fighting Fantasy" but it was already taken by some board game or something



It's hardly a secret. It comes up everytime a new one pops up because there is always someone making that cute 'final' joke.

>literally has something called "Magic"
>sci fi


>he doesn't know the history behind the Colecovision
fucking embarrassing

When Final Fantasy 2 came out, people made this joke, that’s how old it is, you weren’t even alive.

Then enlighten me, because I could've sworn that was the reason.

This post is not going to age well.

>Final "Fantasy"
>it's about a group of homeless guys, living out of their car, and eating ramen

Attached: ffxv.jpg (633x356, 39.19K)

>he thinks there are only fifteen

Not going to lie, I can't really get into XV because of that. VIII threw me off with that, too.

Final Fantasy 16: This Time It's Personal
Final Fantasy 17: The Resurrection
Final Fantasy 18: With A Vengeance
Too Final Too Fantasy
2 Final 2 Fantasy
The Final Fantasy

More like 40

>Duke Nukem
>no nukes

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>"Dragon" Quest
>You always fight against the demon lord at the end and dragons are just mid level enemies

>Final Fantasy
>there's sequels to the "final" fantasies

Final also means ultimate,Final Fantasy sounds way better than ultimate fantasy

You literally nuke every level at the end by pressing the switches

>Final Fantasy X
>barely any good X-rated content out there

Attached: excalibur.png (680x750, 134.61K)

Because nearly every numbered title revolves around the end of an age, the final fantasy of the world the protagonists have known.

>Final Fantasy XXX

Go to bed, grandpa fatty.

It was going to be called Fighting Fantasy but that was copywrited so they changed fighting to another F word because they liked the FF abbreviation.
Some also say it’s because Sakaguchi thought it might be his last game and he’d quit the games industry if it failed but I don’t know how true that is.

Wait. Are you serious? I've believed this for 20 years

I am a grandfather and I'm overweight so that's pretty funny.

Final fantasy 16: Let's get this started
Final fantasy 16a: Time to really get this started
Final fantasy 16b: We're going to get this started right now
>Final fantasy 16c: Here we go it's starting
>Final fantasy 16c2: The starter broke we need to wait a minute

Guess you could say it was all just a fantasy :^)

You can't do this to me. I've believed this most of my life

it's a wide-spread myth, actually. well known in Japan too.

Noooooooo. I can't. You are lying

>tfw you won't be alive to see Final Fantasy 30 get released

>G4tv icons
God damn that brought back some memories I had forgotten

Just 25 more years and it'll be out

8 doesn't count. It's clearly a different planet. The interior of houses and their TVs look like nothing you can find on earth. That's why I always liked 8. The cities look modern, but still alien. It's just good scifi.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 28.42K)

>Mother 3
>main character has 0 mothers

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>modern time
Literally no FF game takes place in the modern world. They are all either fantasy past or fantasy future.

XV is a weird anachronistic mess. There's smartphones and airships, but most of the world is a fucking wasteland. The whole world has maybe 4 modern cities.


Thank god for that autist who is compiling a shitload of old G4 shows on youtube.

Attached: YGGC.jpg (600x772, 68.14K)

Because every single one of them is an alternate universe created by Garland's Imagination except for the first one, where you kill Garland

This. Everything looks so play full and alien but familiar at the same time. Even though the story is crazy, 8 still has perfect music and art direction.

Last story could also have worked.

Don't listen to this idiot talking out of his ass Uematsu himself confirmed that it was make or break for the company


A catchy name is half the marketing battle. It's will known now by anyone who isn't a fucking zoomer than all main line FFs have nothing to do with each other besides direct sequels to said number like X-2 is a continuation of X. And that's how it should stay. It gives the games an incredible amount of freedom to do whatever they want with a setting or story, hell now even battle systems. Even if SE barely capitalizes on it. I really hate those fag YouTubers trying to toe the games together in a official multiverse. Marvel ruined everything.

>people think that the remake that has THIS FUCKING song dedicated to a minigame won't be fucking amazing

It's GOTY.

The thing about Square Enix closing its doors is a myth. They were in financial troubles, but the reason why they named it Final Fantasy is that they wanted the abbreviation for the series to be "FF" since it sounded nice and would more easily be advertised through word of mouth

Is FF7 worth playing with the retranslation patch or is it some guy’s fanfiction