This was peak Resistance

I want a Resistance 4

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This was peak single-player FPS for the seventh gen in general

Shame Resistance 2 was so trash it essentially destroyed any long-term hope for the series

R2 was fine for a single playthrough but my lord I never bothered to finish my second one. Perfectly placed weapons, absolutely terrible bosses and the invisible fucks ruined it. Even R1 with its dated controls is much more fun.

>This was peak single-player FPS for the seventh gen in general

i agree 100% the campaign was so fucking underrated

>still not playable on RPCS3
that hurts, imagine playing this 4k60fps.

>hating on 2

Yas Forums is irredeemable trash.

Nah R3 was trying too hard to be a cinematic CoD campaign. The part where you blow up that guy's head with the exploding revolver bullet was pretty awesome though.

>Getting tired
>About to go to bed
>Resistance thread pops up

Just before I hit the hay I'll just say singleplayer: 1 & 3 the best, Multiplayer: 1 & 2 the best.

Resistance 2 was literally call of dooty

Resistance 2 multiplayer was absolute kino. Both the competitive 60 player mode and the coop were awesome.

>Two-weapon limit
>Regenerating health instead of the partial regenerating health system from the first game.
>Pretty much Call of Duty with aylmaos
>Difficulty was complete bullshit.

Your taste is irredeemable trash. The only thing good about it was the great co-op mode.

If you were an OG fan of R:FoM you'd also be disappointed in how they practically changed it into a CoD clone.

Gotta agree R3 was the peak of 7th gen shooters. Varied weapons, engaging single player, and good multiplayer. Loved that shit

>Terrible bosses
>Two weapon limit
>Changing the perfect health system from the first to generic fully regenerating crap
>Visually inconsistent as all hell
>Co-op was actually unfinished (it took a good half a year before the game was updated so Stalkers actually moved around in levels)

Nu-Yas Forums is disgusting

You can't even digitally download R3 anymore at least in europe legally. The physical disc gonna get pricey at some point I imagine.

There is definitely space for another considering the end of 3 since all Capelli did was stop the pure chimera crossing over and destroyed their terraforming machine. While whats left of humanity is now immune to the Chimera virus, there is still a huge number of Chimera left on Earth.

So you're saying the change was for the better? oh man...

Resistance 3 is pretty good, but it's hilarious how much of a blatent Half-life 2 rip-off it is. Seriously follows the same exact story beats and everything, down to fighting zombies in a old town alongside a preacher for fucks sake.

and it does all of that better than HL2 itself

Its been a while since I played it, so you might be right. Doubt there's any chance the games will be ported to PC, but here's hoping. I wouldn't mind replaying them again with the exception of 2. Two can go fuck itself. That game was miserable to play.

Hard disagree.
Peak resistance was R2’s coop mode.

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I don't understand why so much hate for 2. Sure they made the game like a cod clone but it's not that bad, I still had a lot of fun playing the singleplayer mode.

Both coop and competitive multiplayer, though the first one also had some fun multi as well.

they squandered their own setting. there were not nearly enough unique 1940s-aesthetic-with-alien-tech guns.

2 was less fun than the others. Not a bad game. Just not as fun compared to them.

Not that user, but I actually want to replay the campaign, but I'm postponing it till I get a navi controller to get the full PS move experience (tm).

Not him but that's a pretty fair opinion

>Tfw chilling in glitch lobbies in coop with 7 friends fucking around and managing to climb up to the tallest alien sky scrapers or running around the roofs of Chicago glitching up onto balconies and in the apartments
Best game experience of my life to this day

who the fuck cares about the campaign. R2 excelled in its multiplayer. 8 player coop was one of the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had

I would've been more forgiving towards R2 if it had kept the weapon wheel.


1: is fucking COOP gold
2: is CoD but that ending sequence holy fuck that entire game was worth it JUST for that
3: the best yes but MAN was it sad. that fucking part on the train hurts

Anyone play the PSP Resistance? I loved that game when I was younger. Not the Vita one.

R3's ending and general tone hit even harder when I read Insomniac weren't going to continue the Resistance franchise. It was really depressing, like the of an era.

Retribution was so good, shame it was made for the shitty psp, a second stick would have made the game even better. Burning Skies was more than decent, never understood the hate.

I think this is a good game series

>like the of an era.
*like the end of an era

Okay, I'm going to bed. Going to read this thread tomorrow, have a nice one dudes.

anyone else got a half life 2 feel from this game?

I'm gonna spam cp so that this thread is deleted so you can't read it tomorrow.

yea, it really hurts that was a KINO game, but I think all the hate on 2 isnt really accurate it was still fun, the ending for Hale felt really well done and the MP was awesome

I had amazing graphics for a PSP game, truly technically impressive, plus it had that really impressive gimmick that made the game play entirely differently when linked to a PS3.

If I remember correctly you could connect a dualshock controller but that did kinda defeat the purpose of it being a PSP game

That whole sequence where you disable those drones in that raider camp, and the Chimera come in and fuck shit up was awesome.

>the ending for Hale felt really well done

The ending was the only genuinely good part about that campaign

Yeah infected mode! It gave you an alternate storyline and new weapons once connected. Really a great concept

>now that Sony owns Insomniac and Killzone is dead we might get more Resistance
Shit would be great.

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It's dead, let it rest for fuck's sake.

One of the best live action trailers.

You needed to connect the psp to a ps3 with R2 booted up. You gained health regen but lost autoaim I think, just tried it once years ago.

>That game was miserable to play.

Agreed. It was jank as fuck, and even the plot was super depressing. I've tried playing through it a couple of times, and I always stall out at around the same point due to burnout.

Was it any good?

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2 being jank as fuck is what made it so much fun, 30v30 in a janky map with janky mechanics was hilariously fun

That moment when you gain that crazy power was so awesome it really felt well built up to it, its strange how the story was great but the gameplay was a downgrade


>that battleship map

R3 was so kino it should be illegal

I would argue it was an objectively poorly designed game in pretty much every aspect but much more fun if you didn't take it too seriously

The french chick was so hot, plus all the added lore was neat. Great game.

Objectively better than 2.

I started R2 but gave up within 2 missions as I was just not enjoying it at all, should I consider giving it a second chance before I go to R3?

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I was 10 when fall of man came out and the part where you go to the chimera facility in Grimsby still freaks me the fuck out to this day. Especially those fucking chimera technicians. Absolutely kino game.

3 > Retribution > 1 > 2 > Burning Skies

BS is a little underrated and the multiplayer was surprisingly fun while it lasted. 2 is definitely the weakest of the trilogy, but I still liked it. 3 and Retribution are the GOATs. I have a soft spot for FoM considering it was one of my first PS3 games and introduction into the series.

No, not really, just know this: Nathan Hale dies at the end of R2 after succumbing to Chimera infection and being executed by his subordinate, Joseph Cappelli. The US government collapses and Cappelli deffects to join a small community in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and try to build a family with Nathan Hale's sister. Also, before collapsing, the US government managed to develop a vaccine for the Chimera virus and immunized the rest of the population before crumbling. In R3 the Chimera are terraforming Earth and gradually lowering global temperatures to facilitate mass colonization, also for some reason entire swaths of Chimera became feral and are wreaking havoc across the areas developed by the Civilized Chimera. R2 basically details the whole shitshow as teh Chimera gradually defeat the defense systems put up by North America and take over the entire continent.

Reminder that if you were wraith jumper in 2 you were faggot